




La eurozona prevé un acuerdo político sobre los términos de la ayuda a España


The eurozone provides a political agreement on the terms of aid to Spain

Brussels Economics EFE 9 JUL 2012 - 07:19 CET
During the past two weeks, experts from the European Commission, with technical European Banking Authority (EBA), European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), have negotiated the paper with the Spanish Government and now Eurogroup submitted to a draft loan terms and conditions to be imposed on individual institutions and the financial sector as a whole.
The text does not collect a final figure of the aid to be granted to Spain, but to be forwarded to the maximum amount of 100,000 million euros in the hope that later this month as the outcome of the detailed evaluation of loan portfolios of banks that the government commissioned four auditors.
The loan was initially channeled through the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), but once in force on the European Stability Mechanism (MEDE), the aid was transferred to the permanent rescue fund without acquiring the status of preferred creditor and open the way for direct recapitalization.
This option will not arrive in time for Spain, because you must create a single banking supervisor for the eurozone and it will not be effective until at least the second half of 2013, according to a senior position within the EU, when the Spanish aid and will be injected .
Finland could also complicate a deal, as you want, as it has done already with Greece, guarantees from Spain in exchange for aid through the EFSF.
It is expected that by the end of the month the memorandum is finalized and ready to be signed, probably in a new Eurogroup meeting could be held on 20 July.
On the other hand, Spain could advance its partners announce new measures soon to reduce the deficit.
Spain also plays his cards today the appointment of key appointments as the presidency of the Eurogroup, the vacancy left by the Spanish Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo in the ECB's Executive Board, and the general direction of MEDE.
According to the German magazine "Der Spiegel", Germany and France have agreed to share the presidency of the Eurogroup, but Paris has called on Sunday to extend the mandate of the Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who agree to stay six months in exchange for the Luxembourg Central Bank Governor, Yves Mersch, occupying the chair at the ECB.
Spain aims to retain that position with the appointment of current director of the ECB's legal service, Antonio Sainz de Vicuna, and also has his eye on the general direction of MEDE, for which it has been noted as a possible candidate for Bethlehem Roman Garcia Director General of the Treasury in the last government of Jose Maria Aznar.
The Eurogroup will also evaluate the results of the initial missions of the "troika"-the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF Greece and Cyprus, as in the first case you have to negotiate a new memorandum, and the second, define a complete rescue.
In both cases, no decisions are expected until late August.


ブリュッセル経済EFE9 JUL 2012 - 7時19分CET
ドイツの雑誌 "シュピーゲル"によると、ドイツとフランスは、ユーログループの議長を共有することで合意したが、パリと引き換えに、6ヶ月滞在することに同意するものとルクセンブルクの首相ジャン=クロード·ユンカーの権限を拡張するために日曜日に呼びかけているルクセンブルク中央銀行総裁、イヴMerschのは、ECBで椅子を占めている。
ユーログループはまた、新しい覚書を交渉しなければならない最初のケースのように "トロイカ" - 欧州委員会、ECBおよびIMFギリシャ、キプロス、および秒の最初のミッションの結果を評価する完全な救助を定義します。

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