



Bruselas impondrá duros planes de reestructuración al dar las ayudas

Los bancos que reciban dinero tendrán que suprimir el dividendo, vender activos, imponer pérdidas a las preferentes y transferir activos a un banco malo

Brussels will impose tough restructuring plans to give aid

Banks that receive money will have to remove the dividend, sell assets, impose losses on the preference shares and transfer assets to a bad bank

Calendar GRAPHIC restructuring of Spanish banks

Luis Doncel Brussels 10 JUL 2012 - 22:20 CET
The document is signed by the finance ministers of the eurozone kill all the euphemisms used so far: the recommendations of Brussels become impositions. The rescue of Spanish banks grant more powers to the Bank of Spain and less to the Ministry of Economy, will provide information to pouring on the ECB and other European bodies on Spanish institutions and, above all, involve a huge transfer of powers entities that receive assistance. In return, European taxpayers will put in your pocket up to 100,000 million.
The program will begin with a stream of money that the Spanish Treasury, through the FROB (the Bank Restructuring Fund) will receive almost immediately. Given the precarious situation in which there is a significant part of the financial sector, the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) and has prepared 30,000 million euros disbursed over this month. For this, the Bank of Spain has to make a reasoned request to be approved by the European Commission and the Euro Working Group (the organization that brings together the number two from the ministries of Finance of the euro area) according to the Bank European Central Bank (ECB).

The top four auditors (Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young and KPMG) shall submit to the Government on July 31 that a report detailing the failures of each entity in their loan portfolios.
It is in the second half of September when a consultant-all aimed at Oliver Wyman, which it did with Roland Berger the first analysis of the Spanish banking-examine the guts of the entities one by one. The Bank of Spain and the Commission in cooperation with the EBA (European Banking Authority) and the European Central Bank (ECB) determined in these tests for resistance to 14 financial groups account for 90% of the sector which are the total capital needs.
The entities are divided into four groups: those that do not require capital (at least the big three: Santander, BBVA, La Caixa, according to preliminary analyzes), the BFA-Bankia nationalized, CatalunyaCaixa, Novacaixagalicia and Banco de Valencia, which require capital and can not get in the market and that they need, but have the means to access it outside of public support.
In October he will know exactly which group is each entity, other than nationalized, which are already clear. It will be late this month when they need capital will have to submit their plans on how to get it (either through asset sales or other internal or state aid).
The development by the Spanish authorities or recapitalization plans, if necessary, liquidation, nationalized institutions will begin this month. These programs, targeting groups and nationalized the most absorbed injections of public money, should be ready next November for Brussels gives its approval.

The bailout entities classified into four groups
The plans for banks that need capital but are unable to achieve in the market must be submitted in October. The approval of aid may be deferred until late December, but all who will benefit from them will have to submit a restructuring plan or liquidation involving the steps to segregate assets damaged in the bad bank or management company of assets.
The memorandum states that banks classified in the last group and they need to increase capital by more than 2% of risk weighted assets received before end of year defensive recapitalization initial public through contingent convertible bonds (the famous coconut in financial terminology, which are debt securities whose payment is subject to certain conditions). Have until 2013 to repay half of the coconut and get rid of public aid.
The entities in this group may need less capital to wait until June 30, 2013. If they can not be left with even the use of public aid. Yesterday said the economy minister, Luis de Guindos, in a break from Ecofin, all funds to clean up the sector to be disbursed over the next 18 months.
Restructuring or liquidation
A strategy coordination committee, which cooperate with the Commission, the ECB, the EBA, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and an expert who will coordinate this committee, supervise the work that will develop the independent auditors.
One of the ideas that guide the Commission is that any restructuring or liquidation bank must be based on the principles of sustainability, sharing of costs between taxpayers and shareholders and trying to distort competition as little as possible. Thus, entities requesting public funds must demonstrate their ability to survive long term without the crutches of taxpayer money.

The requirement of 9% of capital for the sector will last at least until 2014
The restructuring plans that these banks are forced to write should focus on its ability to generate shareholder value and the costs associated with restructuring. These documents will also need to detail the actions to minimize the cost of taxpayers.
The restructuring will help banks with their own resources as much as possible. To do so, must sell stakes in non-strategic assets, leaving activities falling outside its core business to prohibit the payment of dividends or compensation of hybrid capital instruments. The authorities should settle those entities that are not feasible and require public funds.
The Spanish authorities, in partnership with Brussels must quickly address the restructuring or, where appropriate, liquidation of entities that need it. Plans drawn up in Madrid will be sent to the Commission for study under the state aid rules. Brussels will be the ECB, the EBA and the IMF. The first entities to be addressed in this process are nationalized.

The aid also involves a new reform of the savings banks
To ensure that the cost to taxpayers is minimal, the euro area governments want Spain to take force owners to remove products as preferred stock or subordinated. This policy of burden sharing will affect only banks that receive public assistance, being set free those who can survive on their own. The Bank of Spain, the Commission and the EBA oversee these operations.
The legislation removes permitted subordinated debt will be adopted at the end of next August. The Spanish authorities have to make the legal changes necessary for the case that this burden-sharing can not be done voluntarily. At the end of this month will identify the necessary legal steps to advance this process.
Minimize the cost to the taxpayer
Banks have to resort to the state to cover their capital requirements become hybrid capital and subordinated debt in the capital at the same moment in which the entity receives public or recomprándola injection at a substantial discount. This rule applies to 30 June 2013 for those entities that we do not know if they need aid. The situation is even worse for non-viable. Burden-sharing will apply to the extent possible to minimize the cost of taxpayers.
Europe calls for further progress in the regulatory framework for the settlement entities. The Spanish authorities, in collaboration with the Commission, the ECB and the IMF, amend this statement. The aim is to give more power to FROB.

There will be a defensive recapitalization to certain entities
Troubled assets from banks receiving aid have to be removed quickly from the balance sheets. This principle is especially relevant in loans tied to the brick, but also affect the other assets if there are signs of deterioration. All these assets be transferred to a bad bank at fair value (the long-term) and not the market, which is a relief for the sector. To find this value will use the tests conducted on the bench. The losses for banks should be reflected in the time of separation of assets. Guindos not say yesterday whether to create only one or there will be several asset management companies.
The contract also imposes a new reform of the savings banks, in order to stop having "eventually" control shares in its subsidiary banks. There will also be incompatible with the directors of banks and their banks.
European Monitoring will be extreme. Spain must provide weekly data on deposits and liquidity position of banks and a detailed X-ray of the status of each entity (assets, capital, delinquency, portfolio debt) on a quarterly basis.




ルイスDoncelブリュッセル10 JUL 2012 - 22時20分CET


それは9月の後半にあるとき、コンサルタントすべてそれがローランド·ベルガーの実体を一つずつのスペインの銀行、調べる根性の最初の分析で行ったオリバー·ワイマン、を目指した。 EBA(欧州銀行局)と欧州中央銀行(ECB)の協力を得てスペインの銀行と欧州委員会は、総資本のニーズである部門の90%で14の金融グループアカウントへの抵抗のためにこれらのテストで決定されます。




援助を受けて、銀行から不良資産をバランスシートから迅速に削除する必要があります。この原則は、レンガに縛らローンに特に関連しているだけでなく、劣化の兆候がある場合は、他の資産に影響を与えます。これらのすべての資産は公正価値(長期)とセクターの救済ではない市場、でバッドバンクに移管することができます。見つけるために、この値は、ベンチに実施したテストを使用します。銀行の損失は、資産の分離時に反映されるべきである。 Guindosは1つだけを作成するか、またはいくつかの資産管理会社があるかどうか昨日は言いません。
契約には、子会社の銀行で "最終的には"コントロール株式を有する停止するために、貯蓄銀行の新たな改革を課しています。また、銀行と銀行の取締役との互換性があるでしょう。

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