



La UE pone bajo tutela a España

El memorándun recuerda las condiciones macroeconómicas de España

La UE quita poderes a Guindos para dárselos al Banco de España

Bruselas impone una reforma de las cajas para que no controlen bancos

Los consejeros de las cajas no podrán serlo de sus bancos filiales

Los bancos deberán tener un 9% de capital al menos hasta final de 2014

El rescate clasificará a las entidades en cuatro grupos según su solvencia

El banco malo deberá estar listo antes de final de año

Se obligará a los bancos con ayudas a vender activos y a imponer pérdidas a las preferentes

The EU placed under guardianship in Spain  The memorandum reminds macroeconomic conditions in Spain  The EU takes Guindos powers to give to the Bank of Spain  Brussels imposed a reform of the control boxes that bank  The directors of the boxes may not be their subsidiary banks  Banks should have a 9% capital at least until the end of 2014  The rescue entities classified into four groups according to their solvency  The bad bank should be ready before year end  It will force banks to sell assets to support and impose losses on the preferred  DOWNLOADABLE Memorandum for the bailout (in English) Ricardo Martinez Rituerto / Claudi Perez Brussels 11 JUL 2012 - 00:13 CET
Up to 32 conditions for the financial system plus more, in parallel, for fiscal policy: for the whole of the Spanish economy. Up to 32 conditions in 20 pages full of demands that will change up and down the Spanish banking map and, incidentally, part of economic policy in the coming years, starting with a fresh batch of cuts that the government should start immediately and constant supervision by a troika-black men of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, who will visit Madrid constantly every three months. The EU on Tuesday several steps up the level of intervention in the Spanish economy with the signing of a contract hard-called memorandum of understanding, this newspaper revealed yesterday on its website, in exchange for the Spanish banking rescue up to 100,000 million to cover the shame that has left the real estate bubble burst. Shock therapy: a turn for the financial system for the supervision of the Bank of Spain and the Ministry of Economy, and additional tax cuts and the way to Berlin and Brussels in a recession, and with an ultimatum forcing Spain to approve painful measures up to three months. That contract includes strict conditions for banks that are forced to ask for help, which eventually prevent them pay dividends and pay exorbitant salaries, and ultimately, unlike what the government expected, they may be liquidated if the cost to the taxpayer is excessive. The executive did not want that holders of subordinated debt or preferred stock, somehow, toxic waste part of Spanish banking, assume losses, which also happen. The demands are also rough with the entire financial system, which will be forced to meet higher capital ratios: soft mattresses to strengthen the solvency of banks and overcome the hurricanes plaguing the sector in international markets; areas positive security in order to avoid future crises, but also a problem trying to get out of this. But perhaps the biggest blow is to the institutional credibility of Spain: The European Union takes the ransom to submit to the Spanish economy to a full-scale intervention, as interpreted by the sources, with close supervision over the Bank of Spain and some of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Economy. The EU urged to set up a "transfer of powers of sanction and licensing [as bank cards] of the Ministry of Finance to the Bank of Spain." The objective of the European partners is to "ensure the independence of the Bank of Spain," a phrase which suggests that credibility does not exist today, eroded by the harsh criticism of the government itself, which has decimated the credibility of a central bank well into the crisis had a great international reputation, and supervision that has proved insufficient in light of the size of the financial hole. The Bank of Spain will do an internal examination to identify the most serious deficiencies in the autumn of this year, especially in the bodies responsible for assessing inspectors' vulnerabilities and risks in the financial system, "according to the memo. Monitoring shall be quarterly Troika by both the financial side as the prosecutor: the level of intervention will enable the Commission, the ECB, the European Banking Authority and the IMF to be well above the application of redemption. The troika can access, "under strict conditions of confidentiality", all the Spanish financial system data you need, both added as an entity by entity. You can also do site inspections to review the implementation of the program. Moreover, Spain is committed to consulting the troika any action on the sector that is not included in the memorandum. In short, in exchange for ransom, the EU powers to remove leaves Economy and the Bank of Spain under the effective protection of the ECB. In line with IMF recommendations, the European partners give the lace, perhaps ultimately the sector savings. In particular, the EU calls for reform of the boxes to stop controlling subsidiary banks - "eventually", according to the text, which could leave the door to a sound exception, and imposes incompatibilities between the boards boxes and their banks participated, now often shared directors. The minister Luis de Guindos explained the outlines of that plan conditions and left the conclusion that the rescue should serve to stabilize the banking system as possible over the next 18 months. The final figure of rescue remains to be seen, but the temporary European rescue fund will give Spain a first tranche of aid to 30,000 million, an average payback period of 12.5 years, "for if any emergency situation that requires an immediate injection "as Guindos, with red-hot market and experience the grueling month of August last year. Parallel to the rescue, the Ecofin (the meeting of finance ministers of the EU) finally approved the relaxation of the deficit targets in Spain, you get another year to reach the holy 3% of GDP in 2014. It is a poisoned chalice: has associated new settings immediately, announced today that President Mariano Rajoy. The increase in VAT is safe. Practically it is also laying off employees. And there is speculation in Brussels also has a pension freeze and a tightening of unemployment insurance. All this in a deepening recession, with unemployment close to 25% of the labor force and recovery prospects badly affected by poor health of banks. Against all that, words. Vice President of the Commission Olli Rehn on Tuesday was "confident that the Spanish authorities take the measures as scheduled," and said the rescue is associated with "conditionality that applies to any State must meet the conditions excessive deficit procedure, when compliance is monitored [the plan agreed] on a regular basis. "The Ecofin was relatively peaceful for Guindos, but at the meeting of the Eurogroup (the Ministers of the euro), the partners were extremely tough Spain, according to several sources.
EUは、スペインで後見の下に配置 覚書は、スペインのマクロ経済状況を思い出させる EUは、スペインの銀行に与えるGuindos力を取り ブリュッセルでは、コントロールボックスの改革を課し、そのバンク ボックスの取締役は、その子会社である銀行ないかもしれません 銀行は、少なくとも2014年末まで9%の資本を持つべき 彼らの支払能力に応じて4つのグループに分類レスキューエンティティ 悪い銀行は年末前に準備ができているはず それは、銀行が優先の損失をサポートして課すことが資産を売却するように強制されます 救済のためのダウンロード可能な覚書(英語)リカルド·マルチネスRituerto/ Claudiペレスブリュッセル11 JUL 2012 -  00:13 CET
しかし、おそらく最も大きな打撃は、スペインの制度的信頼性を次のとおりです。欧州連合(EU)の銀行以上に近い監督と、などのソースによって解釈され、本格的な介入にスペイン経済に提出する身代金を取るスペイン経済省の責任の一部を示します。 EUは、設定するために促した "スペインの銀行へ[銀行カードなど]財務省の制裁とライセンスの力の移転を。"欧州のパートナーの目的はである "スペインの銀行の独立性を確保、"その信憑性を示唆しているフレーズの信頼性を間引きした政府自身の厳しい批判によって浸食され、今日存在しません。よく危機に中央銀行は、金融の穴の大きさの光の中で不足して証明されている偉大な国際的な評判、監督していた。
スペインの銀行は、メモによると、 "特に金融システムの検査官"の脆弱性やリスクを評価するための責任機関では、今年の秋に最も深刻な欠陥を識別するための内部検査を行います。介入のレベルがよく償還のアプリケーションの上になるように委員会、ECB、欧州の銀行機関と国際通貨基金(IMF)を有効にします:監視検事、金融面の両方で、四半期トロイカしなければならない。トロイカは、両方のエンティティがエンティティとして追加され、必要な、すべてのスペインの金融システムデータ "機密性の厳格な条件の下で、"アクセスすることができます。また、プログラムの実装を確認するには現場検査を行うことができます。また、スペインは、トロイカの覚書に含まれていないセクタ上の任意のアクションをコンサルティングに取り組んでいます。要するに、身代金と引き換えに、EUの権限はECBの効果的な保護の下での葉経済とスペインの銀行を削除します。
国際通貨基金(IMF)の勧告に沿って、欧州のパートナーは、最終的には、おそらく部門の貯蓄をレースを提供します。音の例外への扉を残すことができるテキストによると、 "結局"と、ボードの間の非互換性を課している - 特に、EUは、子会社の銀行を制御して停止するにはボックスの改革を求めてボックスとそれらの銀行は現在、多くの場合、共有の取締役、参加しました。
大臣ルイス·デ·Guindosは、計画条件の概要を説明し、救済は、次の18ヶ月間に限り、銀行システムを安定させるために役立つべきであるという結論を残しました。救助の最後の図は、見守らなければならないが、一時的な欧州の救済基金は、スペインの30,000百万円への援助の最初のトランシェ、12.5歳の平均回収期間 "を与えるがあれば緊急事態それは赤のホットな市場で、Guindosとして即時注入 "を必要とし、昨年8月の厳しい月に発生します。
すべてのことに対して、言葉。火曜日に委員会のオッリ·レーンの副社長は、 "予定通りスペインの当局が措置を取ることを確信"であったと救助がどのステートに適用されるコンディショナリティ "に関連付けられていると述べた条件を満たす必要があります。コンプライアンスが監視されて過剰財政赤字是正手続き、定期的に[計画が合意された]を "Ecofin理事はGuindosは比較的平穏であったが、ユーログループの会合(ユーロ大臣)で、パートナーは非常にタフだったスペイン、いくつかの情報源によると。

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