



Recortes presupuestarios

La Junta de Andalucía retira su rebaja de sueldo a los funcionarios

Griñán evita que el recorte a los funcionarios autonómicos se sume a la supresión de la paga extra


The Andalusian withdraws cut salaries of officials

Griñán prevents cuts to regional officials to join the abolition of extra pay

The Country Sevilla 16 JUL 2012 - 12:37 CET
The Andalusian government agree the mechanism for the removal of the wage cut for public employees who applied in the Adjustment Plan that included a cut of between 5% and 10%, as announced today by Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE Andalusian Mario Jimenez. The Executive Jose Antonio Grin (PSOE) and Diego Valderas (UI) that seeks to avoid suffering a double staff cuts: the tax by the central government with the abolition of Christmas extra pay, agreed last Friday, and the reduction agreed by the Board, which will eventually be eliminated.
"The Governing Council has decided not to apply two penalties" for public employees, has justified Jimenez. "No two losses on the rolls of officials and public employees of Andalusia," added social responsibility, which he described the measures approved at the last Council of Ministers of "useless" and "the biggest attack on democracy from the 23-F ".

more informationEconomic and financial plan of the AndalusianAndalusia will review your plan of adjustment to avoid double cutsMario Jimenez Audio: "The regional government will defend public workers'
Jimenez's announcement comes after a meeting with the regional secretaries of CCOO, Francisco Carbonero, and UGT, Manuel Pastrana, whom the Vice President of the Board, Diego Valderas (UI) on Saturday promised withdrawal from the plan adjustment adopted by the Board. "We must prevent the painful sacrifice of staff comes in two parts," he argued.
Valderas also agreed with union leaders to actively participate in the protest actions that will convene in central Andalusia, beginning with the great event which is prepared for the day 19. "There is an almost total coincidence and we will walk together from the attacks of the government," said Valderas.
The adjustment plan of the Board includes a cut of 2,500 million euros of budget expenditure items expected regional and the reduction of salaries to more than 260,000 public employees of the Board to achieve savings of 747 million this year. Public investment decreased by 507 million.
Grin and admitted that the most lasting of these cuts was the lowering of wages to public employees, but justified the need to maintain the templates. However, Grin himself said that Andalusia would review the plan on fiscal, administrative, labor and public finance after the new public spending cuts announced by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in Congress.
Valderas added this morning that in addition to the request for withdrawal morning discussion the Governing Council, Parliament of Andalusia take the "standstill, waiver and withdrawal" plan of adjustment. The bill that included the term settings is currently open for amendments. UI prompt an extraordinary plenary session next week.




カントリーセビリア16 JUL 2012 - 12時37 CET
公務員のための "統治評議会は、2罰則を適用しないことを決定しました"、ヒメネスを正当化しています。 "関係者やアンダルシアの公務員のロール上では、損失は、"彼は "役に立たない"と "民主主義の最大の攻撃の大臣の最後の理事会で承認された対策を説明する社会的責任を、追加されません"23-Fから。

詳細については、アンダルシアの経済·金融計画アンダルシアは、ダブルカットを避けるために、調整の計画を見直します。マリオヒメネスオーディオ: "地域政府は公共部門の労働者を守る"
ヒメネスの発表は、理事会の副会長、土曜日にサンディエゴValderas(UI)は、計画からの撤退を約束したCCOO、サンフランシスコCarbonero、とUGT、マヌエル·パストラーナの地域の秘書との会合の後に来る調整は、理事会で採​​択された。 "我々は二つの部分に来るスタッフの痛みを伴う犠牲を防止しなければならない"と彼は主張した。
Valderasまた、19日のために準備されている素晴らしいイベントに始まり、積極的に中央のアンダルシア地方で開催される抗議行動に参加する労働組合の指導者と合意した。 "がほぼ完全な偶然であり、我々は政府の攻撃から一緒に歩いていく、" Valderasは言った。
Valderasは調整の "停止、権利放棄と撤退"計画を取るアンダルシアの国会議事堂、その撤退の朝の議論理事会の要求に加えて、今朝追加しました。用語の設定が含まれて法案が修正のために現在オープンしています。 UIは、来週の臨時総会を促す。

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