



Los detalles del tijeretazo en inglés, el idioma de los inversores

El Gobierno sigue el método habitual: ocultar datos de la reforma hasta publicar el BOE

Details of the snip in English, the language of investors

The Government is the usual method: hiding data from the reform to publish the BOE

Barron Íñigo Madrid 15 JUL 2012 - 01:21 CET
The Government follows a fixed pattern in the presentation of the many reforms that have taken place. First deny that you are taking the steps that everyone suspected. Then confirms the show at the press conference after the Council of Ministers with half truths and hiding the gory details. Citizens have to wait until the next day, on Saturday to determine the full extent of the measure by the Official State Bulletin (BOE).
So we know that government decisions have far more depth than the Deputy Prime Minister said, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, or ministers of usual escort: Luis de Guindos, Economy, or Cristobal Montoro, finance.
It happened with the December personal income tax reform, labor reform in post, with the co-pay health, with the two royal decrees restructuring of banking and, finally, yesterday, with the biggest cut of democracy.
Yesterday the president had an unusual detail. In case anyone doubted that what really matters is that the government plans to know those who have money, that is international investors, Economy published the details of the measures only in English. All that and Montoro or Guindos responded to journalists nor published after the reference of the Cabinet, appeared yesterday on the website of the Ministry of Economy The Spanish Economy, as anticipated COUNTRY in the online edition.
The executive explained the details in this web, agencies usual Anglo-Saxon and investment banks. They broke down the adjustment amounts to 56,440 million from 2012 to 2014 and 65,000 million as initially Rajoy said. And what's worse, the 22,000 million that the Spanish pay more for the increase in VAT will not be sufficient to meet the deficit targets, unless you get an improvement in the economy than anyone expected.
Of course, as usual, the Gazette was the most dramatic, the ministers obviated. Montoro explained in detail that the officers would enter them Christmas bonus is removed now, the pension fund in 2015. However, the decree does not appear any conditions the return date and meeting the objectives of stability.
The BOE also reported another hidden and thorny issue: the Government may suspend payment of unemployment benefits when sufficient evidence of fraud appreciate. It was also learned Saturday that collective agreements are suspended for the public workforce. And another bad news for the most vulnerable: decreased by 13% the money given to communities for each dependent, which is an economic blow to autonomy, which will receive 200 million less.



バロンイニゴ·マドリード15 JUL 2012 - 1時21分CET

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