スペインの前スペイン国立銀行総裁のミグエル=オルドにェず(Miguel Fernandez Ordoñez)氏は、BANKIA銀行の救済は、スペイン国立銀行の計画に乗っていればうまく行っていたはずだと回顧
Ordóñez cree que no hacía falta echar a Rato ni meter tanto dinero en Bankia
El exgobernador afirma que la crisis se habría solucionado con el plan del Banco de España
Arremete contra el Ejecutivo en el Congreso pero pide consenso para recuperar la confianza
Admite que antes y después de la crisis "se han hecho mal muchas cosas"
El exgobernador del Banco de España, Miguel Fernández Ordóñez, ha defendido esta mañana en el Congreso que la crisis de Bankia se hubiera solucionado con el plan que tenía esta institución para sanear a la entidad, lo que habría evitado buena parte de la espiral de desconfianza que ha situado a España en el ojo del huracán de los mercados. Sin embargo, el ministro de Economía, Luis de Guindos, se cruzó en los planes del supervisor e impuso su propia solución con el resultado, según ha descrito Ordóñez en otro momento de su intervención, de que ahora el país “está peor” que la rescatada Irlanda. Asimismo, ha dejado para la reflexión una frase inquietante: "Nuestro Gobierno y toda la sociedad española van a tener que enfrentarse en los próximos meses a situaciones muy complicadas".
“El asunto de Bankia estaba resuelto con el plan del Banco de España, que tenía condiciones como era la de un presidente no ejecutivo, pero no cesar a Rato”, ha explicado. "Creo que es un error que se fuera Rato por la imagen internacional", ha insistido. En su opinión, no hacía falta prescindir del antiguo director del FMI y vicepresidente con el Gobierno de Aznar porque “es un personaje importante en el contexto internacional”. Dentro de este plan, el actual presidente, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, se hubiera hecho de todas formas con la gestión del grupo. “Y luego la entidad tenía que reducirse en redes de oficina y en participaciones, porque si le dábamos dinero le íbamos a exigir” algo a cambio, ha continuado.
Aunque no lo ha nombrado, Guindos ha sido uno de los blancos directos de su intervención. "El nuevo Gobierno ha ido introduciendo cambios en la estrategia de reestructuración financiera y finalmente decidió gestionar directamente el caso Bankia", había afirmado en su discurso inicial para poner tierra de por medio con los dos reales decretos del Ministerio para reformar el sector, lo que a su vez justifica indirectamente su marcha, adelantada en un mes a la fecha prevista.
Sin embargo, según la estrategia planteada por el Banco de España, ha revelado Ordóñez, el 31 de mayo el tema de Bankia estaría “a punto de cerrarse”. Pero, tras la salida atropellada de Rato después de que el ministerio de Economía rechazara estos planes, precipitó los acontecimientos con el consiguiente aumento de las dudas sobre el sector y, por extensión, sobre el conjunto del Estado, ya la nacionalización de Bankia fue la clave que abocó al país a pedir el rescate para su sector financiero. “Al dinero no le gusta el ruido, porque crea desconfianza y es fatal”, ha justificado el exgobernador parafrasenado al político socialista y antiguo ministro Ernest Lluch.
“El Banco de España era capaz de convencer al presidente y al gestor, sin generar otras necesidades”, ha defendido en relación a los 19.000 millones de euros que el nuevo equipo gestor de Bankia considera que necesita para recapitalizarse. Cuestionado por los diputados al respecto, ha respondido: “Éso pregúntenselo a Goirigolzarri y al Ministerio de Economía”. Abriendo el foco, se ha mostrado esperanzado con que el saneamiento del conjunto del sector le cueste al Estado solo 60.000 millones. “Ójala”, ha destacado antes de salir al paso del interrogatorio de los integtrantes de la Comisión de Economía del Congreso sobre los vaivenes normativos. “Todas las leyes las aprobaron ustedes”, les ha reprochado.
Sobre la fusión entre Caja Madrid y Bancaja que dio lugar a Bankia, Ordóñez ha insistido en todo momento en que la “responsabilidad absoluta” de la operación fue “del que la decide, que son sus gestores”. “Llegaron a decir, como hizo Aguirre (Esperanza Aguirre, la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid), que aquí se ponen pistolas en el pecho. Por favor, aquí no se ponen pistolas a nadie”, ha denunciado. Unicaja rechazó fusionarse con CCM y Cajastur con la CAM, ha recordado. Además, sobre el proceso de integración, ha recordado que Bankia tuvo como asesores a AFI y a Deloitte, “que son firmas prestigiosas, y el Banco de España no se opuso”. En cuanto a su salida a Bolsa, ha puesto de relieve que contó con 15 asesores nacionales e internacionales de prestigio.
En este sentido, el antiguo responsable del organismo supervisor ha dejado en evidencia en varias ocasiones que no ha hecho un juicio negativo de Rato y que tiene por él el mayor de los respetos. Eso sí, ha reconocido que criticó su política económica cuando fue vicepresidente con José María Aznar, apartado en el que ha salido a colación en la comisión un artículo publicado por Ordóñez en EL PAÍS en 2003. También ha admitido que tuvieron un desencuentro importante cuando rechazó una fusión con La Caixa.
En su intervención inicial, Ordóñez ha querido defender que "la supervisión del Banco de España ha cumplido bien su tarea en un periodo excepcional en el que España ha sufrido simultáneamente tres crisis: nacional, europea e internacional". Aunque también ha reconocido: "Se han hecho mal muchas cosas y sobre todo no se hicieron muchas cosas que ahora todos vemos claro que se deberían haber hecho".
Mientras, para concluir, ha hecho un llamamiento a la unidad para superar los problemas que afronta el país. “Esta crisis no se resolverá empujando a todos al enfrentamiento partidario, son problemas tan graves, llevan tanto tiempo acumulándose, afectan a tanta gente que resulta contraproducente buscar chivos expiatorios a los que endosar todas las responsabilidades, porque no los hay”, ha comentado. “En lugar de buscar la confrontación o instar a la desconfianza en las instituciones, busquen el diálogo”, ha concluido.
“El asunto de Bankia estaba resuelto con el plan del Banco de España, que tenía condiciones como era la de un presidente no ejecutivo, pero no cesar a Rato”, ha explicado. "Creo que es un error que se fuera Rato por la imagen internacional", ha insistido. En su opinión, no hacía falta prescindir del antiguo director del FMI y vicepresidente con el Gobierno de Aznar porque “es un personaje importante en el contexto internacional”. Dentro de este plan, el actual presidente, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, se hubiera hecho de todas formas con la gestión del grupo. “Y luego la entidad tenía que reducirse en redes de oficina y en participaciones, porque si le dábamos dinero le íbamos a exigir” algo a cambio, ha continuado.
Aunque no lo ha nombrado, Guindos ha sido uno de los blancos directos de su intervención. "El nuevo Gobierno ha ido introduciendo cambios en la estrategia de reestructuración financiera y finalmente decidió gestionar directamente el caso Bankia", había afirmado en su discurso inicial para poner tierra de por medio con los dos reales decretos del Ministerio para reformar el sector, lo que a su vez justifica indirectamente su marcha, adelantada en un mes a la fecha prevista.
Sin embargo, según la estrategia planteada por el Banco de España, ha revelado Ordóñez, el 31 de mayo el tema de Bankia estaría “a punto de cerrarse”. Pero, tras la salida atropellada de Rato después de que el ministerio de Economía rechazara estos planes, precipitó los acontecimientos con el consiguiente aumento de las dudas sobre el sector y, por extensión, sobre el conjunto del Estado, ya la nacionalización de Bankia fue la clave que abocó al país a pedir el rescate para su sector financiero. “Al dinero no le gusta el ruido, porque crea desconfianza y es fatal”, ha justificado el exgobernador parafrasenado al político socialista y antiguo ministro Ernest Lluch.
“El Banco de España era capaz de convencer al presidente y al gestor, sin generar otras necesidades”, ha defendido en relación a los 19.000 millones de euros que el nuevo equipo gestor de Bankia considera que necesita para recapitalizarse. Cuestionado por los diputados al respecto, ha respondido: “Éso pregúntenselo a Goirigolzarri y al Ministerio de Economía”. Abriendo el foco, se ha mostrado esperanzado con que el saneamiento del conjunto del sector le cueste al Estado solo 60.000 millones. “Ójala”, ha destacado antes de salir al paso del interrogatorio de los integtrantes de la Comisión de Economía del Congreso sobre los vaivenes normativos. “Todas las leyes las aprobaron ustedes”, les ha reprochado.
Sobre la fusión entre Caja Madrid y Bancaja que dio lugar a Bankia, Ordóñez ha insistido en todo momento en que la “responsabilidad absoluta” de la operación fue “del que la decide, que son sus gestores”. “Llegaron a decir, como hizo Aguirre (Esperanza Aguirre, la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid), que aquí se ponen pistolas en el pecho. Por favor, aquí no se ponen pistolas a nadie”, ha denunciado. Unicaja rechazó fusionarse con CCM y Cajastur con la CAM, ha recordado. Además, sobre el proceso de integración, ha recordado que Bankia tuvo como asesores a AFI y a Deloitte, “que son firmas prestigiosas, y el Banco de España no se opuso”. En cuanto a su salida a Bolsa, ha puesto de relieve que contó con 15 asesores nacionales e internacionales de prestigio.
En este sentido, el antiguo responsable del organismo supervisor ha dejado en evidencia en varias ocasiones que no ha hecho un juicio negativo de Rato y que tiene por él el mayor de los respetos. Eso sí, ha reconocido que criticó su política económica cuando fue vicepresidente con José María Aznar, apartado en el que ha salido a colación en la comisión un artículo publicado por Ordóñez en EL PAÍS en 2003. También ha admitido que tuvieron un desencuentro importante cuando rechazó una fusión con La Caixa.
En su intervención inicial, Ordóñez ha querido defender que "la supervisión del Banco de España ha cumplido bien su tarea en un periodo excepcional en el que España ha sufrido simultáneamente tres crisis: nacional, europea e internacional". Aunque también ha reconocido: "Se han hecho mal muchas cosas y sobre todo no se hicieron muchas cosas que ahora todos vemos claro que se deberían haber hecho".
Mientras, para concluir, ha hecho un llamamiento a la unidad para superar los problemas que afronta el país. “Esta crisis no se resolverá empujando a todos al enfrentamiento partidario, son problemas tan graves, llevan tanto tiempo acumulándose, afectan a tanta gente que resulta contraproducente buscar chivos expiatorios a los que endosar todas las responsabilidades, porque no los hay”, ha comentado. “En lugar de buscar la confrontación o instar a la desconfianza en las instituciones, busquen el diálogo”, ha concluido.
Ordonez believes that it was not necessary or Rato throw so much money put in Bankia
The former governor said that the crisis had been resolved with the plan of the Bank of Spain
Executive attacked the Congress but calls for consensus to restore confidence
He admits that before and after the crisis "have been wrong many things"
Continued on the appearance Eskup
Barron Íñigo Madrid 24 JUL 2012 - 15:57 CET
The former governor said that the crisis had been resolved with the plan of the Bank of Spain
Executive attacked the Congress but calls for consensus to restore confidence
He admits that before and after the crisis "have been wrong many things"
Continued on the appearance Eskup
Barron Íñigo Madrid 24 JUL 2012 - 15:57 CET
The former governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Fernández Ordóñez, has argued this morning in Congress that the crisis had been settled Bankia with the plan that the institution had to clean up the entity, which would have avoided much of the spiral of distrust which has placed Spain in the crosshairs of the markets. However, the economy minister, Luis de Guindos, crossed the supervisor plans and imposed its own solution with the result, as described by Ordonez in another point in his speech, that now the country is "worse" than the rescued Ireland. It has ceased to reflect a disturbing sentence: "Our government and all of Spanish society will have to face in the coming months to very complicated."
Report a campaign against the Bank of Spain following the crisis
of Bankia
"The issue was resolved Bankia with the plan of the Bank of Spain, he had conditions such as was that of a non-executive chairman, but not dismiss Rato," he explained. "I think it is wrong to leave Rato for his international image," he insisted. In his opinion, there was no need to dispense with the former vice director of the IMF and the Aznar government because "it is a major player in the international context". Within this plan, the current president, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, would have done anyway with the management group. "And then the agency had to be reduced in office networks, participating interests and we gave him money because if we were going to require" something in return, has continued.
Although it has not appointed Guindos has been one of the direct targets of intervention. "The new government has introduced changes in the financial restructuring strategy and finally decided Bankia case management directly," he said in his opening speech to put land in between the two royal decrees of the Ministry to reform the sector, which in turn indirectly justifies his departure, a month ahead of schedule.
However, according to the strategy set by the Bank of Spain, has revealed Ordonez May 31 issue of Bankia would be "about to close." However, after the hasty departure of Rato after the Economy Ministry rejected these plans, precipitated events thus increasing doubts about the industry and, by extension, on the whole state, and the nationalization of Bankia was embarked on the country's key to ask the financial sector bailout. "The money does not like the noise, because it creates distrust and is fatal," the former governor has justified parafrasenado socialist politician and former minister Ernest Lluch.
more informationCampa avoids the criticism and said that the crisis management "was and is correct"A handcuffed Congress expected to bankers150,000 million reasons for the sector to give explanations
"The Bank of Spain was able to convince the president and manager, without impacting other needs," he argued in relation to the 19,000 million euros that the new management team Bankia think you need to recapitalize. When questioned by deputies about it, responded, "That pregúntenselo to Goirigolzarri and the Ministry of Economy." Opening the outbreak, has been hopeful that sanitation sector as a whole cost the State only 60,000 million. "Hopefully," he stressed before going over the integtrantes interrogation of the Economic Committee of Congress on policy swings. "All the laws passed you," he charged them.
On the merger of Caja Madrid and Bancaja resulting in Bankia, Ordonez has always insisted that the "absolute liability" of the operation was "that is decided, who are their managers." "They say, as did Ahmed (Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid), here are put guns in the chest. Please do not get guns here anybody, "he complained. Unicaja and CCM refused to merge with the CAM Cajastur, recalled. Furthermore, the integration process, recalled that he had as advisors Bankia AFI and Deloitte, "which are prestigious firms, and the Bank of Spain did not oppose." As for its IPO, has shown that consultants had 15 national and international prestige.
In this sense, the former head of the supervisory body has revealed several times that has not made a negative judgment de Rato and has for him the greatest respect. Of course, recognized that criticized his economic policy when he was vice-president José María Aznar, section that has left it up to the commission an article by Ordonez in the country in 2003. He also admitted that they had a disagreement important when it rejected a merger with La Caixa.
In his opening remarks, Ordonez has sought to argue that "the supervision of the Bank of Spain has done well his work in an exceptional period in which Spain has suffered three crises simultaneously: national, European and international." But it also acknowledged: "There have been many wrong things and especially not many things that were now all clear that we should have done."
While, in conclusion, has called for unity to overcome the problems facing the country. "This crisis is not resolved pushing all the factionalism, are such serious problems, take so long to accumulate, affecting so many people looking for scapegoats is counterproductive to those who endorse all liabilities, because there are none," said. "Rather than seek confrontation or encourage distrust of institutions, seek dialogue," he concluded.
Report a campaign against the Bank of Spain following the crisis
of Bankia
"The issue was resolved Bankia with the plan of the Bank of Spain, he had conditions such as was that of a non-executive chairman, but not dismiss Rato," he explained. "I think it is wrong to leave Rato for his international image," he insisted. In his opinion, there was no need to dispense with the former vice director of the IMF and the Aznar government because "it is a major player in the international context". Within this plan, the current president, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, would have done anyway with the management group. "And then the agency had to be reduced in office networks, participating interests and we gave him money because if we were going to require" something in return, has continued.
Although it has not appointed Guindos has been one of the direct targets of intervention. "The new government has introduced changes in the financial restructuring strategy and finally decided Bankia case management directly," he said in his opening speech to put land in between the two royal decrees of the Ministry to reform the sector, which in turn indirectly justifies his departure, a month ahead of schedule.
However, according to the strategy set by the Bank of Spain, has revealed Ordonez May 31 issue of Bankia would be "about to close." However, after the hasty departure of Rato after the Economy Ministry rejected these plans, precipitated events thus increasing doubts about the industry and, by extension, on the whole state, and the nationalization of Bankia was embarked on the country's key to ask the financial sector bailout. "The money does not like the noise, because it creates distrust and is fatal," the former governor has justified parafrasenado socialist politician and former minister Ernest Lluch.
more informationCampa avoids the criticism and said that the crisis management "was and is correct"A handcuffed Congress expected to bankers150,000 million reasons for the sector to give explanations
"The Bank of Spain was able to convince the president and manager, without impacting other needs," he argued in relation to the 19,000 million euros that the new management team Bankia think you need to recapitalize. When questioned by deputies about it, responded, "That pregúntenselo to Goirigolzarri and the Ministry of Economy." Opening the outbreak, has been hopeful that sanitation sector as a whole cost the State only 60,000 million. "Hopefully," he stressed before going over the integtrantes interrogation of the Economic Committee of Congress on policy swings. "All the laws passed you," he charged them.
On the merger of Caja Madrid and Bancaja resulting in Bankia, Ordonez has always insisted that the "absolute liability" of the operation was "that is decided, who are their managers." "They say, as did Ahmed (Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid), here are put guns in the chest. Please do not get guns here anybody, "he complained. Unicaja and CCM refused to merge with the CAM Cajastur, recalled. Furthermore, the integration process, recalled that he had as advisors Bankia AFI and Deloitte, "which are prestigious firms, and the Bank of Spain did not oppose." As for its IPO, has shown that consultants had 15 national and international prestige.
In this sense, the former head of the supervisory body has revealed several times that has not made a negative judgment de Rato and has for him the greatest respect. Of course, recognized that criticized his economic policy when he was vice-president José María Aznar, section that has left it up to the commission an article by Ordonez in the country in 2003. He also admitted that they had a disagreement important when it rejected a merger with La Caixa.
In his opening remarks, Ordonez has sought to argue that "the supervision of the Bank of Spain has done well his work in an exceptional period in which Spain has suffered three crises simultaneously: national, European and international." But it also acknowledged: "There have been many wrong things and especially not many things that were now all clear that we should have done."
While, in conclusion, has called for unity to overcome the problems facing the country. "This crisis is not resolved pushing all the factionalism, are such serious problems, take so long to accumulate, affecting so many people looking for scapegoats is counterproductive to those who endorse all liabilities, because there are none," said. "Rather than seek confrontation or encourage distrust of institutions, seek dialogue," he concluded.
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