



el drama de las hipotecas abusivas

Guindos rebaja a 120.000 los potenciales beneficiarios del decreto antidesahucios

El ministro de Economía cifró en 600.000 los "teóricos" afectados por la moratoria de la norma

La bolsa de pisos en alquiler para desalojos cuenta ya con 6.000 viviendas

El Congreso convalida esta mañana el decreto con los votos del PP y de UPyD

El resto de grupos considera inaceptable la norma por entender que se queda corta

DESCARGABLE Texto íntegro de la intervención de Luis de Guindos en el Congreso
Elsa García de Blas / Fernando Garea Madrid 29 NOV 2012 - 11:54 CET

the drama of abusive mortgages

Guindos rebate to 120,000 potential beneficiaries of the decree antidesahucios

Economy Minister totaled 600,000 "theoretical" affected by the moratorium on the rule

Bag condo rentals for evictions now has 6,000 homes

Congress Decree validates this morning with the votes of the PP and UPyD

The other groups deemed unacceptable on the grounds that the standard falls short

DOWNLOADABLE Full text of speech by Luis de Guindos in Congress

Elsa Garcia de Blas / Fernando Garea Madrid 29 NOV 2012 - 11:54 CET

The Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, downgraded in Congress to 120,000 families antidesahucios potential beneficiaries of the decree that has validated the House this morning, even though he stood at 600,000 "theoretical" affected by the standard. The economy minister has acknowledged that the number you provided is not accurate today and be much smaller, "since it does not exist, not at all, 120,000 evictions by residence in a year." The government argues, in fact, that in the last four years have at most 15,000 evictions of residence. Furthermore, Guindos announced that the stock of flats for homeless, voluntarily contributing entities, already has 6,000 homes.
The government made the first calculation of the potential beneficiaries of the decree that gave the minister nine days ago on the basis that 600,000 families in Spain earn less than 19,000 euros a year (one of the requirements set by the standard economic) and spend more than 50% of their income to pay the mortgage (another requirement), explained Economics. But as the decree establishes other requirements in addition to the economic family, which are cumulative, the Ministry has adjusted that figure downward. In any case, as pointed Guindos, today is also the approximate, because there are so many families affected by the eviction process. The minister also added today that 83% of evictions not affect first home and most are empty when it comes to the execution of the eviction.

Thus the estimated 120,000 beneficiaries Economy
The Minister explained how we got to the new figure of 120,000 potential beneficiaries of the decree. According to the INE, said Guindos, of the more than 17 million homes in Spain, 45% would be below the average income required (less than 19,000 euros per year).
Of these, it is estimated that about 445,000 families meet the other two economic conditions simultaneously, ie paying a mortgage that is more than 50% of its total revenue and that in the past four years have been altered significant economic circumstances.
From here, approximately 25% of these 445,000 families meet some family circumstances required. From there you will reach the 120,000 families that according to the Government shall qualify for the moratorium of two years after they have lost their homes. The government argues, however, that in the last four years alone there have been, at most, 15,000 evictions of residence.
A spokeswoman for the Economy then offered his version of the figures: "Guindos not cut any figure beneficiaries of evictions: the 600,000 are those below the income limit them and your mortgage is more than 50% of this. Access the two-year moratorium must also satisfy one of the family circumstances required. Crusaders Once all these data we estimate that there are 120,000 families that meet all requirements. This was always explained with novelty today we take a data tighter ".
The Socialist spokesperson, Soraya Rodriguez, described the text as "arbitrary" because it excludes profiles that are very vulnerable, and it has censored "so restrictive measures leaving without content". "Not up to the height of urgent and necessary, "he concluded. The Socialist spokesman mentioned the "abusive" arrears and can not be beneficiaries of the two-year ban in cases where the property is awarded in the auction a third party other than a bank. "Do not be afraid of any action," Guindos has broached to.
The minister has also suggested, in his defense of the decree in the stands, that the government is not the work of deep reform of the law governing the eviction process as asking those affected, judges and opposition. " No action can be taken to alter the overall design of the regulatory system, "he assured. According Guindos, the measures taken to deal with evictions must not make access to credit or housing in a "privilege".
The minister has made some of the lines where it could go reform law, which will be discussed during the parliamentary process. De Guindos has spoken to "review the default interest to the people at the threshold of exclusion can cope with greater ease the cost of debt", to "give more independence to appraisal companies against banking institutions", to "avoid over-indebtedness in the future, especially encouraging more prudent behavior on purchases of primary residences," or "avoid unfair terms in mortgage contracts" and "clarify the extremely complex mortgage market, for example, contracted in foreign currency ".

moreThe PP is assured only UPyD support the decree against evictionsPoor families with babies and avoid eviction for two yearsJudges uncover the "arbitrariness" of Rajoy decree on evictions
The House has given the green light with 185 votes in favor, 146 against and 2 abstentions to antidesahucios decree approved last week by the Council of Ministers. It has done so with the votes of the PP and UPyD. A fortnight ago it created an expectation of consensus after three days of talks between the Government and the PSOE to ease the situation created by the mortgage defaults and subsequent executions of evictions.
However, the government approved the decree alone and today has more support than the party of Rosa Díez, not because both parties share the contents of the decree, but because UPyD Government is committed to extend it for the process as Bill starts now. PP spokesman, Alfonso Alonso, undertook to study the spread of payments in kind to mortgage defaults. Without more specificity.
PP spokesman said that "philosophy" of UPyD contains interesting contributions on the mortgage law and the Bankruptcy Act and the proposal to devise a procedure that has second chance for those affected by a supervening insolvency.
The other groups deemed unacceptable on the grounds that the decree falls short and does not address the merits of the case, ie the modification of the mortgage law. The PP contacted yesterday with other groups, who moved their demands for discussion during the process of the law. But today's vote all but PP and UPyD, will be negative.
Mariano Rajoy in Congress yesterday defended the decree "are paralyzed evictions for two years for not exceeding an income of 1,597 euros per month and create a social fund housing for those who have lost their homes to rent at a very low price. " As the Prime Minister said in response to the general coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, "are emergency measures, effective and operational, while maintaining the principles of law and not make the exception the general rule."
Lara replied that the decree is the result of pressure from the banks that prevents modifying the law to extend the exceptional. "The limits of the decree has placed Spanish banks. This is the same bank that threatens to remove the credit if the mortgage law is changed, "he said.

34 cases of payment in the second quarter of the Code of Good Practice
The Government today provided the balance of the second quarter of the Code of Good Practice for the banks, the first measure approved by the executive decree to alleviate the evictions of the most vulnerable. The Code, unlike the decree, is voluntary.
According to figures provided by the Minister of Economy in Congress, from July to September this year, 722 banks have received requests from families who wanted to benefit from the measures. Of the 604 that have been solved, in 127 cases the debt was restructured, and 34 were allowed in payment and extinguishment of debt.
In the first quarter of the Code, of 568 applications received (of 285 was completed processing) were 44 and eight restructuring payments in kind.








エルザ·ガルシア·デ·ブラス/フェルナンドGareaマドリード29 NOV 2012 - 11時54分CET
12万家族に議会で格下げ経済大臣ルイス·デ·Guindosは、彼が標準によって影響を "理論的"60万で立っていたにもかかわらず、今朝家を検証した判決の潜在的な受益者をantidesahucios。 "それがすべてではなく、存在していないので、今年中の滞留により、120,000立ち退き"を経済大臣は、登録番号が今日正確ではなく、はるかに小さくなることを認識しています政府は、過去4年間に居住せいぜい15000立ち退きを持っていることを、実際には、主張して​​いる。さらに、Guindosはホームレス、自発的に貢献してエンティティに対してフラットの在庫は、すでに6000の家を持っていることを発表しました。

大臣は、我々は法令12万潜在的な受益者の新たな姿になったかを説明した。 INEによると、Guindos、スペインで17以上の万世帯で、45%(年間未満19000ユーロ)に必要な平均所得以下になるだろうと述べた。
経済の広報担当者は、次に数字の彼のバージョンをしています: "Guindosは立ち退きのいずれかの図の受益者を切断しない:600,000、所得以下ものでそれらを制限して、あなたの住宅ローンは、このアクセ​​スの50%以上である。 2年間のモラトリアムも必要な家庭の事情のいずれかを満たす必要があります。十字軍は、これらすべてのデータは、我々はすべての要件を満たす12万家族があることを推定したら、これは常に目新しさを用いて説明された今日、我々はデータを取る"きつい。
それは非常に脆弱であるプロファイルを除外するために社会党スポークスマン、ソラヤロドリゲスは、 "任意"などのテキストを記述し、それは "コンテンツなしで残すように制限的な措置"を検閲している "ではありません、最大の高さに緊急かつ必要に応じて、 "彼は締めくくった。社会党のスポークスマンは、 "虐待"滞納を言及し、プロパティがオークションに銀行以外の第三者が授与される場合に、2年間の禁止措置の受益者にすることはできません。 "どんな行動を恐れてはいけない、" Guindosはブローチにしています。
大臣はまた、政府が被災者、裁判官、反対を求めるように立ち退きプロセスを支配する法則の深い改革の仕事ではないことを、スタンドの法令の彼の防衛のために、提案している。 "アクションが規制制度の全体的なデザインを変更するために撮影できません "と、彼は安心してください。 Guindosよると、立ち退きに対処するための措置は、 "特権"でクレジットカードや住宅へのアクセスを行ってはなりません。
大臣は、議会プロセス中に議論される制度改革法が、行くことができる線の一部を行っています。デGuindosは、 "金融機関に対して鑑定評価会社へのより多くの独立を与える"ために、 "より簡単に借金のコストを対処することができます排除のしきい値で人に延滞利息を見直す"に語られた"、特に一次住宅の購入にはより慎重な行動を促し、将来的に過剰債務を避ける"や "住宅ローン契約における不公正な用語を避ける"と​​ "非常に複雑な抵当市場を明確にし、例えば、外国通貨で契約する"。

もっとPPは唯一UPyDサポートに立ち退きに対する判決が保証され悪い赤ちゃん連れのご家族とは2年前から立ち退きを避ける裁判官が立ち退きにRajoy判決の "恣意性"を発見する
しかし、政府は単独で判決を承認し、今日は、両当事者が判決の内容を共有しないので、ローザディーツのパーティーよりもサポートしていますが、UPyD政府は次のようにプロセスのためにそれを拡張することを約束されているため、法案が今始まる。 PPのスポークスマン、アルフォンソ·アロンソは、住宅ローンのデフォルトに現物支給の拡大を検討することを約束した。より特異性なし。
PPのスポークスマンはUPyDの "哲学"は抵当法と破産法と併発破綻の影響を受けた人のために二度目のチャンスを持って手続きを考案するための提案についての興味深い貢献が含まれていることを述べた。
判決は及ばと例メリットに対処していないことを理由に容認できないと考え、他のグループは、住宅ローン、法律の変更、すなわち。 PPは、法律の過程で議論のための彼らの要求を動かし、他のグループと昨日連絡した。しかし、今日の投票は、すべてがPPとUPyDは、負の数になります。
議会でマリアーノRajoyは昨日判決は、 "月額1597ユーロの収入を超えないために2年間の立ち退きを麻痺させたと借りるために彼らの家を失った人々のための社会基金ハウジングを作成アール擁護非常に低価格で。 "内閣総理大臣は、IU、カヨ·ララのゼネラル·コーディネーターへの応答で述べたように、 "法の原則を維持しつつ、緊急対策では、効果的かつ正常に動作していると、例外は原則行わない。"
ララは、法令が例外を延長する法律の変更を防ぐ銀行からの圧力の結果であると答えた。 "令の限界はスペインの銀行を置いている。これは、住宅ローンの法律が変更された場合、クレジットを削除する恐れが同じ銀行だ "と彼は言った。

¡Nuevo! Haz

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