The Bank of Spain poses abolish the minimum wage for some workers
Linde claims a twist to the labor reform agreement contracts outside
The governor admits that the law of the PP has not slowed job losses
El Banco de España plantea suprimir el salario mínimo para algunos trabajadores
Linde reclama una vuelta de tuerca a la reforma laboral con contratos fuera de convenio
El gobernador admite que la ley del PP no ha frenado la destrucción de empleo
Los subgobernadores ganan más que Ordóñez y Linde
La banca nacionalizada fue la que más recortó el crédito
Pide acelerar el retraso de la edad de jubilación a los 67 años
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 13:45 CET
The Bank of Spain poses abolish the minimum wage for some workers
Linde claims a twist to the labor reform agreement contracts outside
The governor admits that the law of the PP has not slowed job losses
The Deputy Governors earn more than Ordonez and Linde
The nationalized banks had the highest credit cut
Calls accelerate delay the retirement age to 67 years
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 13:45 CET
The governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis Linde, follows in the footsteps of his predecessor, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, as far as labor flexibility request relates. Even beyond. In the first annual report submitted since taking office, Linde points out that labor reform PP has not helped so far and to avoid job losses and to boost its creation and proposes bolder as non-unionized contracts or abolition of the minimum wage for the workers. The Bank of Spain also called for other reforms, such as advancing the implementation of the delay to 67 years of retirement age.
"The gravity of the situation being experienced by the labor market and further advised to maintain the reform momentum by taking additional measures to promote job creation in the short term and provide the flexibility of wages," reasons the Bank of Spain. He adds: "Among them, one might explore the possibility of new formulas that allow, in special cases, the temporary deviation to the terms of collective bargaining, or unique mechanisms to prevent the minimum wage act as a constraint for groups workers with higher specific difficulties in their employability ".
The measures proposed by Linde suppose, in the first case, firms could contract paying less than required by collective agreements or business sectors, something seen very favorably by employers and employers. In the second case, abolish the minimum wage (currently located at 645.3 euros per month, calculated for 14 annual payments) for workers with low skills or age segments with greater difficulty finding a job.
The Linde approaches are in line with defending employers
The supervisor does not develop the idea, which adjoins the concept of mini-jobs: jobs reduced workweek and very low pay that have boomed in Germany. But the Spanish supervisor does not specify whether jobs would be part-time or develop hedges and social benefits that would entitle those jobs below the minimum wage, which in the case of minimpleos are very precarious.
Linde's position to give a new twist to the labor reform aligns with other requests for this week as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission. Brussels calls on Spain to evaluate the reform in July at the latest and to propose the necessary amendments in September at the latest.
The labor reform does not stop job losses
The report notes that "after five consecutive years of job losses, the unemployment rate has reached unacceptable rates and the risk that situations LTU become chronic is very worrying, especially considering the high incidence of young and low-skilled people in this group ".
In its preliminary assessment of the labor reform, the Bank of Spain concludes that is helping to drive down wages, but that "in the field of employment not seen recent changes in patterns of creation and destruction of jobs." "In terms of employment, in a recessionary environment of the activity, the pattern of job destruction has been very similar to that of before the reform, both in magnitude and decrease the concentration of employment in the wage temporary contracts. On the procurement side, there are no relevant changes hitherto existing patterns previously, "he adds, although he believes that reform in these areas may bear fruit in the longer term. What we do have is an increase in individual dismissals for economic reasons (less compensation) to 40%, versus 10% -15% in the first phase of the crisis.
The report states that the number of unemployed increased its rate of increase to 15.4% in 2012, and the unemployment rate stood at 26% last quarter. The decrease in the rate of job creation experienced in 2012 raised the average duration of unemployment to more than 10 months, compared with 5 months in 2007, bringing the long-term unemployment stood at 52 , 4% of the total unemployed, with the highest incidence in older age groups and lower levels of training. "This increase in the average duration of unemployment spells would again raise the structural component of unemployment," he concludes.
Lower salaries also in the recovery
The supervisor itself believes that "the achievements of the labor reform on internal flexibility and wage moderation are encouraging." Stresses the lowest degree of wage indexation measured by the percentage of workers covered by safeguard clauses against inflation. This percentage, which is traditionally located between 60% and 70%, has dropped to 45% in 2012. He explains that in the newly signed agreements this reduction is more pronounced (33%). Among the agreements signed since the beginning of 2012, in addition, about half provide only for the activation of the safeguard clauses from 2% inflation, while around 25% using European inflation instead of Spanish as a reference nominal, which reduces additional indexing wage increases.
The proposal of the Bank of Spain is "take additional steps to ensure that the reduction in the scope of wage indexation clauses not reversed in times of economic growth", ie wages to say without having secured preserving purchasing power when pass the crisis and economic recovery comes.
"This pattern of increased wage moderation is a key ingredient for the revival of the Spanish economy and, in particular, to encourage job creation," he argues.
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