
スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した海産物冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの、裁判官に社長役を追放されたManuel Fernandez de Sousaは、取締役会を召集?


スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した海産物冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの、裁判官に社長役を追放されたManuel Fernandez de Sousaは、取締役会を召集?

El presidente de Pescanova convoca un consejo de administración

Sousa quiere demostrar que todavía controla a la cúpula de la empresa, pese a que dos consejeros piden su dimisión

Cristina Delgado Madrid 9 JUN 2013 - 18:42 CET

Pescanova President convenes a board of directors

Sousa wants to prove he still controls to the top of the company, although two councilors demanding his resignation

Cristina Delgado Madrid 9 JUN 2013 - 18:42 CET

Manuel Fernández de Sousa does not intend to stop acting as president of Pescanova, despite the judge to depart from the company after the bankruptcy started. On Friday decided to convene a board of directors. It will be held in Madrid on Monday, and is expected to attend the ten directors who remain in the fishery. Sousa seeks to show that still has the support of the majority of a body formed mostly by family members or employees loyal and has always dominated.
The meeting, said sources close to Fernandez de Sousa has been convened at the request of the president, but several councilors opposed it trying to force his resignation final. "It is true that the management and operations of Pescanova are now in the hands of the trustee, the consulting firm Deloitte. But the council, although these functions suspended, not dissolved, so it can meet" point to the same sources. "Fernández de Sousa have power, if he wanted, even to ask the Council to convene a shareholders' meeting," wield.
The agenda is composed of two points. First, Sousa report on the evolution of the two files that the National Securities Market opened for the company for failing to file accounts in 2012 by the deadline. Moreover, the directors representing the background Luxempart Damm brewery and have called for the resignation vote Fernández Sousa.
Complicated that the resignation will succeed, because on two other occasions has been requested and has failed enough support. The council shall consist of 10 members, counting the president, as Basagoiti and Jesus Antonio Garcia resigned in April. The board still present son and brother Sousa (Pablo Fernandez and Fernando Fernández) and a trusted partner (Robert Albert William) and former CEO of the firm, Alfonso Paz-Andrade, who has never voted against Sousa decisions.
The camp is led by directors Jose Carceller critics and François Tesch, Luxempart Damm, respectively. Need to know what will Yago Mendez (former representative of Galician and still boxes counselor) and José Antonio Pérez-Nievas, president of Iberfomento. Both had been always loyal to Sousa, but in recent months expressed their displeasure with some decisions. The second, also has been charged with Sousa to sell shares of the company without notice to the CNMV, which could have worn their support to the controversial president of Pescanova.

スペインの42億ユーロの債務(借金)で破産(倒産)宣告した海産物冷凍食品会社のPescanovaの、裁判官に社長役を追放されたManuel Fernandez de Sousaは、取締役会を召集?


クリスティーナデルガドマドリード9 JUN 2013 - 午前18時42分CET
会議は、フェルナンデス·デ·スーザに近いソースは社長の要求に応じて招集が、いくつかの議員が、それが彼の辞任は、最終的に強制しようとして反対していると述べた。同じソースにポイントを "これらの関数は中断が、それはPescanovaの管理と運用を受託者、コンサルティング会社デロイト。しかし、評議会の手に今あることは事実である、溶解しないので、会うことができる"。振るう "彼が望む場合·フェルナンデス·デ·スーザは、株主総会を招集する協議会に依頼する場合でも、力を持っている"。
他の二つの場面で要求されており、十分なサポートが失敗したため、辞任が成功することを複雑。評議会はBasagoitiとイエスアントニオ·ガルシア4月に辞任したとして、社長を数え、10人のメンバーで構成されなければならない。ボードまだ存在息子と弟スーザ(パブロ·フェルナンデスとフェルナンド·フェルナンデス)と信頼できるパートナー(ロバート·アルバート·ウィリアム)と企業の元最高経営責任者(CEO)、決してありませんアルフォンソラパス - アンドラーデ、スーザの決定に反対票を投じた。

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