Las operaciones en efectivo de más de 2.500 euros están prohibidas desde hoy
Entra en vigor la limitación de pagos en metálico incluida en la ley antifraude. La sanción asciende al 25% del pago en efectivo.
Los bienes en el extranjero de más de 50.000 euros deben declararse
J. S. GONZALEZ Madrid 19 NOV 2012 - 11:16 CET
From today are banned cash transactions over 2,500 euros when a businessman involved in them. This limitation is included in the law of fraud approved last October 30. The standard term 20 days left to entrepreneurs and small businesses to adjust to the new requirement.
The government has banned cash transactions over 2,500 euros to try to limit tax evasion following the experience of other countries such as France and Italy. The limitation does not apply to payments and receipts made with banks and credit institutions. The Fraud Act reduces the limitation to 15,000 euros for foreigners to promote tourism.
Those who fail to do so face fines of up to 25% of the cash payment to be satisfied jointly by both the payer and the payee. It thus allows the government can claim the fines involved either. The new law provides that fraud should save receipts and receipts for five years to justify not made in cash.
Indeed, the Government relies on the good will of individuals because it is impossible to control all cash transactions. So Treasury has included an article on the rule to favor the informer. Thus, anyone who participates in one of these operations and report it to the Tax Office will be exonerated if they have not been more than three months from the payment. The Tax Office has made available to taxpayers a space on your website, in operation today, to deal with complaints.
J. S. GONZALEZマドリード19 NOV 2012 - 11時16分CET
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