



El número de funcionarios aumentó un 9,3% entre 2007 y 2011 en toda España

La ocupación en el sector público creció un 5,3% entre los años 2007 y 2011

El número de funcionarios aumentó en 140.411 personas y el de laborales, en 12.384

El empleo público representaba el 14,8% del total en 2011, frente al 12,5% de 2007

The number of staff increased by 9.3% between 2007 and 2011 in Spain

The public sector employment grew by 5.3% between 2007 and 2011

The number of staff increased by 140,411 and the average labor in 12,384

Public employment accounted for 14.8% of the total in 2011, versus 12.5% in 2007

Clara Blanchar Barcelona 10 JUL 2012 - 13:14 CET
While in recent years Spain has destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs in the private sector, public sector employment has increased. Between 2007 and 2011 the employees of the different administrations (national, regional and local) increased by 5.3% (2.7 million people are). The percentage is even more striking in the case of staff, which grew by 9.3%: 140,411 people to 1.6 million. Reveals a study published by PIMEC, the management of Catalan SMEs, conducted biannual newsletter from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for the month of July.
In total, the government won between 2007 and 2011 a total of 135,517 employees. By type of contract, amounted to 140,411 employees and 12,384 labor contracts, and lost 17,278 against interim, permanent-intermittent and other types of contracts. The study stresses that the administration that has grown has been the state, with 5.9% increase.
These figures are due to the weight of public employees over total employees has grown Spanish. In 2011, in Spain as a whole accounted for 14.8% of the total in 2007 was 12.5%. The government structure shows that the regional administration is the largest occupier, with half of all public workers (50,%), while the municipalities account for 24% of the state administration 22%, and universities the remaining 3.8%.
Beyond the average figures for all of Spain, the regions differ significantly in the weight of public employees on all occupied. Thus, the percentage of public employees over the total range from 25.4% in Extremadura and Catalonia 11% of the community with the lowest ratio. These two communities, with 85.3 and 40 employees per thousand population, respectively, mark the points on an average of 56.6. In proportion to population, the six communities with fewer public employees are Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencian, Basque Country, Navarra and La Rioja) and six more are Extremadura, Castile, Andalusia, Canary Islands and León).
The study also points out that despite an increase in civil servants, Spain remains below the OECD average as a fourth country with fewer employees.




クララBlancharバルセロナ10 JUL 2012 - 午後01時14分CET
近年ではスペインは民間部門の雇用数十万人を破壊しているが、公共部門の雇用者数は増加しています。 2007年から2011年の間で異なる行政の従業員(国家、地域、ローカル)5.3%(270万人である)によって増加した。 160万に140411人:割合は9.3%増加したスタッフの場合にはさらに顕著である。 7月の財務行政省からの年2回のニュースレターを実施PIMEC、カタロニア語、中小企業の管理によって発表された研究を明らかにする。
これらの数値は、合計を超える従業員が公務員の重量によるものであるスペインの成長してきました。 2011年には、全体としてスペインで2007年の合計の14.8%を占め、12.5%であった。政府の構造は、地方行政は、すべての公務員(50%)の半分で最大の占有者であることを示す一方、自治体の状態管理の24%22%を占めており、大学3.8%残っています。

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