
スペイン与党の国民党は、BANKIA銀行元頭取のロドリゴ=ラト(Rodrigo Rato)氏を、スペイン議会で証言するようにやっと要請


スペイン与党の国民党は、BANKIA銀行元頭取のロドリゴ=ラト(Rodrigo Rato)氏を、スペイン議会で証言するようにやっと要請

El PP rectifica y pide que Rato vaya ahora a explicar la crisis de Bankia

Las comparecencias del expresidente de la entidad y otras 23 personas serán a finales de julio

El exministro había manifestado su disposición a explicarse en el Congreso "lo antes posible"

El PSOE reclama también la presencia de Miguel Blesa, no incluida en la lista de los populares

The PP calls Rato rectified and will now explain the crisis of Bankia

The appearances of the president of the entity and another 23 people will be in late July

The former minister had expressed his willingness to explain in Congress "as soon as possible"

The Socialist Party also demands the presence of Miguel Blesa, not included in the list of popular

Inigo Barron / Fernando Garea Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 13:46 CET
Rodrigo Rato will come finally to the House of Representatives. Popular spokesman, Alfonso Alonso, announced this morning that its parliamentary group will register applications to appear in the lower house of former Bankia, along with 23 other public officials and heads of savings banks. Just an hour earlier, Rato had asked himself appear "as soon as possible" before the deputies to account for his management of the bank now nationalized.
The former Minister of PP is not the only explanation. Appearing on the list requested by the popular socialist former ministers include Economy, Pedro Solbes, Elena Salgado, the current holder of the portfolio, Luis de Guindos, Secretary of State for Economy, Fernando Jiménez Latorre, and his predecessor, Jose Manuel Campa, and the current governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis Maria Linde, and former head of the institution, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez. It also prompted the appearance of the president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), Julio Segura and his vice president, Fernando Restoy.
The PP also included in her request for clarification to all those responsible for the audited entities, starting with the current president of Bankia, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri. Alonso also stressed his willingness to include Rato among the first mentioned. All hearings will occur within the Economic Committee, working to open door. There will be "openly and" popular spokesman said. "We want to inform us and we can know with absolute transparency that has happened," he concluded.
In recent days, the possibility that Rato and others responsible for the failure of Bankia compareciesen in Congress has caused tension between the parliamentary group and the government. While people's deputies were in favor of allowing the former Minister defend his administration in the House, Moncloa vetoed that possibility. However, the progress of the lawsuit with the recording of Rato and other PP exlíderes finally settled the balance in favor of the theses of the Popular Party. Alonso himself initiated the change of address on Thursday, saying it was coming, "the time to know" what happened in Parliament with Bankia and political responsibilities that may arise therefrom, but "without looking for scapegoats."

more informationThe judge supported the 15-M lawsuit against the managers of the entityRodrigo Rato resignation to the board of IAG, the result of the merger of Iberia and BritishThus was forged the 15-M lawsuit against RatoThe complaint against the entity UPyD
The PSOE has welcomed the news. The Socialist Party spokesman in Congress, Soraya Rodriguez, has expressed his satisfaction that the PP "unreacted", but noted that it has "late, wrong and dragged along by events." Rodriguez, who has confirmed the support of the PSOE to all appearances, has missed the presence of Miguel Blesa listed in the RFP. Blesa was chairman of Caja Madrid for 15 years before the arrival of Rato and, for the Socialist spokesman, his testimony would be very important because the period coincided with "the years of the housing bubble."
スペイン与党の国民党は、BANKIA銀行元頭取のロドリゴ=ラト(Rodrigo Rato)氏を、スペイン議会で証言するようにやっと要請




イニゴ·バロン/フェルナンドGareaマドリッド10 JUL 2012 - 13時46分CET
ラトは、衆議院に最後に来る。人気のスポークスマン、アルフォンソ·アロンソは、その会派は、アプリケーションが23他の公務員と貯蓄銀行の頭と一緒に、前者Bankia衆院に表示されるように登録されている今朝発表した。ちょうど時間前に、ラトは自分が今国有銀行の彼の管理を考慮するために議員の前に "できるだけ早く"が表示され求めていた。
PPはまた、Bankiaの現在の社長、ホセ·イグナシオ·Goirigolzarriを皮切りに、監査されたエンティティの責任全ての人々に明確化のために彼女の要求に含まれています。アロンソはまた最初に述べた中でラトを含むように、彼の意欲を強調した。すべての公聴会では、ドアを開くために働いて、経済委員会内で発生します。そこに "公然と"になります人気のスポークスマンは述べています。 "我々は、我々に知らせたいと我々が起こっている絶対的な透明性を知ることができる"と、彼は締めくくった。
最近では、議会でBankia compareciesenの失敗の責任ラトと他の会派と政府間の緊張を引き起こしている可能性。人民代議員は、元大臣は、下院で政権を守ることができますに賛成でしたが、モンクはその可能性を拒否した。しかし、ラトと他のPPのexlíderesの記録と訴訟の進捗状況は、最終的に国民党の論文を支持してバランスを解決した。アロンソ自身は、それがBankia、そこから発生する可能性があり、政治的責任を議会で何が起こったのか "を知るための時間を"来ていましたがと言って、木曜日にアドレスの変更を開始した "スケープゴートを探していなくても。"

PSOEはニュースを歓迎しています。議会で社会党のスポークスマンは、ソラヤロドリゲスは、PPは "反応"という彼の満足の意を表明したが、それが持っていることを指摘している "、後半が間違っやイベントによってに沿ってドラッグしました。"すべての出現にPSOEの支持を確認したロドリゲスは、RFPに記載されているミゲルBlesaの存在を逃した。 Blesaはラトの到着前に15年間のカハ·マドリードの会長だった、期間と一致したので、社会党のスポークスマンは、彼の証言は非常に重要となる "住宅バブルの年。"

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