スペインのAMBER Marketin Research, MSD 製薬会社によるhabitos sexuales y uso de anticonceptivos entre las mujeres y los profesionales sanitarioas en Espanya 2012、2012年のスペインの女性や医療関係者の性交習慣と避妊対さくの報告によると、3'200にんの意見収集で、半分の女性は性交行為を活発にすることが重要と考え、1/3の女性は性交行為は8/10の満足度。77%は避妊対策を実行。避妊やくコンドームなど。
Las mujeres españolas valoran sus relaciones sexuales con un ocho sobre 10
Un 77% reconoce que utiliza habitualmente algún tipo de anticonceptivo
El anticonceptivo perfecto no existe
El 6% de las parejas heterosexuales no usa ningún método anticonceptivo
Los dispositivos anticonceptivos causan más trombos que las pastillas
Paloma Marín 14 DIC 2012 - 22:29 CET
Spanish women value their sex with eight out of 10
77% recognized that commonly used some form of contraception
The no perfect contraceptive
The 6% of heterosexual couples do not use any contraceptive method
Contraceptive devices cause more clots than pills
Paloma Marin 14 DIC 2012 - 22:29 CET
Almost half of women between 23 and 49 years considered very important to maintain an active sex life and a third part is very satisfied with their experiences, evaluating them with an eight on average, on a scale of one to 10. These are part of the survey results published in Habits, (sexual behavior and contraceptive use among women and health professionals in Spain 2012), conducted by the Marketing Research and AMBER consultant commissioned by the pharmaceutical MSD.
To carry out the study, 3,200 women were interviewed, of which 300 are female health professionals, among which gynecologists, nurses, doctors and midwives.
Of all the women surveyed, 77% said that usually used some form of contraception. The most commonly used by the general population are the pill and condoms, while for health, as well as condoms, are vaginal ring first, followed by the IUD and the pill.
The study emphasizes that there is a direct relationship between the different lifestyles and the choice of a contraceptive. The two reasons that drive women to use are effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies and comfort.
The reasons that drive women to use contraceptives are the efficiency and convenience
Dr. Lete, head of gynecology Santiago Hospital in Vitoria, who has served as coordinator of the survey, explained that "the differences between the choice of one method or another, between the two groups, is largely due to health that have a greater degree of knowledge about the different types of birth control. "
Besides Lete, also attended the presentation of the work, Dr. Pérez Campos, chief of gynecology Requena General Hospital, Valencia. This has put the spotlight on that despite the "obvious progress that has been made around contraception, there remain large gaps, false beliefs and myths respect to this issue," hence the urging of health to well to inform patients about contraceptives. "
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