Bankia sacará a los imputados del consejo de sus filiales antes de tres meses
El expresidente Rodrigo Rato y el exvicepresidente Francisco Pons están entre los afectados
EP Madrid6 JUL 2012 - 17:31 CET
Bankia will bring the accused the council of its subsidiaries within three months
Former President Rodrigo Rato and the former vice president Francisco Pons are among those affected
Madrid EP 6 JUL 2012 - 17:31 CET
Former President Rodrigo Rato and the former vice president Francisco Pons are among those affected
Madrid EP 6 JUL 2012 - 17:31 CET
Bankia will draw on the boards of its subsidiaries within three months to the defendants in the case on the entity in the Court, among which are the president and the former vice president Rodrigo Rato Francisco Pons.
Several exconsejeros of Bankia and its parent Financial Savings Bank (BFA) that have been laid off are still part of the boards of investee companies such as Iberdrola, IAG, Indra and NH.
The president of the organization, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, advanced in the shareholders' meeting on June 29, before meeting the decision of the Court, the group reduced by 75% the 1,069 directors in the subsidiaries.
The 33 exconsejeros of Bankia defendants no longer have any working relationship with the entity or its parent, since all were dismissed from their positions prior to the decision of the court, except the CEO Francisco Verdú, who resigned the announcement of the Audience national.
Several exconsejeros of Bankia and its parent Financial Savings Bank (BFA) that have been laid off are still part of the boards of investee companies such as Iberdrola, IAG, Indra and NH.
The president of the organization, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, advanced in the shareholders' meeting on June 29, before meeting the decision of the Court, the group reduced by 75% the 1,069 directors in the subsidiaries.
The 33 exconsejeros of Bankia defendants no longer have any working relationship with the entity or its parent, since all were dismissed from their positions prior to the decision of the court, except the CEO Francisco Verdú, who resigned the announcement of the Audience national.
マドリッドEP6 JUL 2012 - 17時31分CET
マドリッドEP6 JUL 2012 - 17時31分CET
Bankiaはそのうち社長と元副社長ラトフランシスコポンスであり、コート内のエンティティの場合の被告に3ヶ月以内にその子会社のボード上で描画されます。 解雇されていますBankiaとその親金融貯蓄銀行(BFA)のいくつかのexconsejerosはまだそのようなイベルドローラ、IAG、インドラとNHとして投資先企業のボードの一部です。 組織の会長、ホセ·イグナシオGoirigolzarriは、裁判所の判決を満たす前に、6月29日に株主総会で進め、グループは75%子会社の1069取締役が減少した。 すべての聴衆の発表を辞任したCEOサンフランシスコレーヴェを除き、事前の裁判所の決定に彼らの位置から解雇されたので、Bankiaの被告の33 exconsejerosは、エンティティまたはその親を持つ任意の協力関係を持っていなくなりましたナショナル
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