



Los seis grandes bancos se quejan ante Linde de la lentitud del Ejecutivo

La cúpula de las mayores entidades se reúne para analizar el avance de la crisis

The six big banks complain to the slow Linde Executive

The dome of the largest entities meet to review progress of the crisis

Barron Íñigo Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 22:05 CET
The bankers have changed their attitude towards traditional power, more or less complacent after receiving twelve decrees that have required more capital and more supplies at the same time, something that really considered harmful. And this time did not mourn alone, but in the presence of its highest authorities, the newly arrived governor, Luis Linde, and the lieutenant governor, Fernando Restoy.
The protagonists were the six banks that have emerged as the new "big", maintaining breakfast once a quarter. By Santander and BBVA turned their CEOs, Alfredo Saenz and Angel Cano, while by the other presidents were: Isidro Faine, La Caixa, Angel Ron, Banco Popular, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, first shown as a representative Bankia maximum, and Josep Oliu of Banco Sabadell. The Spanish Banking Association (AEB) hosted the event, held on Wednesday of last week.
The industry heavyweights bluntly criticized the lack of speed and a clear roadmap of government at the time for action. Above all, some, such as the increase in VAT, which was seen as essential for months and still has not officially announced. Bankers believe that "lack of leadership has to act in tow of the measures required by the European Commission, with consequent damage to the image and weight of the executive," said one of those present.

The industry heavyweights bluntly criticized the lack of speed and a clear roadmap of the Government to take action when
In this sense, we interpreted the severe loss of seat in the board of the European Central Bank (ECB), from which it issues and Jose Manuel Gonzalez was not replaced by any other Spanish. The nominee, Antonio Sainz de Vicuna, current director of the Legal Services of the ECB in Frankfurt has been considered as a candidate without sufficient curriculum for the post. The same has happened with Belén Romana, which has failed to be elected to chair the permanent European rescue mechanism.
This attitude of shuffling by the Government is particularly objectionable, as the bankers, because Spain is considered in Europe as a serious case and any delay in making the situation much worse decisions in the markets. This tension results in strong decreases in bank contributions, which dragged down nearly 30% on average.
Despite being Goirigolzarri present, could not prevent the most recurrent theme in the sector: the erroneous actions of the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, in rescuing Bankia. The institutions consider that the petition of 23,000 million to clean up the assets of Bankia after agonizing exit of former President Rodrigo Rato, has allowed the widespread abroad and creating the industry is as bad as the nationalized entity.

This attitude of shuffling by the Government is particularly objectionable, as the bankers, because Spain is considered in Europe as a serious case
Some of those present felt that Spain was being carried to the limit of their endurance, consenting, by the ECB, that raises the risk premium to impossible limits, while strongly rising bond yields, " for after all steps are accepted without bargaining. " The financial executives find it impossible to meet the deficit targets, ie achieving the state revenue and financial markets, if interest rates remain at current levels suffocating.
Some even expressed the idea that Spain is virtually taken over by the European Union, although public opinion speaks only that there is a bank bailout. In this regard, said he did not act with diligence could give ammunition to those European powers who advocate government intervention in Spain, which was considered extremely risky by the possibility that after the same thing happen with Italy and France, which could lead to dissolution of the euro, with the arrival of endless problems.
Neither is expected that the injection of capital of 60,000 million to entities as a panacea to solve the economic crisis. In his opinion, as stated by the Nobel Prize in economics, Paul Krugman, "Spain's problem is not the banks, but the economy." Those present agreed that the need for more capital and more supplies at the same time have a very serious: absolute credit drought. With this lack of loans, doubt that you can recover the Spanish GDP.
The executives expressed Restoy Linde and the need to break the loop that links bank risk to sovereign debt. This situation is worsening with the acquisition of public debt by entities, with the risk that a future production value of a rebate of Spanish bonds (as was done in theoretical exercises of the European Banking Authority) , causing enormous damage to the solvency of institutions.
The bankers feared strong constraints to the entire sector for European aid. At the end have been a greater level of control over capital and liquidity. For the savings banks there have been more severe measures.



バロンイニゴ·マドリード10 JUL 2012 - 夜09時05分CET

主人公は、四半期に一度朝食を維持し、新しい "大きい"として浮上している6つの銀行であった。最初の代表として示さイシドロファイン、ラ·カイシャ、エンジェルロン、バンコ人気、ホセ·イグナシオ·Goirigolzarri、他の大統領でいる間サンタンデールとBBVAで、そのCEOは、アルフレド·サエンスと天使カノを回しBankia最大値、バンコ·サバデルのジョセップ·Oliu。スペインの銀行協会(AEB)は、先週の水曜日に開催されたイベントを開催しました。
業界の大物は、ぶっきらぼうにアクションの時に速度と政府の明確なロードマップの欠如を批判した。上記のすべての、、月に不可欠と見られていた、まだ正式に発表していない付加価値の増加など、一部の。銀行家たちが信じている "リーダーシップの欠如は、エグゼクティブのイメージと体重に結果ダメージで、欧州委員会が必要とする措置のトウに作用する必要があり、"出席者の1人だ。


強く、債券利回りが上昇しながら出席者の一部 "は、スペインが不可能な限界にリスクプレミアムを発生させるECBによって、同意し、彼らの持久力の限界に実施されていたと感じた後のすべてのステップが交渉なしで受け入れられています。 "金利が窒息し、現在のレベルで残っている場合、金融の幹部は、すなわち国家の収益と金融市場を達成するため、財政赤字目標を達成することは不可能見つける。
どちらも経済危機を解決する万能薬などのエンティティから60,000百万円の資本注入が期待されている。彼の意見では、ノーベル経済学賞ポール·クルーグマンが述べたように、 "スペインの問題は、銀行が、経済ではありません。"絶対的な信用の干ばつ:出席者は、同時により多くの資本と多くの供給の必要性は非常に深刻なを持っていることに合意した。貸出金の欠如は、スペインのGDPを回復できることを疑う。

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