



La muerte de los 54 africanos en el mar por deshidratación conmociona Italia

El única superviviente de la travesía ha contado lo ocurrido a funcionarios de la ACNUR

Otros 50 subsaharianos han sido rescatados esta madrugada frente a las costas de Messina

The death of 54 Africans at sea by dehydration shocked Italy

The only survivor of the voyage has had what happened to UNHCR officials

Another 50 sub-Saharan Africa have been rescued this morning off the coast of Messina

Pablo Ordaz Rome 11 JUL 2012 - 10:59 CET
The ongoing drama of the boats has a lot of perfect crime. Since last January, 1,300 undocumented immigrants were able to cross the Mediterranean from Libya and into Italy. Another 50 sub-Saharan Africa, including a two year old girl were rescued this morning off the coast of Messina. But many others will never know how many exactly, die during the voyage without ever inquire who they were or how they died. The last example is that of a dreadful boat with 55 immigrants at the end of June, left the coast of Libya for Italy.

more informationThe migrants return after the crisis in OECD countries but not to SpainFEATURE They are refugees, not immigrants
During the 15 days he was drifting in the wind, its occupants were dying of thirst until only one remained. An Eritrean who was rescued by the Coast Guard in Tunisia and the tragedy has told officials of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). According to the testimony of immigrants, of which no name has transcended - the boat left Tripoli with 55 immigrants, mostly Eritreans, on board. After a day's sail, began to see the coast of Italy, but the strong wind sent back out to sea and played with them for two weeks.
The immigrant, admitted to a hospital in Zarzis (southern Tunisia), told the envoys of the UNHCR that saw the death of their fellow passengers, "one after the other" due to dehydration. Among the dead were three family members.
The only survivor was seen last Monday night by Tunisian fishermen clinging to the wreckage of a boat and a drum. They gave notice to the Tunisian Coast Guard, which made it on time. But that, too often, it is not usual. Having become a nuisance to the countries of departure and arrival, and a real problem for fish that cross their path, the UNHCR has a suspicion that often calls for help have no answer.
Hence, T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees has issued a distress call to the conscience: "I call upon the captains to give full attention to possible cases of immigrants and refugees in distress that need to be helped. The Mediterranean is one of the busiest seas in the world and it is essential that the ancient tradition of rescue at sea continue to be respected. "




ボートの進行中のドラマが完全犯罪をたくさん持っている。昨年1月から、1300不法移民は、リビアから、イタリアに地中海を渡ることができました。 2歳の少女を含む別の50サハラ以南のアフリカは、メッシーナの沖今朝救助された。しかし、他の多くは、これまで彼らがいた方お問い合わせ、またはそれらがどのように死んでなくても航海中に死亡、どのように多くを正確に知ることはありません。最後の例では、6月末で55移民恐ろしいボートから、イタリアのリ​​ビアの海岸を離れるということです。

だけが残るまで、彼は風に漂っていた15日の間に、その居住者は、のどの渇きで死んでいた。チュニジアの沿岸警備隊に救助されたと悲劇は国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)の職員を言っている人エリトリア。移民の証言によると、そのうち何名が超越していない - ボートは、ボード上の55の移民は、主Eritreansとトリポリを残しました。一日の帆の後、イタリアの海岸を見て始めたが、強い風が海に戻って送信され、2週間一緒に演じた。
ザルジスの病院(南チュニジア)に入院した移民は、脱水のために "相次いで"仲間の乗客の死を見たUNHCRの使者に言った。死者の中に家族3人であった。
したがって、T.アレクサンダーAleinikoff、難民アシスタント高等弁務官は良心に遭難コールを発行しました: "私は助けする必要が苦痛で、移民と難民の可能なケースへの完全な注意を払うように船長に呼び出します。地中海世界で最も忙しい海の一つであり、それは海で救助の古代からの伝統を尊重であり続けることが不可欠である。 "

パブロ·オルダスローマ11 JUL 2012 - 午前10時59分CET

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