



Bruselas exige a España más recortes en plena recesión para flexibilizar el déficit

El Eurogrupo impone condiciones a la banca, control financiero y nuevas medidas fiscales

Brussels to Spain requires more cuts in a recession to ease the deficit

The Eurogroup imposes conditions on banking, financial control and new tax measures

Claudi Perez Brussels 10 JUL 2012 - 16:02 CET
Shock therapy. The European Union has agreed on Tuesday the bailout of Spain and a relaxation of the deficit targets. In return, financial conditions required for banks and a new wave of adjustments without delay: more cuts in a recession, the government of Mariano Rajoy announced as soon as tomorrow. Spain was the subject of low-intensity intervention when the European Central Bank (ECB) bought Spanish debt, a few months, with frequent missions from the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and the Eurobanco: soft intervention that now goes several steps, with strong conditions for banking, direct control over financial supervision and new tax measures. The government has already pointed out that the VAT rise and force officials to increase their working hours. Several sources consulted indicate that there may also be measures related to pensions and unemployment insurance benefit, the elimination of the deduction for housing and the submission of a biennial budget for 2013 and 2014 later this month.
The Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, explained in Brussels on the banking bailout. It will be up to 100,000 million and was finally approved on 20 July. The temporary bailout fund will give a first tranche of aid to Spain, from 30,000 million euros, "if there is any emergency situation that requires an immediate injection, as a mattress," he said. Spain must complete further analysis to determine the capital requirements by state entity with the aim of the whole sector to reach a capital ratio of 9%. From there, the entities that request will be limited public money its executives bonuses and dividend policy. Holders of preference shares products incur losses. And it will create one or more bad banks to manage the toxic real estate assets. Among the conditions for the sector, in addition to higher capital requirements European partners require greater control of the legal framework of the old boxes and supervision of the Bank of Spain, which is de facto under the tutelage of the troika.
The conditions of the bailout, which is actually a loan to Spain, are still to be seen in some cases. Not determined the final amount or the interest rate that will be around 4% (in fact, is the interest rate at which funds the European temporary bailout fund plus a spread of between half a point and a point). Will be through bonds: the European rescue fund injected these bonds, with an average maturity of 12.5 years in the Spanish rescue fund (FROB), and this in the balance of the entities that need it. And the institution may retain such bonds on their balance sheets or go to the ECB window to get hard cash. There is no grace period, but the principal of the bonds is paid at maturity (10 to 15 years), while the interest is paid annually. "In the next 18 months we maximize the time to clean up the banking system," said Guindos. Another thing is that it ends noticing in the risk premium: "There are other factors that influence the interest on the debt, such as doubts about the European project in the markets," he acknowledged Guindos.
The minister seized the mantra that there is no new fiscal conditionality. And somehow it's true: Spain must comply with the recommendations of the Commission. The problem is that these recommendations have now become demands. In exchange for an additional year to leave the deficit in the sacred 3% of GDP, the government must introduce additional measures without delay. Even those that go against its own program, as the increase in VAT, harshly criticized by President Rajoy when he was in opposition. A s tough.


Claudiペレスブリュッセル10 JUL 2012 - 午後04時02 CET
経済部長官ルイス·デ·Guindosは、銀行救済策にブリュッセルで説明した。それは100,000百万円となり、最終的に7月20日に承認されました。一時的な救済資金は、30,000百万ユーロから、スペインへの援助の第1トランシェを与える "マットレスのように、即時の注入を必要とする緊急事態があれば、"と彼は言った。スペインは9%の自己資本比率に到達する全部門の目的とした状態のエンティティによって資本要件を決定するためにさらなる分析を完了する必要があります。そこから、エンティティ要求が限られた公的資金の幹部がボーナスや配当政策になること。優先株式の製品の所有者は損失を被る。そして、それは有毒な不動産資産を管理する1つまたは複数の悪い銀行を作成します。セクターのための条件の中で、高い資本要件に加えて、欧州のパートナーは、古いボックスとトロイカの指導の下でデファクトである、スペインの銀行の監督の法的枠組みをより細かく制御する必要があります。
実際にスペインへの融資で救済、条件はいくつかのケースで見られるように残っている。約4%(実際には、ファンドの欧州の一時的な救済資金の半分を加えた点と点の間のスプレッド金利である)となる最終的な金額や金利を決定したわけではありません。結合を介して次のようになります。欧州救済基金は、それを必要とするエンティティのバランスでスペイン語救済基金(FROB)の12.5年の平均満期は、これらの債券を注入し、この。と金融機関はバランスシート上でそのような結合を保持するか、現金を得るためにECBのウィンドウに移動可能性があります。そこには猶予期間はありませんが、利息は毎年支払われている間に社債の元本は、(10〜15歳)満期時に支払われます。 "今後18ヶ月の間に我々は銀行システムをクリーンアップする時間を最大限に、" Guindosは言った。もう一つは、それがリスク·プレミアムに気付いて終わるということです: "このような市場での欧州のプロジェクトについての疑問など借金の金利に影響を与える他の要因があります"と、彼はGuindosを認めた。

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