el drama de los desahucios
El Gobierno y el PSOE tropiezan en la reforma de la Ley Hipotecaria
Los socialistas piden más control de las cláusulas abusivas sobre desahucios
Ambos partidos fijan en 19.000 euros el umbral de renta para evitar el desalojo
Consulta toda la información sobre los desahucios
Íñigo de Barrón Madrid 15 NOV 2012 - 02:04 CET
the drama of evictions
The Government and the PSOE faced in reforming the Mortgage Law
The socialists want more control over unfair evictions
Both parties set at 19,000 euros the income threshold to avoid eviction
Check all information on evictions
Barron Íñigo Madrid 15 NOV 2012 - 02:04 CET
The financial sector has granted mortgages worth 931,000 million euros, according to the latest official figures. And the outstanding claims have reached only 3%, ie still no delinquencies has overflowed from a general point of view, although each passing day the situation gets worse. But the brutality of evictions, which hits the poorest, forced to revise legislation: the government and the PSOE have three days discussing the changes, but did not agree with the depth of the reform of the Mortgage Law. The government today approved a royal decree with urgent measures to alleviate the social drama.
Socialists admit there have been important advances because the Executive has accepted "many" of its proposals, both on urgent action on the reform of the Mortgage Law. But they warn that there are important aspects to close on "thresholds that mark the families protected and the moratorium, and the processing of the reform of the law."
The government does not want to go too far, after listening to the financial sector that if radical changes are very expensive loans and could hinder access to housing. Both formations, however, did agree yesterday set the income threshold to avoid eviction by 19,000 euros, according to Europa Press.
moreParalyze the eviction of a mother and her son helplessness in TorreviejaThe PP stop one day equates to 80% of evictionsThe PSOE is pressuring the government to change the law mortgage
Where I do not agree the Executive is to be more vigilant and expeditiously with banking operations in these loans. The legal responsibility of the entities are aware of any changes, while the banking lobby does its job.
Banking sources say that "if the Zapatero government did not change the law when it could because it was aware that it could have serious consequences." However, the criticism of the EU and the judges have shown that there are clear abuses.
Another point of contention is that the PSOE calls for a moratorium on evictions affecting a large part of the most disadvantaged group. The government is committed to limit the benefits of the moratorium to very extreme cases of need, ie families with very low incomes.
The PSOE fears that failure to include households entering EUR 1,600 per month or less, "can not help those who are now affected by evictions and reform is not worth at all", according to socialists. The figure of 1,600 euros is three times the Public Income Indicator (IPREM), the reference to the granting of aid, grants, subsidies or unemployment benefits, among others.
The government distinguishes between those who can benefit from the advantages of the new code of good practice and those who are eligible for the moratorium on the payment of the mortgage.
The PSOE also wants to establish a period of over two years for these measures, while La Moncloa bid to fix the cap. The Spanish Banking Association (AEB) was the first to make public their paralyzed bodies evictions for two years. Financial industry sources believe that, deep down, establish two or three year moratorium is not very relevant because you can always check.
The AEB put two years because he understood to be the time necessary to recover the economy and alleviate the problem of unemployment and, indirectly, of the evictions. "
Where I do agree both parties is to limit cases of payment in kind, ie the delivery of home mortgage debt is repaid. When this happens, it should be clear who will miss the home ownership.
The dealer says he fears the "rattle effect", ie legal amendments allow those whose mortgage exceeds the current value of the house, using trickery to hand over the keys and forget about the debt. However, citizens' associations argue that this problem exists because of erroneous assessments made by banks. And it is a difficult argument to refute, on many occasions.
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