



El juez admite otras tres querellas contra Rato y la cúpula de Bankia

La asociación Democracia Real Ya se personará como acusación popular en la causa

El sindicato CGT y el exabogado de Ruiz Mateos se suman a UPyD, Manos Limpias y 15MpaRato

The court convicts three other complaints against Rato and the dome of Bankia

Real Democracy Association already perform witnessing as popular accusation in the case

The CGT union, and of Ruiz Mateos exabogado add to UPyD, Clean Hands and 15MpaRato

DOWNLOADABLE Order of the National Court judge Fernando Andreu

Miguel Angel Medina Madrid 11 JUL 2012 - 18:18 CET
The National Court judge Fernando Andreu has begun processing that accumulate several complaints filed by the president of UPyD against Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, and former board of directors of the entity. According to a car that has had access COUNTRY, Real Democracy Association already perform witnessing as popular accusation in the case, which also joined unions CGT and exabogado Clean Hands and the Ruiz-Mateos, Joaquín Yvancos. Complaints against BFA-Bankia dome are now six, if we add to the platform supported 15MpaRato citizen.
"We believe that popular allegations as Clean Hands or UPyD not defend the general interests," says Joseph Cosin, association lawyer Real Democracy Now. "We believe important to have a popular accusation that aspires to represent the interests of all ordinary people, who need not be the same as those of the shareholders of the entity," he adds. The lawyer, 35, believes that the most appropriate way to conduct a transparent process is a popular complaint. In addition, the association he represents will challenge the admissibility of the complaint of Clean Hands.

more informationThe trial judge admissible Bankia also supports the complaint of 15-M against RatoWho are the 33 accused in the 'case Bankia'?The PP calls the appearance of Rato now in Congress
Cosin said that Real Democracy Association no longer had to deposit any bail to appear as prosecution, and that such measures are taken when yet has failed to report anything. In this case, I had made the formation of Rosa Díez, so popular that the complaint does not need to deposit any amount in court.
In the car they had access COUNTRY also is admitted to a charge of Joaquin Yvancos, exabogado of the Ruiz-Mateos. Yvancos were injured person as Caja Madrid considering that it hurt to force him to sign preferred shares as a condition to renew a credit facility. In addition, Judge Andreu has been called to testify Francisco Verdú, CEO of Bankia and the only defendant present in the current board of Bankia, next July 23.




ミゲル·アンヘル·メディナマドリード11 JUL 2012 - 18:18 CET
ジョセフ·カジン、今すぐ協会の弁護士真の民主主義は言う "我々は、清潔な手または一般的な利益を守ることUPyDなどの一般的な主張、と信じている"。 "我々は、実体の株主のものと同じである必要はありませんすべての普通の人々の利益を代表することを目指して人気の告発をすることが重要と考えている"と彼は付け加えた。弁護士(35)は、透明なプロセスを実施するための最も適切な方法が人気の苦情であると考えています。加えて、彼が表す関連付けは、清潔な手の苦情の許容性に挑戦する。

詳細については、予審判事許容Bankiaもラトに対して15-Mの苦情をサポートしています"ケースBankia 'で告発33は誰ですか?PPは、議会になりましラトの外観を呼び出します。
車の中で、彼らはアクセス国はまた、ホアキンYvancos、ルイス·マテオスのexabogadoの電荷に認められていました。 Yvancosは、それが彼が信用枠を更新する条件として、優先株式に署名するために強制的に傷つけることを考えるとカハ·マドリードのように人を負傷した。さらに、ジャッジアンドリューは、サンフランシスコBankiaのレーヴェ、最高経営責任者(CEO)とBankiaの現在の取締役会は、次の7月23日に存在する唯一の被告人を証言するために呼び出されています。

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