
スペインのマリアノ=ラホイ(Mariano Rajoy)大統領は、財政赤字削減のために、住宅控除を廃止


スペインのマリアノ=ラホイ(Mariano Rajoy)大統領は、財政赤字削減のために、住宅控除を廃止

El Gobierno da marcha atrás y elimina la deducción por vivienda

El Ejecutivo de Mariano Rajoy había instaurado el incentivo al llegar al poder a finales de 2011

The Government reverses and eliminates the deduction for housing

The Executive Mariano Rajoy had introduced the incentive to come to power in late 2011

The Country Madrid 11 JUL 2012 - 11:08 CET
Mariano Rajoy announced at the hearing this morning that will eliminate the tax credit for new home buyers from 2013. The Executive Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero had already implemented this measure early last year to reduce the deficit. It was part of a package of measures to save up to 15,000 million. So, was criticized by the Popular Party, which chose to turn the rules when it came to power in December last year.

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The new government re-introduced the incentive of making real the promises of his campaign. In August 2011 the PP's general secretary, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, said he would raise the incentive. Even committed-to not desplomase buying and to apply retroactively. Although carried out this measure, the decision of the Executive of Mariano Rajoy has not served to revive sales and purchases of houses, but transactions strung 15 consecutive months of decline, as published this morning by the National Institute of Statistics.

more informationRajoy VAT rises three points off Christmas bonus to staffThe cuts and taxes that the government wants to save 65,000 millionThe cuts and taxes that the government wants to save 65,000 millionThis is the new chart of VATCHRONIC: A full correction with an argument: there is no freedom to chooseANALYSIS: Inheritance and fallaciesThe Government is considering removing the deduction for housing and create a 'green penny'Removable reliefOPINION: Bad idea, the shelter deduction
Given the lack of results and pressure from Brussels, in the end have chosen to turn back. It is expected that the impact of the measure is reduced in the short term and who has not, in this case retroactively. According to government estimates, the deduction is a loss of 2.523 million for the public coffers, the elimination of tax deductibility for the purchase of the house was one of the recommendations that the Eurogroup included among the huge list of measures that have been invited to take over recent months. With them, aims to make more credible than Spain will reach the deficit target by year end, which should stand at 6.3% from 8.9% that closed the previous year.
Rajoy did not clarify whether the decision taken this morning, which is part of a set of adjustments which aims to save 65,000 million over the next two years and will come into force next year will affect all buyers. In the reform implemented by Zapatero, income of less than 17,000 euros held high relief (15% of the purchase made up to a limit of 9,015 per year). The incentives are gradually reduced as incomes were higher. From 24,000 euros a year, did not apply any deduction.
スペインのマリアノ=ラホイ(Mariano Rajoy)大統領は、財政赤字削減のために、住宅控除を廃止



カントリーマドリード11 JUL 2012 - 11:08 CET




はいしないNS / Nが


新政府は、彼のキャンペーンの真の約束を作るインセンティブを再導入しました。 2011年8月のPPの一般的な秘書マリアドロレス·デ·Cospedalは、彼がインセンティブを高めると述べた。でも、コミット·に買いdesplomaseておらず、遡及的に適用します。この措置を実施していますが、マリアノRajoyの執行の決定は、家屋の売買を復活させるのに役立っていないが、取引が減少、15ヶ月連続でつなぎとして、国家統計研究所が今朝発​​表した。

詳細については、Rajoy VATはスタッフにクリスマスボーナスから3ポイント上昇し政府は65000万ドルを節約しようとしているカットと税金政府は65000万ドルを節約しようとしているカットと税金これは、VATの新しいチャートです。慢性:引数の完全な補正:選択する自由はありません。分析:継承と誤謬政府は住宅控除を削除して考慮し、 "緑のペニー"を作成されてい取り外し可能な救済OPINION:悪いアイデアで、シェルター控除
Rajoyは、今後2年間で65000万ドルを節約することを目指して、来年施行される調整のセットの一部です今朝撮影の決定は、すべてのバイヤーに影響を与えるかどうかを明らかにしませんでした。サパテロによって実装された改革では、以下の17000ユーロの収入(年間9015の限界までに行われた購入の15%)高浮き彫りを開催しました。所得が高かったようなインセンティブは徐々に減少しています。 24000ユーロの年から、すべての控除を適用していません。

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