



El precio de las llamadas de móviles sufre una caída récord del 16,6% durante 2011

La conexión a Internet por el móvil se disparó un 92% por el boom de los ‘smarphone’

El desplome del consumo y la fuerte competencia motivan el abaratamiento de las tarifas

El cambio de compañía marca un máximo con más de 5,6 millones de portabilidades

The price of mobile calls suffers a record drop of 16.6% in 2011

Wireless Internet for Mobile surged by 92% by the boom of the 'smarphone'

The collapse of consumption and motivate strong competition drive down prices

The change marks a company with more than 5.6 million portability

Ramon Munoz Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 13:16 CET
The crisis takes its toll but sometimes also comes with discounts. The price of mobile calls to other mobile numbers fell by 16.6% in 2011 up to 9.76 cents per minute, the biggest decline in history from which statistics are available. The collapse of consumption, strong competition and falling wholesale prices imposed by the regulator led to this decline in prices according to the Annual Report of the Telecommunications Market Commission presented today at the Senate.
Falling prices also reached the standard packages of fixed and broadband (ADSL, cable or fiber) that have contracted 10.5 million users, and whose average monthly rate fell more than 7.5%. The price of fixed to mobile calls decreased by 12.1%. In fact, telecommunications was one of the few sectors deflationary, and that provided a negative impact of 0.08% to CPI.
Another of the scales on which broke all records in 2011 as a result of the crisis and the need for households to seek savings on your bill was the change of company. In total, 5.6 million customers moved to another moving company and 1.9 million Internet provider changed, using the mechanism of portability, which allows to keep the phone number.
The most spectacular phenomenon in 2011 was Internet connections to mobile phones, thanks to the widespread use of smart phones (smartphones), with 92% more lines, up to 15.9 million data lines connected through the flat rates offered by operators. Along with datacards and USB lines (known spikes), the total mobile broadband users was 19.3 million, up 65%, with a penetration of 41.8 lines per 100 inhabitants. The total number of mobile lines (including datacards and machine to machine) amounted to 2.8% to 58.4 million.
The number of fixed broadband lines increased by 4.8% during the year, to 11.16 million with a penetration of 24.2 lines per 100 inhabitants. The competition also prompted the household expenditure of telephone and Internet packages come down by 6.5% to 37.6 euros. During the year the market added more than 500,000 broadband lines, whose acquisition was led by alternative operators Jazztel ADSL, Vodafone and Orange (505,281 lines), which accumulated a share of 30.4%, 3.6 points more than in 2010, to the detriment of Telefónica, which lost 124,422 lines and market share fell below 50% for the first time.
The industry as a whole did not fare well. Revenue fell 4.6% in Spain during the year, to 37,950 million euros. The remarkable growth of 23.5% in revenues from mobile broadband, which invoiced 2,420 million, failed to offset the decline in other services. Thus, the fixed income fell 9.2% to 5.298 million, while in mobile telephony (voice and message) decreased by 8.6% to 11.027 million. Meanwhile, fixed broadband for the first time recorded a drop in turnover, with 1.2% lower to 3,450 million.
As for the distribution of speed lines, 46% of the lines (5.13 million) were at the range of speeds between 10 and 20 Mbps, while 6.4% of the total (712,386) had a speed 30 Mbps or higher.
In addition, during 2011 intensified the deployment of next generation networks, especially from cable operators, with 95% of its accesses installed Docsis 3.0 technology that allows speeds up to 100 Mb / s. Furthermore, in late 2011 Telefónica had installed more than 1.5 million access FTTH (fiber to the home), of which 162,792 were active, 230% more than in 2010.
Total investment in the sector during the year, excluding the one dedicated to the acquisition of radio spectrum (1,562 million) was completed at the end of the year was 4.357 million euros, 2.6% less than in 2010.
The revenues of the audiovisual sector (radio and television) fell 6.7%, excluding grants, to 4,124 million euros. Advertising revenues, meanwhile, fell by 10.1% to 2.328 million. The number of subscribers to pay TV increased 0.7% to 4.52 million, driven by the increase in IP TV subscribers and pay-DTT.
The president of the CMT, Bernardo Lorenzo, said that despite the economic situation has caused the general decline in prices, citizens continued to increase its connectivity, both fixed and mobile, and has also increased the average speed of connection standards of the most advanced EU.

モバイルのための無線インターネットは、 'smarphone"のブーム92%急増した



ラモン·ムニョスマドリード10 JUL 2012 - 13時16分CET
全体としては業界ではよくやっていかなかった。売上高は37950百万ユーロとなり、年間スペインで4.6%減少しました。 2420万ドルを請求し、モバイルブロードバンドからの収益の23.5%の著しい成長は、他のサービスの低下を相殺するために失敗しました。携帯電話(音声およびメッセージ)で8.6%11027000に減少しつつ、固定収入が、5298000、9.2%の減少となりました。一方、初めての固定ブロードバンドは3450万ドルから1.2%減で、売上高の減少を記録した。
全体の6.4%(712386)はスピードを持っていながら、高速回線の分布としては、線(5.13百万米ドル)の46%が、10および20 Mbpsの速度の範囲にあった30 Mbps以上。
さらに、2011年には100 Mb / sまでの速度をアップでき、そのアクセスがインストールされているDOCSIS 3.0技術の95%で、特にケーブル事業者から、次世代ネットワークの展開を強化した。さらに、2011年後半にテレフォニカは、162792は2010年には230以上%以上、アクティブになっていたそのうちの150万人以上のアクセスFTTH(家庭への光ファイバ)を、インストールされていた。

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