スペインのFIGUERS と PORTBOU の森林火災で、7人がBARCELONAとGIRONAの病院に入院し、4人は重傷で、GIRONAの病院にはフランス人の42歳の女性がPORTBOUで火から逃れるために断崖から海に飛び込み重傷し集中治療室で手当てを受けている、その9歳の息子は集中治療室を今朝退院、その18歳の姉は尾てい骨を手術して退院した。
Cuatro personas continúan hospitalizadas en estado grave en el Vall d´Hebron
La madre de la familia gala que saltó al mar desde un precipio en Portbou continúa en la UCI
Four people remain hospitalized in critical condition at the Vall d'Hebron
The mother of the family gala jumped into the sea from a precipice in Portbou continues in the ICU
David García Vázquez Barcelona 24 JUL 2012 - 10:49 CET
The mother of the family gala jumped into the sea from a precipice in Portbou continues in the ICU
David García Vázquez Barcelona 24 JUL 2012 - 10:49 CET
Seven people, four of them serious, continue admitted today because of injuries and burns caused by fires in the Alt Empordà. Four are entered in the Vall d'Hebron and the others in the Josep Trueta of Girona. The wounded from the center of Barcelona, three men aged 70, 36 and 56, and the pair of the latter, a woman of 45, are hospitalized in the burn unit. The largest of the four is in "very serious", while the other three are "stable".
A woman yesterday afternoon visiting a relative in the burn unit of the Val d'Hebron reported that one of the wounded from the fire was in the same room as their relative. "He has bandages all over his body, he looks pretty bad," he said, adding: "He and his wife left the car while fleeing the fire and burned with air, it was very hot."
In the center of Girona is admitted to the intensive care unit of a French woman 42 years for the wounds inflicted after he jumped into the sea from a cliff Portbou when they were cornered by flames. Your child of 9, that since Sunday was in the ICU, is out this morning. It is hoped that her mother is sent to ground "during the morning." The boy's sister, 18, has been released from the hospital after being operated from a broken tailbone. Also in the Josep Trueta is a woman of 85, that "progressing well" and was expected to leave the hospital during the day, to sources from the center of Girona.
Since the start of two fires on Sunday afternoon, the Emergency Medical System has made 56 assists health. In them, 32 wounded needed to be taken to different hospitals in Catalonia. The Health Department yesterday reinforced the service of primary care centers in the towns of La Jonquera and Figueres.
A woman yesterday afternoon visiting a relative in the burn unit of the Val d'Hebron reported that one of the wounded from the fire was in the same room as their relative. "He has bandages all over his body, he looks pretty bad," he said, adding: "He and his wife left the car while fleeing the fire and burned with air, it was very hot."
In the center of Girona is admitted to the intensive care unit of a French woman 42 years for the wounds inflicted after he jumped into the sea from a cliff Portbou when they were cornered by flames. Your child of 9, that since Sunday was in the ICU, is out this morning. It is hoped that her mother is sent to ground "during the morning." The boy's sister, 18, has been released from the hospital after being operated from a broken tailbone. Also in the Josep Trueta is a woman of 85, that "progressing well" and was expected to leave the hospital during the day, to sources from the center of Girona.
Since the start of two fires on Sunday afternoon, the Emergency Medical System has made 56 assists health. In them, 32 wounded needed to be taken to different hospitals in Catalonia. The Health Department yesterday reinforced the service of primary care centers in the towns of La Jonquera and Figueres.
4人がVall D'ヘブロンで危篤状態で入院したまま
デビッド·ガルシア·バスケスバルセロナ24 JUL 2012 - 10:49 CET
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