
スペインのバレンシア地方の2012年6月28日から7月7日までに5万0000haを焼失した森林火災は、Cortes de Pallas, Yatova, Macastve, Alborache, Millares, Dos Aguas, Andilla村に影響


スペインのバレンシア地方の2012年6月28日から7月7日までに5万0000haを焼失した森林火災は、Cortes de Pallas, Yatova, Macastve, Alborache, Millares, Dos Aguas, Andilla村に影響

El fuego que arrasó la Comunidad Valenciana, desde el aire

El Pleno del Consell aprobó ayudas por valor de 9 millones de euros

El incendió acabó con cerca de 49.000 hectáreas

The fire that ravaged the Valencian Community, from the air

The Plenum of the Consell approved aid totaling EUR 9 million

The fire ended up with about 49,000 hectares

The Country Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 13:53 CET
The fires that affected several municipalities of Valencia between 28 June and 7 July, ended with nearly 50,000 of 54,743.83 hectares were burned in the first semester in Spain. The fire affected Pallás Courts, Yátova, Macastre, Alborache, Thousand, Two Waters and Andilla, where the flames were at the entrance to the town.

From above, the black and brown now replaced the green of the area endangered National Game Reserve Muela de Cortes. Next to the protected area, two helicopters working in the firefighting crashed. As a result, Nieva José Agustín Gómez, reserve Army Col. 59, died and the pilot and copilot Roman Kowalczyk, Francisco Polonius, were seriously injured.
スペインのバレンシア地方の2012年6月28日から7月7日までに5万0000haを焼失した森林火災は、Cortes de Pallas, Yatova, Macastve, Alborache, Millares, Dos Aguas, Andilla村に影響





カントリーマドリード10 JUL 2012 - 午後01時53分CET

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