
スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した魚介類冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの破産管理人のDeloitteは、債権銀行と、運転資金5500万0000ユーロの融資について最終協議。債権銀行は Bankia, Sbadell,Popular,NovaCaixaGalicia Banco,Caixa Bank.(Santander,BBVA,Bankinter,Deustche Bank,Royal Bank of Scotland.)


スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した魚介類冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの破産管理人のDeloitteは、債権銀行と、運転資金5500万0000ユーロの融資について最終協議。債権銀行は Bankia, Sbadell,Popular,NovaCaixaGalicia Banco,Caixa Bank.(Santander,BBVA,Bankinter,Deustche Bank,Royal Bank of Scotland.)

Deloitte y la banca ultiman el crédito de 55 millones para socorrer a Pescanova

La marca se establece como aval y la inyección de liquidez se destinará a financiar circulante

EP MADRID 4 JUN 2013 - 14:13 CET

Deloitte and banking credit finalized 55 million to aid Pescanova

The brand is established as collateral and liquidity will fund current

MADRID EP 4 JUN 2013 - 14:13 CET

Deloitte, administrator of Pescanova, and banking tops the last fringes of urgent loan of 55 million euros for Pescanova expected to be signed on Friday, as reported by sources familiar with the process. In fact, the consultant meets Tuesday with members of the extinct banks stering committe (Bankia, Sabadell, Popular, NCG Banco and CaixaBank) that will support this infusion of capital in order to jointly analyze the operating conditions, including possibility of using the brand Pescanova and Chapela headquarters as collateral.
Also be added to this infusion of capital Santander, BBVA and Bankinter, in addition to Deutsche Bank, also a member of the hard core funders of the company with Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which in turn has withdrawn its initial intention to succor the multinational fisheries. After several meetings, banking and Deloitte have agreed that this credit note 'express' is crucial to the continuity of the firm, which looks like, for now, go away liquidation scenario.
Thus, the granting of this credit is subject to the following conditions: Pescanova brand endorsement is set to execute the operation and liquidity will fund working capital and will be considered a privileged debt with an interest rate of Euribor plus 4% until end of year.
Thus banks, which likely contribute to this credit an amount proportional to the debt, preference will charge to recover the money, vital to tackle the daily management of the company and vendor payments or payroll, and they appear to outside the company's bank debt, which is around € 3,004 million, divided among a hundred entities.
The request for liquidity by the new managers of the company are used primarily to pay providers overseas subsidiaries, especially in Argentina and Chile.
Asset disposals
Once signed this credit, Deloitte address the debt refinancing, without excluding divestitures of certain assets or bank entry in its capital.
Spanish banking concentrates most of the debt, the head Sabadell (222 million euros), People (165 500 000), Novagalicia Bank (161 580 000), CaixaBank (157 440 000) and Bankia ( 126 million).
Specifically, according to the same sources said, the bank debt would exceed 3,000 million euros, of which 1,900 correspond to its parent company and other subsidiaries, both Spanish (400 million) and foreign (about 700 million). To this amount, add also some 375 million euros relating to bond issues.
On the other hand, the regional government announced last week that will make a financial contribution to the fishing company to be around four million euros to provide liquidity to the Spanish multinational.

スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した魚介類冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの破産管理人のDeloitteは、債権銀行と、運転資金5500万0000ユーロの融資について最終協議。債権銀行は Bankia, Sbadell,Popular,NovaCaixaGalicia Banco,Caixa Bank.(Santander,BBVA,Bankinter,Deustche Bank,Royal Bank of Scotland.)


MADRID EP4 JUN 2013 - 午後2時13分CET
また、また、ドイツ銀行、順番にその最初の意図を取り下げたロイヤル·バンク·オブ·スコットランド(RBS)と同社のハードコア資金提供者のメンバーに加えて、資本サンタンデール、BBVAとBankinterのこの注入に追加することが多国籍の漁業を援助する。いくつかの会合の後、銀行、デロイトは、このクレジットメモ '急行'今のところ、清算シナリオを離れて行く、のように見える会社の継続に不可欠であることに合意しました。
スペインの銀行は、債務のほとんどを集中し、頭サバデル(2.22億ユーロ)、人(165 500 000)、Novagalicia銀行(161 580 000)、CaixaBank(157 440 000)とBankia( 1.26億)。

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