スペインのCAIXANOVA、NOVACAIXAGALICIA の元頭取は、銀行破綻の経営責任を否定、年金年間689'000ユーロの受給をないとウソつき
fusión de las cajas gallegas
Gayoso oculta a los diputados su pensión de 689.000 euros al año
El expresidente de la caja fusionada asegura que no cobró “ni un euro” por su jubilación. Su retiro incluye sin embargo una retribución vitalicia
melting of the boxes Galician
Gayoso hides his pension to Members of 689,000 euros per year
The president of the merged box ensures that claimed "not one euro" for his retirement. His retirement pay includes a lifetime yet
Maria Fernandez Vigo 26 JUL 2012 - 21:29 CET
Gayoso hides his pension to Members of 689,000 euros per year
The president of the merged box ensures that claimed "not one euro" for his retirement. His retirement pay includes a lifetime yet
Maria Fernandez Vigo 26 JUL 2012 - 21:29 CET
Nobody taught the audit commissioned by the regional government that guaranteed the fusion could not make decisions because he had no executive functions, lacks standing to speak for Novagalicia, and says he has not taken "a single euro" for his retirement, despite Lifetime charge in 689,000 per year. Nothing. That summarizes the appearance yesterday at the Congress of Deputies Julio Fernandez Gayoso, 64 years in the financial sector, nearly three decades as director of the Savings Bank of Vigo, then Caixanova. "I'm retired director since 2006." This drew the story, presenting himself as a mere extra in the process. "Not as chairman [of Caixanova since 2006] or as co-chair [of Novacaixagalicia] I have executive functions, lack of power. He served as president only with institutional and representative, I have not made a single personal decision because I could not. "
And from that vantage point, which is not down in the nearly two hours he was in the Economic Committee of Congress, reeled off a series of economic data Caixanova in order to demonstrate the supposed strength that came with the merger process Caixa Galicia. "He always had clean audit reports," he said, as, indeed, that the entity Coruña. "The default coverage in 2009 was 75%, an enormous effort was made to raise provisions, excess coverage over the legal minimum stood at 1.045 million." Always talking about "the box", referring to the one he drove, just analyzed the process of integration with Caixa Galicia beyond mentioning that the Royal Decree driven by the Zapatero government showed them the way.
"In one of the most turbulent times take the step to strengthen the financial system indigenously. This view was a fundamental pillar of the process, "he said, referring to the Galician nationalism who wanted to defend at all costs the Xunta. "In the balance [of integration] had 35% of family business and 60% with companies, here is Caixanova footprint," he said proudly. In the balance of the merger, as revealed after the last audit had a descuadre of nearly 1,000 million euros (basically hiding bad debt refinancing brick), Gayoso described another picture pointing to the "prudence" of the calculations. Accounts pristine and no explanation or reference to the 3.627 million of public money were needed to sustain the project.
In fact, although the report on the feasibility of the plan KPMG commissioned by the Xunta not reached you, nor say what was what led to the cashier to enter the union. "I have the report, I never had, we facilitated it," he said, after stating that he had no intention of returning to "open a channel the issue of merger." What worries him, he said, "that the bank is solvent has been created. Desire to succeed, I hope you have it. "
From San Caetano, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, president of the Xunta, answered after the governing council. "History is objective enough to judge each. Whether he knew the report, he presided over a board of directors and co-chaired the Caixanova of Novagalicia Bank documents that advice will obviously have to know what the members. "
more informationGayoso evades all responsibilityManagers out of control and blew the box docile politicalCaixanova preferential placed illiterateGayoso resigns harassed by pressure
Very slippery when responding to Members, Gayoso also did not light on the thorny issues such as multi-million dollar compensation to a handful of directors or the sale of preference shares its box placed between illiterate clients, retirees with no financial experience or less of age. Although no one asked directly, he said that he has taken "a single euro" for his retirement, perhaps mistakenly referring to did not receive any compensation upon leaving office. For days before retiring as director of Caixanova, when he was 75, his contract was amended to increase his salary for life with an operation that increased the percentage of salary subject to pension. This allows for six years receive a fee of 689,000 gross per year, plus allowances in the last five years has taken tips for attending on behalf of the entity. The year 2011, as contained in the NCG report, amount to 396,290 euros. In total, only in 2011 pocketed 1.1 million, to which must be added the insurance policy of your pension plan with the company completes its withdrawal Caser. The UGT union section Novagalicia, which reported in 2006 from Caixanova brokenness that supposed to make the box the golden retirement of the executive, recalled yesterday that "while these salaries were recorded, the principle of prudent business expansion disappeared." His counterpart at Caixa Galicia, Jose Luis Mendez, in his farewell was 16.5 million euros.
Throughout his appearance Gayoso was safe and quiet. Although his face became more serious as it received harsh criticism from the deputies, at no time made a gesture of disapproval of the huge list of grievances that made their lordships. PLS do not hesitate to launch legal proceedings as a shield. "The issue of early retirement and my complaint, as you know, is held by the National Court, which concurriré when I call."
The response was similar to the controversy of the preference shares, which he described as "a social problem of enormous consequences." "I have to say that demand is in the hands of the prosecution. Not that shy away from giving my opinion, is that I can not comment on an issue sub judice. " But is it possible to share a reflection of PP deputy on the path of arbitration: "It may help refocus, with satisfactory solutions, much of the problem."
"I think it's an extreme sin of greed, not only by the concentration of risks, but in the preferred placement in the retail tranche," he said from the PP deputy Fernando Lopez-Amor. Performer-band closed with a curious explanation of the risks incurred by the box while the housing bubble was inflated in Spain. "I told them Caixanova in 2007 launched a plan to reduce weight real estate," Gayoso started. The plan was that in 2009 the brick creciesen credits "only" 1.9% against 9.5% increase the previous year, which led him to describe his performance as "absolutely prudent to avert that risk funding that could have an unfortunate end. "
The same is said of territorial expansion, Caixa Galicia made it more aggressively. "The 8% of our branch network was in Andalusia and Valencia. That is not the cause of the crisis, there was no excessive expansion plan. " However, it clarified the turnover or the assets recorded delinquency captured by these offices. With social networking fuming by his utter lack of self-intervention was the most commented on Twitter-rounded exposure Gayoso providing many details about the social work, to the point of listing the international conventions of the School Business. But the failure of Novacaixagalicia, no trace.
And from that vantage point, which is not down in the nearly two hours he was in the Economic Committee of Congress, reeled off a series of economic data Caixanova in order to demonstrate the supposed strength that came with the merger process Caixa Galicia. "He always had clean audit reports," he said, as, indeed, that the entity Coruña. "The default coverage in 2009 was 75%, an enormous effort was made to raise provisions, excess coverage over the legal minimum stood at 1.045 million." Always talking about "the box", referring to the one he drove, just analyzed the process of integration with Caixa Galicia beyond mentioning that the Royal Decree driven by the Zapatero government showed them the way.
"In one of the most turbulent times take the step to strengthen the financial system indigenously. This view was a fundamental pillar of the process, "he said, referring to the Galician nationalism who wanted to defend at all costs the Xunta. "In the balance [of integration] had 35% of family business and 60% with companies, here is Caixanova footprint," he said proudly. In the balance of the merger, as revealed after the last audit had a descuadre of nearly 1,000 million euros (basically hiding bad debt refinancing brick), Gayoso described another picture pointing to the "prudence" of the calculations. Accounts pristine and no explanation or reference to the 3.627 million of public money were needed to sustain the project.
In fact, although the report on the feasibility of the plan KPMG commissioned by the Xunta not reached you, nor say what was what led to the cashier to enter the union. "I have the report, I never had, we facilitated it," he said, after stating that he had no intention of returning to "open a channel the issue of merger." What worries him, he said, "that the bank is solvent has been created. Desire to succeed, I hope you have it. "
From San Caetano, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, president of the Xunta, answered after the governing council. "History is objective enough to judge each. Whether he knew the report, he presided over a board of directors and co-chaired the Caixanova of Novagalicia Bank documents that advice will obviously have to know what the members. "
more informationGayoso evades all responsibilityManagers out of control and blew the box docile politicalCaixanova preferential placed illiterateGayoso resigns harassed by pressure
Very slippery when responding to Members, Gayoso also did not light on the thorny issues such as multi-million dollar compensation to a handful of directors or the sale of preference shares its box placed between illiterate clients, retirees with no financial experience or less of age. Although no one asked directly, he said that he has taken "a single euro" for his retirement, perhaps mistakenly referring to did not receive any compensation upon leaving office. For days before retiring as director of Caixanova, when he was 75, his contract was amended to increase his salary for life with an operation that increased the percentage of salary subject to pension. This allows for six years receive a fee of 689,000 gross per year, plus allowances in the last five years has taken tips for attending on behalf of the entity. The year 2011, as contained in the NCG report, amount to 396,290 euros. In total, only in 2011 pocketed 1.1 million, to which must be added the insurance policy of your pension plan with the company completes its withdrawal Caser. The UGT union section Novagalicia, which reported in 2006 from Caixanova brokenness that supposed to make the box the golden retirement of the executive, recalled yesterday that "while these salaries were recorded, the principle of prudent business expansion disappeared." His counterpart at Caixa Galicia, Jose Luis Mendez, in his farewell was 16.5 million euros.
Throughout his appearance Gayoso was safe and quiet. Although his face became more serious as it received harsh criticism from the deputies, at no time made a gesture of disapproval of the huge list of grievances that made their lordships. PLS do not hesitate to launch legal proceedings as a shield. "The issue of early retirement and my complaint, as you know, is held by the National Court, which concurriré when I call."
The response was similar to the controversy of the preference shares, which he described as "a social problem of enormous consequences." "I have to say that demand is in the hands of the prosecution. Not that shy away from giving my opinion, is that I can not comment on an issue sub judice. " But is it possible to share a reflection of PP deputy on the path of arbitration: "It may help refocus, with satisfactory solutions, much of the problem."
"I think it's an extreme sin of greed, not only by the concentration of risks, but in the preferred placement in the retail tranche," he said from the PP deputy Fernando Lopez-Amor. Performer-band closed with a curious explanation of the risks incurred by the box while the housing bubble was inflated in Spain. "I told them Caixanova in 2007 launched a plan to reduce weight real estate," Gayoso started. The plan was that in 2009 the brick creciesen credits "only" 1.9% against 9.5% increase the previous year, which led him to describe his performance as "absolutely prudent to avert that risk funding that could have an unfortunate end. "
The same is said of territorial expansion, Caixa Galicia made it more aggressively. "The 8% of our branch network was in Andalusia and Valencia. That is not the cause of the crisis, there was no excessive expansion plan. " However, it clarified the turnover or the assets recorded delinquency captured by these offices. With social networking fuming by his utter lack of self-intervention was the most commented on Twitter-rounded exposure Gayoso providing many details about the social work, to the point of listing the international conventions of the School Business. But the failure of Novacaixagalicia, no trace.
マリア·フェルナンデスビーゴ26 JUL 2012 - 午後九時29分CET
返信削除私の名前はMr、Rugare Simです。私はオランダに住んでいて、今日は幸せな人ですか?私は私と私の家族を私の貧しい状況から救助する貸し手は、彼に貸し付けを探している人を紹介し、彼は私と私の家族に幸せを与えました、私は€の貸付けを必要としていましたあなたがローンを必要としている場合は、彼はアッラーを恐れている人です€300,000.00のローンで私を助ける、この正直とアッラーを恐れている男のローンの貸し手に会った2人の子供と私は一人の父ですあなたは彼に連絡してください(ミスター、Rugareシム)が彼にあなたを参照してください彼に連絡してください、ローンを返済されます。 Mr、Mohamed Careenにメールでご連絡ください:(
私の名前はMr、Rugare Simです。私はオランダに住んでいて、今日は幸せな人ですか?私は私と私の家族を私の貧しい状況から救助する貸し手は、彼に貸し付けを探している人を紹介し、彼は私と私の家族に幸せを与えました、私は€の貸付けを必要としていましたあなたがローンを必要としている場合は、彼はアッラーを恐れている人です€300,000.00のローンで私を助ける、この正直とアッラーを恐れている男のローンの貸し手に会った2人の子供と私は一人の父ですあなたは彼に連絡してください(ミスター、Rugareシム)が彼にあなたを参照してください彼に連絡してください、ローンを返済されます。 Mr、Mohamed Careenにメールでご連絡ください:(