



El Gobierno dejará de cotizar por las cuidadoras de la Dependencia

Unas 178.000 personas completaban así una futura pensión de jubilación

The Government will contribute for the caregivers of the Unit

Some 178,000 people completed and future pension

Attempt to include new housing to secure the co dependence
The Government will ask the family income to pay the wages to the caretaker

Carmen Moran Madrid 5 JUL 2012 - 22:41 CET
The Government will make contributions to Social Security for those who care for a dependent, mostly women. For some time he talked of "thorough revision" issue. Government sources consulted by this newspaper and take it for granted: the contributions are suspended "while studying other alternatives." The move will affect current data-with-a 178,300 people, who completed the State contributions to these other years of contributions to access to a future pension.
Although family caregivers are many more, about 428,000, those already traded for other jobs or are pensioners were not included in these quotes. The Government considers that it is in the spirit of the law to be provided public money to people who are not dependents (these have received their financial benefit). On the other hand, insist that these cases can not be considered employment generated. They add one fact: the total new Social Security in the social services sector, 63% were carers (family) between 2007 and 2012. And have brought 1.047 million in that period. It is true that is money that does not leave the state. What makes a ministry falls in another.

Disappearing levels which divided the three degrees of severity
The second reform that is taken for granted is the elimination of the two levels into which each degree of severity of dependence. From now on, the reform will be presented at Council of Ministers expected next week, there will be only grade 3, grade 2 and grade 1, the latter being the minor. It is an undeniable and bureaucratic relief the differences were not many: the mildest grade 3 were similar to those most severe grade 2 as the boundary was very diffuse. The risk is that in times of cuts the long arm of some regional Administrations push to value as grade two to grade which would have been three in its most mild. And this is no small matter, because the government pays the same communities for a dependent by a severe serious. Not provide the same communities.
The rest of the reform is awaiting the final details, which will be in the government meeting with the directors next Wednesday. Three issues are among the most controversial. The first is the reference prices for services offered to dependents (between 1,300 and 1,500 euros a square in a nursing home, for example) because once will be determined to set the user's copayment. The different standard of living and price of communities predicts some fight but regional leaders have pledged to reach agreement on this before year end.
The second thorny issue will be the financial amounts received by family caregivers. At the meetings there have been proposals to lower the maximum amount (520 euros for dependents worst). It saves to the public purse, especially for those communities that have granted many paid caregivers, but to get that money will not receive in this way they will get the other to wake up and advance the provision of services (more seats residential and day centers). And that's not easy, it also requires a good investment. Difficult when communities have already lost some 300 million that fell from the State Budget.

It is proposed to lower
the maximumreceiving thefamily assistant
That transfer between financial benefits and services is the third obstacle to argue. One of the planned reforms is more generously fund the services that the economic benefits, something that everyone agrees, because it respects the spirit of the law, because the services cost more and need, therefore, more money and by generating employment. The problem is timing. It is expected that in about five or six years and half the money is allocated to cost of service basis, but it is not known what percentage will be next year. A 10% award and to have more services? There are many communities with a majority of financial aid, these lose much money if the new deal is done hastily.
What is already known, although details are lacking, is that to determine the economic capacity of the dependent side to implement the new copayment, we will consider your income and assets, which includes 5% of the assessed value of your home provided that is not occupied by dependents of the dependent. He had a resolution which contained it, but had not been implemented in all regions. Now be regulated by decree and all will have to comply. In addition, the economic measure to be taken as reference for the copay will be 75% of IPREM and not 100%. In this way, more money will scratch citizen.
Finally, tighten the criteria for access to a benefit for family caregiving. There will be more checks on the suitability of carers and will be required to live with the clerk, which now was not always considered in the case of the most serious. Even had in different provinces. Looks like a fraud and does not seem as efficient, but in many cases the only solution when not offered a residential square in return. With that money you could hire another caregiver.



カルメンモランマドリード5 JUL 2012 - 夜10時41分CET
政府は依存し、主に女性を気遣う人のための社会保障への貢献を行います。しばらくの間、彼は "徹底した見直し"の問題を語った。政府筋は、この新聞で相談し、当然のそれを取る。の貢献が中断され、 "他の選択肢を勉強しながら。"この動きは、現在のデータ付き将来の年金へのアクセスに貢献、これらの他の年に国家への貢献を完了178300人に影響を与えます。

改革の残りの部分は次水曜日取締役との政府の会議になります最終的な詳細を、待っています。 3つの問題は、最も物議を醸すの一つです。一度、ユーザーの一部負担を設定するには、決定されますので、最初は、扶養家族(1,300の間で1500ユーロ、特別養護老人ホームの正方形など)に提供されるサービスの基準価格です。地域社会の生活や価格の異なる標準は、いくつかの戦いを予測しますが、地域の指導者は、年末前に、この上で合意に達することを誓約した。

金銭的な利益とサービスの間の転送が主張する三番目の障害です。計画的な改革の一つは、より寛大にサービスに資金を供給する、つまり経済的な利点、それはサービスが、より多くのお金をより多くの費用がかかり、したがって、必要があるため、法の精神を尊重しているため、誰もが、同意するもの雇用を生成することによって。問題はタイミングです。それは約5または6年半お金はサービスごとのコストに割り当てられているが、それは来年どうなるか割合は知られていないことが予想されます。 10%の賞を受賞し、多くのサービスを持っている?新たな契約を急いで行われた場合の財政援助の大部分は、多くのコミュニティがありますが、これらは多くのお金を失う。
すでに詳細が欠けているものの、新たな一部負担を実装するために依存する側の経済的能力を決定することで、知られているものを、私たちはあなたの家の評価額の5%が含まれていますあなたの収入と資産を、検討します依存の扶養家族によって占有されていないことを提供しました。彼はそれが含まれている解像度を持っていましたが、すべての地域で実施されていませんでした。今法令により規制され、すべてが遵守する必要があります。さらに、copayための参照として解釈されるべき経済対策は75 IPREM%のではなく、100%になります。この方法では、より多くのお金が市民を傷つけます。

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