
スペインのCAM(Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo)の株主総会は、CAMを倒産?させることに


スペインのCAM(Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo)の株主総会は、CAMを倒産?させることに

El FROB liquida la CAM y frena el paso de la Obra Social a fundación

La asamblea rechaza amortizar las cuotas participativas por valor cero

The CAM FROB liquid and slows the passage of the Social Work Foundation

The assembly rejected redeem these shares by zero

Santiago Navarro Alicante 9 JUL 2012 - 21:26 CET
The general assembly of the former Savings Bank (CAM) on Monday rejected the proposal of the Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB), an agency of the Bank of Spain, to redeem these shares to zero euros. After the setback suffered by the directors, the FROB froze the conversion of the Social Work of the entity in a special fund and, instead, opened the process of dissolution and liquidation of the box.
A general assembly (body composed of 180 members) attended a total of 126. The voting for the redemption of these shares were 63 votes against, 24 in favor and 39 abstentions. FROB representatives pointed to the assembly that the outcome of that vote was not binding and therefore the value of these shares is zero.
When issued in July 2008, the nominal value of the voting shares distributed to 55,000 owners amounted to 292 million. The National Securities Commission (CNMV) suspended trading of these securities in December 2011. Then, the value was EUR 1.34.

The approval of the assembly to reduce to zero the value of stakes assessments was a prerequisite for conversion to foundation
The zero value of the voting shares of CAM has already been ratified by the Spanish Government, by the European Commission and the new owner of the box, the Banco de Sabadell. Those responsible for the Catalan club have announced that they are willing to "negotiate" a settlement with the holders of voting shares and preferred shares investors.
The approval of the assembly of CAM operated to reduce to zero the value of stakes assessments was a prerequisite for another highlight on the agenda: the conversion of Social Work, whose assets exceed 100 million euros, on a foundation special.
This point was never to vote, but the following including the liquidation and dissolution of the entity. This process will be led by the FROB already appointed two auditors. As said Carlos Navarro, adviser on behalf of workers, resulting from the settlement will lead to the Social Work of the box through the Cultural Foundation CAM.

The general assembly has put an end to the over 130 year history of the organization was held one year after intervention
The general assembly of the CAM has put an end to the over 130 year history of the entity Alicante has held a year after intervention by the Bank of Spain, and half a year later from the sale of the entity to the Banco de Sabadell. The meeting was led by a hundred affected by preferential voting shares and gathered outside the headquarters of the Cultural Hall of the box. The concentrates were counselors to the cry of "sausages" and "we want our money."
The tensest moment came with the arrival of advisers as the former mayor of Alicante Luis Diaz Alperi, former Vice President Armando third box room and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Jose Enrique Garrigós. When he left the meeting a group of four walked after him with shouts of "jail" and "thief." Some made feint of assaulting and other spat.
On the other hand, the National Court judge Javier Gomez Bermudez questions from Tuesday to five members of the CAM excúpula as defendants for fraud, corporate crime and alteration of the price of things. Among those charged are Modesto Crespo, president of the Board of Directors and former directors general and Roberto Lopez Abad Maria Dolores Amoros.
スペインのCAM(Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo)の株主総会は、CAMを倒産?させることに
CAM FROB液と社会福祉財団の通過を遅らせる


サンティアゴナバロアリカンテ9 JUL 2012 - 21時26分CET
総会(180のメンバーで構成体)が126の合計に出席した。これらの株式の償還のための投票は賛成、39棄権24、反対63票であった。 FROBの代表者は、その投票の結果が結合されていないために、これらの株式の値がゼロであることをアセンブリに指摘した。

CAMの議決権株式のゼロ値は、すでに欧州委員会とボックスの新しい所有者は、バンコ·デ·サバデルで、スペイン政府によって批准されています。カタロニア語クラブの責任者は、議決権株式と優先株式の投資家の保有者との和解を "交渉"して喜んでであることを発表しました。

CAMの一般的なアセンブリには、スペインの銀行による介入年後を開催し、約半年後の売却したエンティティのアリカンテの上に130年の歴史に終止符を打つたバンコ·デ·サバデルのエンティティ。会議は百優先議決権付株式の影響を受け、ボックスの文化会館の本部の外に集まって主​​導した。集中は "ソーセージ"との叫びにカウンセラーだった "私たちはお金が欲しい。"
tensest瞬間はアリカンテルイス·ディアスAlperi、元副社長アルマンド番目のボックス·ルーム、商務、ホセ·エンリケGarrigósの商工会議所の社長の市長として、顧問の到着となりました。彼は会議を去ったとき、4つのグループは "刑務所"との叫び声で彼の後を歩いて "泥棒"暴行や他のいくつか作らフェイントはスパッツ。

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