Más de 500 jefes de servicio rechazan el cambio del régimen de hospitales
En una carta enviada al consejero afirman que tienen “todas las razones” para dudar de la efectividad de las medidas
Emilio de Benito Madrid 23 NOV 2012 - 13:09 CET
More than 500 service chiefs reject regime change hospitals
In a letter to the director say they have "every reason" to doubt the effectiveness of measures
Emilio de Benito Madrid 23 NOV 2012 - 13:09 CET
The change of the decision of the Ministry of Health of Madrid on the fate of the hospital of La Princesa is not enough. So I think 576 department heads and unit public schools in the community who have sent a letter to Javier Fernandez-Lasquetty counselor about it. In the letter, the signatories say they want to show their "deep concern about the proposed changes" in the plan, which includes the change in direction of Carlos III and the privatization of the management of six centers, and asking "withdrawal".
The signatories claim that "the plan has been developed without any contact with those who will be most affected by its predictable consequences, citizens, and professionals involved with," which, according to them, "shows a lack of consideration and respect professionals ".
But it is not a matter of form. Professionals, reiterating the level of quality achieved in schools, claiming that "radical change" in the management model proposed "no prior evidence or guarantee that it will be a real savings for citizens." "We have every reason to keep doubts about the effectiveness of this measure, which seems risky, uncertain and risky by" they say.
Therefore reiterate "the rejection of the plan package" and ask "dialog before generating new tensions."
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