
ドイツの大蔵大臣のWolgang Schauble氏は、スペインの銀行救済は、2013年以降に


ドイツの大蔵大臣のWolgang Schauble氏は、スペインの銀行救済は、2013年以降に

WOLFGANG SCHÄUBLE | Ministro de Hacienda de Alemania.

“El fondo europeo concede créditos a los países, no hace donaciones”

España quiere que la ayuda europea se inyecte directamente a los bancos cuanto antes. El responsable de finanzas advierte: "Eso no sucederá este año”

WOLFGANG SCHÄUBLE | Minister of Finance of Germany.

"The fund provides loans to European countries, does not make donations"

Spain wants EU aid is injected directly into banks soon. The head of finance warns, "That will not happen this year"

Juan Gomez Madrid 7 JUL 2012 - 22:04 CET
The risk premium Spanish climbed on Thursday to levels near rescue, while a group of economists pomegranate liberal-conservatives in Germany published a barrage of criticism of government concessions to its European partners. The focus of these warnings and despite the shameful Berlin, the spartan office of Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble seems the proverbial eye of the hurricane to strike Europe. In shirtsleeves, Schäuble abandons his wheelchair the large desk, to receive HOME. Start talking about football before moving on to defend during a time that was sapping his energy, German policies in the European crisis.
Question. Will decisions about the Spanish banking rescue the Eurogroup meeting on Monday?
Response. Receive reports of the Minister of Economy Luis de Guindos and the troika on the status of negotiations to implement the agreement politically. Spain has specific problems with its banking sector, due to the explosion of the housing bubble. So we want to support the recapitalization of banks with the stability fund EFSF. We encourage Spain to take that route.
P. The version of the Spanish government seemed to suggest that it was they who insisted ...
R. There is a contradiction. We are in a constant dialogue between governments extremely important. We have a common currency and all suffer the crisis of confidence in financial markets. Spain has taken bold decisions and a long draft. The results show structural reforms: labor costs fall, exports to Germany grew. It performed well, but need time to deploy even more positive effect.
P. ¿Discuss the Eurogroup direct aid to Spanish banks?
R. One thing at a time: first we must implement a common banking supervisor efficient, involving the European Central Bank (ECB). We will discuss how we could make possible the direct access of banks to European funding stability. It will not work without a supervisor to monitor the banks, their use of aid and compliance with the conditions. But the supervisory body will be operational this year. That is unrealistic.
P. Where 12 months?
R. The ECB says it can take. In addition, Spain and other countries want the monitoring to include all banks. The ECB says it exceeds its current capacity. To act now, we agreed that the [Bank Restructuring Fund] FROB you apply as an agent of the Spanish Government. The money will fund EFSF provisional, because the permanent ESM is not ready. The ESM will take the credit, but will keep its status as privileged creditor. What is to be agreed with Spain will be applied as is.

This is not football, in Europe we win or lose together
P. Will you stay in the Spanish debt?
R. The EFSF gives credits to countries that request, it donates. Under the rules of [the European statistical office] Eurostat, the credits are added to the debt, even as soft as those of the EFSF. Talking about what will happen when running the future of banking supervision agency would build castles in the air. Now we must work with what we have. Spain does not have a problem with your debt, which is lower than the German. The parties may refinance its financial sector problems in conditions far better than the market. He is wrong who sees in this an additional burden. In addition, key figures and the intention of reducing the deficit shows that we should not exaggerate the matter. Spain is on the right track.
P. Interest paid on daily markets grow and as we increase the debt. Are we in a vicious circle?
R. Spain is doing much to break the vicious circle and to strengthen market confidence. Exceed recessive development of its economy. We are concerned that Spain will recover, because we share a common commitment. Spain as a State does not need a loan, they need some of their banks. When full recapitalization and reforms continue to bear fruit, will reduce market tensions.
P. If it does not happen and no rescue, European funds exhausted its capacity.
R. Why would Spain to appeal to the bailout fund? They are doing the right thing. That's fantastic and irresponsible speculation.
P. People are afraid. A couple of years, was also speculation that has happened in Greece.
R. Will you compare Greece to Spain? The situation is not at all similar. But it is understandable that people are concerned with high unemployment and the problems that arise. A decade ago we had the same conflict in Germany. This phase of Spanish economic weakness to be overcome.

We want Spain to recover, we share a common commitment
P. Critics accuse Germany of using market pressure to impose their pattern of reforms in Europe.
R. The Spanish Government does not need lessons from German. They know what to do and do very well. We have great respect for the work of the Spanish. The idea that the Government is implementing reforms to satisfy Germany is grotesque.
P. What are the red lines in the fight against the crisis? Are you willing to cross them?
R. It's an old ditty critical to ensure that define red lines and then cross them. Not true. But we must respect a couple of principles like solidarity and consolidation must go hand in hand. And the control and responsibility should not disengage. On the other hand, what is a good solution for Europe is also a good solution for Germany and certainly also for Spain. This is not football, in Europe we win or lose together.
P. Did not Germany has benefited from the tiny interest paid as a safe haven in crisis?
R. Our debt has increased since the crisis began, are higher in Spain, more than 80%. For private sector involvement in the Greek removed, just lost 10,000 million euros in our bad-banks. In addition, we are the principal sponsors and major contributors of funds for stability. We take risks that I think are manageable, but our critics in Germany. Really, I would not worry that we're only benefiting.
P. With 70 years after serving the State all your life, think about your legacy?
R. I do not think my tablet or my epitaph, but you have to tell young people who are not afraid. We have gone from worse situations. Across Europe we have democracy, peace, welfare, safety ... We must remember the fate that is European unity.
P. There is concern that the austerity policies end up with the welfare state.
R. The welfare state has a higher level than they could dream of earlier generations. A sustainable financial policy is essential for economic growth, with which we maintain the welfare state.
ドイツの大蔵大臣のWolgang Schauble氏は、スペインの銀行救済は、2013年以降に



フアン·ゴメス·マドリード7 JUL 2012 - 22時04分CET
P. ¿スペインの銀行にユーログループの直接援助を話し合う?
R. ECBは、それが取ることができると言います。加えて、スペインおよび他の国では、モニタリングはすべての銀行を含める必要があります。 ECBは、その電流容量を超えたと言います。今すぐ行動するために、我々はあなたがスペイン政府のエージェントとして適用される[銀行再編ファンド] FROBことに合意した。永久的なESMの準備ができていないので、お金は、連邦軍は暫定資金を提供します。 ESMは、クレジットがかかりますが、特権を持つ債権者としての地位を維持します。スペインで合意するものですがそのまま適用されます。

R. EFSFは、要求、それを寄付している国々にクレジットを提供します。 [欧州統計局]ユーロスタットの規則の下で、クレジットは、借金にEFSFのものとしても、ソフトに追加されます。銀行監督機関の未来は空気中の城を建設すると実行時に何が起こるかについて話している。今私たちが持っているものと協力する必要があります。スペインはドイツよりも低いあなたの負債の問題を、持っていません。当事者は、市場よりもはるかに良い条件での金融セクターの問題の借り換えがあります。彼はこれに追加の負担を見て誰が間違っているのです。さらに、キーの数字と赤字を削減する意図は、我々が問題を誇張するべきではないことを示しています。スペインは正しい軌道に乗っています。


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