El aborto sube un 5% en un año de crisis
118.359 mujeres interrumpieron su embarazo en 2011, primero con ley de plazos
Se dispara entre las mayores de 30
Los expertos apuntan a factores socioeconómicos
El Gobierno sostiene que un hijo indeseado no daña a la mujer
La modificación de la ley del aborto aleja a España de Europa
Pocas intervenciones por anomalías fetales muy graves
María R. Sahuquillo Madrid 21 DIC 2012 - 22:35 CET
The abortion goes up 5% in a year of crisis
118 359 women terminated their pregnancies in 2011, first time grading
It fires between age 30
Experts point to socioeconomic factors
The Government argues that an unwanted child is not harms women
The modification of the law of abortion away to Spain in Europe
Few interventions for serious fetal abnormalities
Maria R. Sahuquillo Madrid 21 DIC 2012 - 22:35 CET
In 2011, 118 359 women terminated their pregnancies in Spain, 4.7% more than the previous year. Available balance is the first full year of the law of time (July 2010), comes after a few years of decline or stability, and on the eve of the reform is known with which the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz -Gallardón, wants to end the right of women to terminate their pregnancies freely during the first 14 weeks of gestation. After growth, which predicted the most conservative and blamed the law promoted by the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, experts see the ghost of socioeconomic status, fewer centers to advise pregnant women, less money for birth control and fewer resources to raise children.
Ruiz-Gallardón preparing an imminent reform legislation
The profile of the woman who aborts underpins this argument somewhat. The practice of this intervention has exploded among the largest in 30 years, according to the Ministry of Health made public yesterday. Especially in the group of those who are between 35 and 39, the age at motherhood right now is booming. This is a fact that draws attention to the CSIC demographer Margarita Delgado. "Before, the increase was mainly in young women," he says. In 2011, the number of abortions per thousand women aged 15 to 19 increased by 7.55% over the previous year, compared to an increase of 11.61% in the group of those aged between 35 and 39. It is, moreover, mostly women matched-the 41.89% - and with children.
It seems that the situation does not help women to become mothers. Increases birth abortions and falls-other years, however, rose births. 470 553 children born in 2011, 3% less than the previous year (and 9.2% less than in 2008), according to data from the National Statistics Institute.
The economic situation in Spain is also felt in the radiograph of Health data: 23.13% of women who had abortions in 2011 was unemployed. A percentage than in 2008, before the crisis blew deep into Spain, was 15.04%. The data is significant, but must be viewed with caution: there are more unemployed women who have abortions, but also much more unemployment.
The 23% who resigned to become mothers was unemployed
However, Javier Martinez tells Salman, head of Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital Severo Ochoa de Leganés (Madrid), it is still something revealing and shows that the surge in abortions has to do with the crisis. "Increase in unwanted pregnancies, and in the current situation women put on the table the factors of his life and some choose to postpone motherhood" he says. Delgado agrees: "All indications are that, with the relaxation of controls contraceptives, and having a pregnancy, it could be more by opting to terminate pregnancy," explains demographer, reluctant even, in this first analysis, to blame radically the data to the crisis.
In fact, 89.6% of women who had abortions in 2011 forward no reason to, as stated in the law of sexual and reproductive health, which came into force in July 2010 - during the first 14 weeks of gestation. From that time, the woman must declare health risks (through week 22) or fetal malformations (without term). However, as is clear from the data, are very early abortions: almost 95% was performed before the 12th week. A very similar figure, says Isabel Serrano, a gynecologist and a member of the Federation of Family Planning, that of most European Union countries, where the law of deadlines majority.
The cuts have affected campaigns and planning centers
"It is clear that pregnant women not to abort. Proof of this is that besides attending abortion centers as soon as possible, "says Luisa Torres, social worker and clinical Dator spokesman in Madrid. The expert notes that economic factors are still one of the conditions of its decision, above all, on the most vulnerable. "Although the unemployment problem is not unique. There are many reasons as women who have abortions. It is quite personal, "he says.
Serrano was not alarmed at the increasing number of abortions. Nor Salman, which suggests that the increase may also be due to the new standard, which funds through public health interventions have surfaced previously hidden data. In addition, impact, not the year in which most growth: from 2006 to 2007, this intervention increased 9.4%. "Spain now has a rate very similar or even lower than that of other European countries," the gynecologist. In Spain, the number of abortions per thousand women of childbearing age is 12.44. In France or Britain in 17, according to the World Health Organization.
For these experts, the rally has nothing to do with the ability of women to choose their own maternity collects current regulation. "The laws do not change abortion rates in the short term. There may be economic, and now more than ever, but many also interrupt their pregnancy if they were in another situation, "says Francisca Garcia, vice president of the Association of Accredited Abortion Clinics Pregnancy. This expert blames, above all, to lack of prevention programs. "2010 law had sections on sexual education that have not been developed and that influences" he says. A view shared by the gynecologist Isabel Serrano - spokesman Decide platform also makes us free - criticizing the "resistance" of the regional governments of the Partido Popular in the effective implementation of these measures.
Sex education and contraception. Because 24% of women who had abortions in 2011 had already had a previous abortion. And because nearly 32 of which terminated their pregnancies did not use any contraception. A further proportion is similar among the largest and among the youngest. In 2011, 14,586 girls under 20 terminated their pregnancies, 455 of them were under 15.
"There are many reasons as women who have abortions," says social worker Torres
"Prevention, either in terms of contraception and sexual health is the major unresolved. Not taken any steps to prevent unwanted pregnancy and that violates the law, you should take care that collected sexual health. However, the lack of information we find is tremendous. Also the lack of resources, "argues Torres. Serrano emphasizes that there are fewer centers about contraception and family planning. "The lack of resources for the crisis is also playing a key role," he says.
The Ministry of Health does not analyze the data. Its owner, Ana Mato, just has ruled on the healthcare provision that is occupying his counterpart of Justice. When has intervened, has been to argue that the Government will legislate to try to get women who want to be mothers would be independent of the "social pressures, economic or family." Despite this, it has not taken any further action. Nor to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
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