



Sanidad retrasa un mes el medicamentazo

La desfinanciación de más de 400 fármacos de uso común entrará en vigor en septiembre

Health medicamentazo delayed a month

The de-funding of more than 400 commonly used drugs come into force in September

Health will bring 456 drugs commonly used in public funding
Health published the final list of excluded drugs

Madrid EP 30 JUL 2012 - 18:22 CET
The exclusion of over 400 commonly used drugs - from antacids to anti-diarrhea-the list of drugs that finances public health will be delayed until September. The medicamentazo not enter into force on Wednesday, but a month later announced by the Minister of Health, Ana Mato. The delay is due, according to a spokesman for his ministry, which is giving companies time to adapt to the de-funding because they are meeting the established deadlines.

The medicamentazo coincide well with another of the most controversial health measures: the withdrawal of the health card to illegal immigrants.

The final resolution of the exclusion of the 423 commonly used drugs expected to be published on Tuesday, so that could be launched in September, since according to the legal terms, come into force on the day of the month following the publication of the decision of the BOE.

"We are meeting the legal deadlines," say from Health, recalling that, for the publication of the measure should inform interested parties that have a period of 10 days for claims; allegations also be collected.

Various health organizations and patients affected by de-funding of drugs (which may continue to prescribe but now the patient must pay out of pocket completely) have made claims to the decree. One is the Spanish Pharmaceutical Business Federation (FEFE), which considers the speed with which it has carried out the measure "unacceptable."




マドリッドEP30 JUL 2012 - 18時22分CET

400を超える一般的に使用される薬物の排除 - 制酸剤から抗下痢財政公衆衛生9月まで延期されることを薬のリストに追加します。 medicamentazoは水曜日に発効するが、一ヶ月後の健康アナマト大臣によって発表されていません。遅延は、彼らが確立された期限を満たしているので、企業が資金調達に適応する時間を与えている彼の大臣のスポークスマンによると原因です。





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