



El acoso a España aumenta a la espera del Eurogrupo con el bono sobre el 7%

El diferencial entre el bono español y el alemán se acerca a máximos y supera los 580 puntos

El Ibex se destaca entre las bolsas europeas y llega a perder casi un 2% antes de recuperarse

La cotización del euro está en mínimos de dos años frente al dólar

Spain increased harassment pending the Eurogroup with the bond above 7%

The spread between the Spanish and German bond approaches and exceeds the maximum 580 points

The Dow stands out among European exchanges and you lose about 2% before recovering

The value of the euro is at least two years against the dollar

See the evolution of the main markets

The Country Madrid 9 JUL 2012 - 18:12 CET
Harassment against Spain in the debt market continues. Pending the Eurogroup meeting this afternoon, where it is expected that members of the European currency reached a political agreement on the rescue of the banking, sales of Treasuries on Friday have been extended with a consequent increase in the bond yield and the risk premium, which have approached their maximum was all euro. Early in the morning, with the euro in two-year lows against the dollar, the interest charged to the Spanish 10-year securities, which are most liked by analysts to evaluate the progress of all sovereign debt a country, came to touch 7.1%. In the afternoon, with the news that the EU will broaden the discretion of the Spanish Government to cover the deficit, the markets took a pause at the 10-year bond, though it has closed above the seven percent (7.062%)
This level of 7%, clearly unsustainable, as acknowledged by the Spanish government, is considered the border between the survival of a State by its own means and, if sustained over time, the trigger need help abroad to finance. With its back on this dimension, the situation is repeated on Friday, when more than 7% transiently. So far, the most scored by the Spanish 10-year bonds on the secondary market, where bonds are traded States once issued, was 7.285% June 18, before the European Council agreement. In it, they agreed Seventeen relaxation of bailout funds to inject aid directly in banks or buy debt of countries in distress.
The progress made in the event of June 29, however, only had a positive impact on the markets even though they were sold as a success. In fact, in just 48 hours back attacks against Spain in the markets, a punishment that continues today.
With this surge in interest among 10-year notes the Treasury, the risk premium, which is the secondary market differential between the Spanish bond against the German reference for its stability, has grown to over 580 basis points 18 more than Friday's close, to begin to fall to close at 574 points. The risk premium Italian has followed the same trend and has come to grow 16 basis points to over 486, to finish at 477. To date, the record also called risk country of Spain, which is the indicator that best reflects confidence in the finances of a country, was also held on 18 June when the 589 hit points.
At the meeting of finance ministers of the 17 euro area countries are expected to set more stringent criteria for the Spanish banking bailout. The Monetary Union partners also require the institutions to raise up to 9% of their highest quality capital. In turn, strengthen the supervision and Eurogroup the obligation of institutions to provide information on their needs. With all these measures, the EU expects that the current crisis is not repeated. The problem is that the new capital requirements threaten to further restrict credit and therefore even more difficult to make out of the recession.
With the exception of Milan, Lisbon, European exchanges have closed with moderate low after a dubious sign. The IBEX 35 in the morning took the path down, dragged by banks. After losing almost 2% at mid-morning, the news from Brussels have come to encourage investors, and the selective Madrid has reduced its fall to 0.75%, closing with 6,681 points. Asian markets have closed down before the data showing a cooling of China's economy and poor production figures of capital goods in Japan.
In currency markets, the euro fell to $ 1.225, its lowest level in two years, and strives to maintain the dimension of $ 1.23. A barrel of Brent crude has also opened up today and come to trade at $ 99.20, almost a dollar more than at the end of the previous day.





カントリーマドリード9 JUL 2012 - 18時12分CET
ミラノ、リスボンの例外を除いて、ヨーロッパの交流が怪しげな記号の後に中等度の低いで閉じられています。朝のIBEX 35は、銀行によるドラッグ、パスがダウンしました。午前半ばでほぼ2%を失った後、ブリュッセルからのニュースは投資家を奨励するようになっており、選択的なマドリードは6681ポイントで閉じ、0.75%への下落を低減しました。データは中国​​経済と日本の資本財の貧しい人々の生産台数の冷却を表示する前に、アジア市場は閉鎖されています。

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