

EL Pais


El penúltimo día de la ‘marcha negra’ concluye a las puertas de la capital

La columna norte llega a Aravaca y la de Aragón, a Alcobendas

Esta noche Víctor Manuel y Aute les ofrecerán un conciero de apoyo

Delegación del Gobierno les deniega el permiso para pasar por la A-6, cerca de La Moncloa

The penultimate day of the 'black start' ends at the gates of the capital

The northern column reached Aravaca and Aragon, Alcobendas

Tonight Aute Victor Manuel and can offer them support conciero

Government Office denied permission to pass through the A-6, near La Moncloa

GRAPHIC: Tour of the 'black up' and location of the mining
"We will paralyze Madrid"
PHOTO GALLERY The black march in Madrid

The Country Madrid 9 JUL 2012 - 17:09 CET
The countdown has begun. The northern column of the manifestation of miners from Asturias, Palencia and León, has arrived early in the afternoon Aravaca district to the west of Madrid. The neighbors have received with applause and have made arrangements so that hikers can rest and eat. The other way, he departed from Aragon, has also reached its destination in the Madrid municipality of Alcobendas, just north of the capital. The miners have traveled over 400 kilometers, have enduring heat and fatigue accumulated to transmit to the Minister of Industry, José Manuel Soria, upset by the 63% cut in subsidies for this year, as reported the protesters will cause the closure of coal mines in Asturias, León, northern Palencia, Aragon and Castile-La Mancha.

Tour of 'black start'. / Mariano Zafra / The Country
The so-called black up, which since yesterday is in the Community of Madrid, wants to negotiate. It is already the last effort of the miners, who remain lively, largely thanks to public support. After his arrival yesterday in Villalba, where 3,000 people, according to unions, they were greeted with applause and shouts of support, the north column, comprising more than 150 miners, has come this morning to walk 39 kilometers to Aravaca, where they have arrived just before two o'clock. There, the Asturian piper Hevia has welcomed them playing Santa Barbara blessed.

more informationPolitical and trade union support to the miners on WednesdayVIDEO Blisters, sweat and rage on the road"We will paralyze Madrid"PHOTO GALLERY The black march in MadridThe miners hold out hope for an agreementTension builds between miners and operators with six men and four wounded
At about one o'clock, the other column, he left Aragon and spent the night in Alcala de Henares, has come to Alcobendas. More than 100 miners who have traveled some 13 kilometers along this morning. Received with applause and cheers, and accompanied by a group of protesters from CC OO Alcobendas and San Sebastian de los Reyes, went to the village square, where the general secretaries of the mining sector of the two main trade unions, CCOO and UGT, gave a speech, after which the miners went to the sports center of the Pavilion of Dreams. They have left their things, they were able to shower and heal their wounds. After they have eaten, and the rest of the afternoon will be devoted to rest.
In Aravaca be held this evening a dinner and a concert solo to welcome to the north column. The events are organized by the Association Acrola will be in the residential Rosa Luxembourg and will be assisted in various cultural figures such as actors Pilar Bardem and Guillermo Toledo. After dinner, Luis Eduardo Aute and Victor Manuel give a concert of 9:00 to 12:00.
Tuesday morning will join the two groups in the capital, in the Ciudad Universitaria, after more than two weeks of protest. To get to this point, the column will change your route north for the Government Office have been refused permission to pass through the A-6 near La Moncloa. Should take the M-500. Delegation alleged "security reasons related road traffic between Aravaca and University City" and is based on a report by the Civil Guard, which warns of "great danger" of this section for both drivers and pedestrians. The same sources added that the change of itinerary "will not lead to an increase in the miles" to be done. Miners appeal against the decision, "to see if there is luck." If not, abide.
At night, there will be a march of two columns from the auditorium of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to Puerta del Sol, where you will be welcomed by citizens who want to get closer to show their support. Ask around 200 million to end 2012.
The big day is Wednesday, when it is scheduled to have a demonstration from the Plaza de Colón and the Ministry of Industry, scheduled for eleven o'clock, which is expected to gather, according to union sources, 25,000 people in defense of the mining . It's the same day the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, will appear in the House of Representatives and will have to listen on opposite shifts his speech the request of other parliamentary groups on maintaining the subsidies. Madrid has developed a device police "sufficient and adequate" to prevent incidents and ensure public safety during the demonstration, said the government delegate, Cristina Cifuentes, who wanted to emphasize the normality is transpiring with the progress of the miners.
Tone information Calleja, María Hervás, Maryem Sergio Castillo and Delgado.





カントリーマドリード9 JUL 2012 - 午後5時09 CET

"ブラック·スタート"のツアー。 /マリアーノ·ザフラ/国

詳細については、水曜日の鉱山労働者に政治的、労働組合のサポート道路上のビデオ水疱、汗と激怒"我々は、マドリッドを麻痺させるだろう"PHOTO GALLERYマドリッドの黒行進鉱山労働者は、契約の希望を差し出す六人の男と負傷者4の鉱山労働者と事業者間の緊張のビルド
時は約1で、他の列には、彼がアラゴンを出て、アルカラデエナレスで夜を過ごし、アルコベンダスに来ている。今朝に沿っていくつかの13キロを旅している100以上の鉱山労働者。 CCOO、拍手と歓声で受信し、2つの主要な労働組合の鉱業セクターの一般的な秘書の村の広場に行ってきましたCC OOアルコベンダス、サンセバスチャンデロスレジェスから抗議のグループは、同行とUGTは、鉱夫が夢のパビリオンのスポーツセンターに行った後、スピーチを行いました。彼らは物事を残して、彼らは傷をシャワーと癒すことができました。後、彼らは食べて、午後の残りの部分は休息に専念されます。
火曜日の朝には、抗議の2週間以上後に、シウダーUniversitariaで、資本金の2つのグループに参加します。この点を取得するには、列には、政府のオフィスのあなたのルートの北は、Laモンクの近くにA-6を通過する許可を拒否された変更されます。 M-500を取る必要があります。代表団は "アラバカと大学都市の間にセキュリティ上の理由から、関連する道路交通"を主張し、ドライバーや歩行者の両方に、このセクションの "偉大な危険"を警告市民警備隊による報告に基づいています。同じソースには、旅程の変更が行われる "マイルの増加にはつながらないだろう"と付け加えた。鉱夫たちは "運があるかどうかを確認する。"決定に対して上訴されていない場合は、遵守します。
夜、あなたは彼らのサポートを示すために近づきたい市民に歓迎されるだろうプエルタ·デル·ソルへのマドリッドコンプルテンセ大学​​の講堂から2つの列の行進があるでしょう。 2012を終了するには、2億の周りにお問い合わせください。
大きい日は、労働組合筋によると、鉱山の防衛のために25,000人集めることが期待される11時、に予定され、それがコロン広場からデモ産業​​省が予定されている水曜日、です。 それが首相、マリアーノRajoyは、衆議院に表示され、反対側のリッスンする必要があります同じ日に彼のスピーチは、補助金を維持する上で他の国会議員グループの要求をシフトしている。マドリード、インシデントを防止し、デモ中に、公共の安全を確保するために "十分かつ適切な"デバイスの警察を開発しました、正規性を強調したかった政府代表、クリスティーナCifuentesは、​​鉱夫の進行に伴って蒸散していると述べた。

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