



El Gobierno subirá los impuestos medioambientales

España es el país europeo que menos recauda por estos tributos

The Government will raise environmental taxes

Spain is the European country that collects these taxes less

Jesus Gonzalez Madrid Sérvulo 9 JUL 2012 - 00:19 CET
Spain is the country of the European Union (EU) unless certain environmental type of tax in relation to GDP, according to Eurostat. Revenues from these taxes only represents 1.62% of national wealth, one point less than the European average (2.6%).
The fall in indirect taxes, mainly VAT, which yields more than 10% so far this year, is threatening the fulfillment of the deficit target at 5.3% of GDP. Therefore, the Government is considering all alternatives to squeeze the tax machinery and fill the public coffers. "In Spain we have a wide field to set environmental taxes," claimed a few days ago Secretary of State for Budget, Marta Fernandez Curras, when asked about a rise in indirect taxes. At the same time admitted that the Government is considering implementing the green penny, a tax on oil.
This rate environment, which in reality would be a surcharge of between three and five cents per liter of fuel, originally planned to finance the deficit rate of renewable energy. However, Treasury is considering the possibility of part of the nearly 1,500 million euros that could raise this measure to offset other budgetary imbalances.
"Gasoline is cheaper in Spain than in the rest of Europe. We always look at those taxes that are lower in other European partners, "said Ramses Perez Bogue, vice president of the Organization of Tax Inspectors (IHE), the majority of the industry association. "What happens is that gasoline is linked to industrial activity which makes it a very sensitive," he adds. He also studies new rates apply to renewable energy that is intended to enter around 1,000 million euros. And apply new taxes or other polluting activities related to the environment.
The idea of ​​Mariano Rajoy Executive to raise green taxes in line with the recommendations of the European Commission (EC) has proposed to Spain. "Introducing a tax system compatible with the efforts of fiscal consolidation and more growth, especially shifting the tax burden from labor to consumption and harmful activities on the environment," said Brussels.

Treasury has admitted studying a fuel tax to
These suggestions have become enforceable indications from the time that the Government of Spain appealed to Brussels for a rescue to save the banks. Moreover following the agreement reached at the European summit in late June, they approved measures to alleviate the pressures of the sovereign debt markets to Spanish and Italian. In addition, the Spanish did other concessions such as direct bank recapitalization to prevent aid to compute entities as public debt.
The 2012-2015 stability program launched in Brussels includes an increase in collection of indirect taxes of 8,000 million euros. This amount is included in the VAT reform plans to the Ministry of Finance-study pass taxed at the reduced rate products (8%) at the standard rate of 18% -. But the VAT hike alone will not reach that amount.
"What we, as Government, will rely more on indirect taxation, environmental, and rest less income from taxation, public sector employment, which is what the EC reiterates its recommendation. Do not look only on VAT. There are other possibilities are also cited in the recommendations of the EC, "said Montoro few weeks ago in Congress.
In Spain, the tax burden on energy represents almost 82% of green taxes, taxes on transport 18% and taxes on emissions or polluting activities only accounts for 1% of total environmental taxes.

Polluting activities may also have a new rate
Among the facts of the environmental tax is energy production, taxes on transport and pollution, according to the report Trends in the European Union tax prepared by Eurostat, which indicates that most Member States have made between 2% and 3% of GDP for these taxes. Denmark, Netherlands and Slovenia are the countries in Europe, which collect these taxes above 3%.
"Environmental taxes worked well in the Nordic countries because taxpayers believed they were helping to restore the environment," said Perez Boga (IHE), who points out that CO2 emissions could be taxed or certain chemicals that are polluting. The Brussels report shows a decrease in revenues in recent years due to rising fuel prices and the decline in activity. Brussels bets on such taxes and Spain will follow your instructions.


イエス·ゴンザレスマドリッドSérvulo9 JUL 2012 - 午後12時19分CET
間接税の減少は、主に今年これまでに10%以上が得られる付加価値は、GDPの5.3%で、財政赤字目標の達成を脅かしている。したがって、政府は税金の機械を絞ると公共財源を埋めるためにすべての選択肢を検討している。 "スペインでは、我々は環境税を設定するには、広い視野を持っている"と間接税の上昇について尋ね予算、マルタ·フェルナンデスCurras、のための国務長官数日前に主張した。同時に政府は、グリーンペニー、石油税の導入を検討されていることを認めた。
"ガソリンは他のヨーロッパ諸国よりもスペインでも安いです。我々は常に他のヨーロッパのパートナーに低いもの税金を見て、 "ラムセスペレスボーグ、税務査察機構(IHE)の副社長、業界団体の大半は述べています。 "何が起こると、ガソリンは、それが非常に敏感になり、工業活動にリンクされているということです"と彼は付け加えた。彼はまた、新たなレートは約1,000億ユーロを入力するように意図されている再生可能エネルギーに適用され研究している。新税や環境に関連するその他の汚染行為を適用します。
欧州委員会(EC)の勧告に沿って緑の税金を上げるためマリアーノRajoyエグゼクティブのアイデアはスペインに提案した。 "特に環境に労働から消費と有害な活動への税負担をシフトし、財政再建と成長の努力と互換性の税システムを導入、"ブリュッセルは言った。

ブリュッセルで発売2012-2015安定プログラムは8000万ユーロの間接税の徴収の増加が含まれています。 - この金額は、18%の標準税率で、軽減税率の製品(8%)で課税金融学習パス省に計画の付加価値税改革に含まれています。しかし、付加価値税の引き上げだけではその金額に到達しません。
"我々は、政府として、環境、間接税にもっと頼るし、ECはその勧告を改めて何か課税、公共部門の雇用から、少ない収入を置きます。唯一の付加価値で見てはいけません。また、ECの勧告の中で引用されている他の可能性がありますが、 "議会でモントロ数週間前に言った。

"納税者は、彼らが環境を復元する助けと信じていたので、環境税は、北欧諸国ではうまくいった、" CO2排出量は、課税や汚染されている特定の化学物質ができることを指摘しているペレスBoga(IHE)は言いました。ブリュッセルのレポートでは、燃料価格の高騰や活動の低下に起因する近年の売上高の減少を示しています。そのような税金やスペインのブリュッセルの賭けはあなたの指示に従います。

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