



Castellano revela que un exdirectivo le propuso cobrar indemnización y seguir

El presidente de Novagalicia hizo esta revelación en su declaración como testigo ante el juez Ismael Moreno

El País Santiago 16 NOV 2012 - 14:15 CET

Castilian exdirectivo reveals that he proposed to charge compensation and follow

Novagalicia president made ​​this revelation in his statement as a witness before Judge Ismael Moreno

The Country Santiago 16 NOV 2012 - 14:15 CET

NCG Bank President, José María Castilian, revealed today that the former director of the real estate group, Gregory Gorriarán, proposed liquidate its contract and collect your judgment, without detail it, and nevertheless continue in the state with the responsibilities that came flaunting.
Castilian made this revelation in his statement today as a witness before the National Court Judge Ismael Moreno for the case of four exdirectivos severance packages, as reported EFE. In his speech said that shortly before becoming the President communicated only to the then director general, Jose Luis Pego, he had not, as institutional investors interested in the entity changes in the direction desired by the poor condition of the bank .
Instead, they were Gregorio Gorriarán, Oscar Rodriguez Estrada and Javier García de Paredes those who communicated their desire to leave the group at one time or another in the summer of 2011, without his knowledge in any case the releases millionaires to those entitled , according to legal sources. The president of NCG Banco considered during his deposition that although a report endorsed Lawyers Sagardoy the entity must pay 18.91 million euros, these amounts are not 'ethical' or 'reasonable' given the situation of the institution, which was nationalized in September 2011.

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The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor argues that, using the fusion of Caixanova and Caixa Galicia, José Luis Pego, Gregory Gorriarán, Oscar Rodriguez Estrada and Javier García de Paredes changed their senior management contracts between October and December 2010 to prepare for his departure, with which charged EUR 18.91 million, of which 7.87 million should be returned. Garcia de Paredes received 5.66 million, of which according Anticorruption should return almost all while Pego gained 7.73 million and 1.44 million must repay; Gorriarán Gregorio pocketed 4.83 million and must pay 913,602 euros and Oscar Rodriguez Estrada won 691,261 euros, of which 260,940 are not euros.
The four were charged with unfair administration or, alternatively, for misappropriation, a result of the charge filed against them and Anticorruption excopresidente Novacaixagalicia against Julio Fernandez Gayoso, cooperating as necessary. During his testimony as a witness, the president of NCG Banco explained that his contract has no shields as those with four exdirectivos since rightful collecting an annuity in case of dismissal.



サンティアゴ16 NOV 2012 - 14:15 CET
キャステリャは報告EFEとして、4 exdirectivosの退職パッケージの場合のための国家裁判所判事イスマエル·モレノ前に証人として、今日の彼の声明の中で、この啓示を作りました。演説の中で、機関投資家が銀行の劣悪な状態で所望の方向にエンティティの変更に興味としてまもなくホセ·ルイス·ゴ、その後、事務局長にのみ伝え大統領になる前に、彼はいなかったと言った
代わりに、彼らはグレゴリオGorriarán、オスカー·ロドリゲスエストラーダとハビエル·ガルシア·デ題するものにどのような場合でもリリースが億万長者に彼の知識がなくても、2011年の夏に一度や二度はグループを脱退する意志を伝えた人々をパレだった、法律上の情報源による。 NCGバンコの社長は、報告書は弁護士サガルドイ実体が1891万ユーロを支払わなければならない承認したが、これらの金額は、金融機関の状況与えられた "倫理的"または "合理的"ではないことを彼の堆積時に考慮その2011年9月に国有化された。

4必要に応じて協力して、彼らとフリオ·フェルナンデスGayosoに対する汚職excopresidente Novacaixagaliciaに対して提出電荷の結果、不正流用のために、あるいは、不当な政権で起訴またはされた。証人として証言中、NCGバンコの社長は正当では解雇の場合に年金を集めて以来、彼の契約は4 exdirectivos含むものなどない盾を持っていないことを説明した。

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