
スペインの2013年1月ー3月の労働賃金は、2012年の同時期と比べて0'3%減少、2012年10月ー12月には3'5%減少。スペイン国立統計院:INE(el Instituto Nacional de Estadistica)による


スペインの2013年1月ー3月の労働賃金は、2012年の同時期と比べて0'3%減少、2012年10月ー12月には3'5%減少。スペイン国立統計院:INE(el Instituto Nacional de Estadistica)による

Los costes salariales suman su segundo trimestre a la baja aunque frenan su caída

El índice del INE arroja un descenso del 0,3% entre enero y marzo, por debajo del 3,5% anterior

El País Madrid 10 JUN 2013 - 10:04 CET

Wage costs add their second quarter though slowing down his fall

The INE index shows a drop of 0.3% between January and March, down from 3.5% previously

The Country Madrid 10 JUN 2013 - 10:04 CET

The adjustment process are suffering wages in Spain continued during the first quarter of the year, albeit at a slower pace. According to data released this morning by the National Statistics Institute (INE), the Harmonised Labour Cost Index (ICLA) recorded a fall of 0.3% in the first quarter compared with the same period in 2012. With these developments, the cost per hour worked maintains negative rates after closing last year with a record decline.
The index suffered in the fourth quarter of 2012 fell by 3.5% in seasonally adjusted terms and timetable, ie once equated weekdays. This figure, the INE has shifted upwards with respect to the initial announcement, is the biggest drop of the indicator of the historical series, which starts in 2000. The index recorded two consecutive quarters down from the third quarter of 2010.
The largest decreases in wage costs accounted education (-3.9%) and health activities (-4.4%). On the flip side, increase costs in the extractive industries (+8.6%), electricity supply (+6.8%) and artistic activities (+5.6%).
Beyond labor costs, the wage remuneration package suffered a record drop in the fourth quarter of 2012, a decrease of 8.5%. The contrast with the businesses and freelancers surplus, which rose 1.4%, was remarkable. To the extent that business income for the first time exceeded the wage in the distribution of wealth relative to GDP.
Collective agreements
Another fact that shows the downward trend of wages in collective agreements. Until May, workers and media companies agreed on a rise of 0.63%, which is five tenths above the April figure (0.58%). However, this slight recovery is insufficient to achieve that wages do not lose purchasing power in 2013 after suffering its worst developments since 1982 in these terms. In fact, inflation in the first four five months of the year was 1.7%, according to the INE.
The average wage increase the first five months of the year (0.63%) slightly exceeds the recommendations of the national agreement on Collective Bargaining (ANC) that arranged unions and employers for the period 2012-2014 was 0.60%.
Together with the data of the wage increase, employment statistics also show that in the month of May there were 252 agreements derogations, affecting 8,624 workers. Accumulated in the first five months of the year, the sags are 1,165 registered by the labor authorities, with effects on nearly 81,000 workers. These data show that doubling the number of affected, which is attributable to the same phenomenon of adjustment of working conditions.



カントリーマドリード10 JUN 2013 - 10:04 CET
人件費以外にも、賃金報酬パッケージは、2012年の第四四半期の記録的な低下、8.5%の減少に見舞われた。 1.4%増の企業やフリーランサーの黒字とは対照的に、顕著であった。初めての事業所得はGDP比富の分配で賃金を超えた範囲で。

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