


2012年7月23日月曜日16:26 曇り/晴れ 最低気温;20ー21ºC、最高気温;26ー28ºC、BARCELONA県から



Las comunidades disparan el retraso de pagos a la Seguridad Social

Empleo prorroga 83 millones a la Generalitat valenciana hasta 2013

Se han aplazado 382 millones al sector público hasta junio, el triple que en 2011

gestión de las mutuas de accidentes laborales.
ampliar foto
Aplazamientos de pagos a la Seguridad Social. / El País

Communities trigger delay Social Security payments

Jobs 83 million extension to the Generalitat Valenciana to 2013

382 million have been deferred to public until June, three times in 2011

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 23 JUL 2012 - 00:01 CET
The financial strangulation of the Generalitat Valenciana has dented the case of Social Security. In May, the public school was granted an extension to pay 83 million owed him by contributions. It is not the only administration that has gained time to pay your debts dues. Until June, the new deferrals granted to public sector totaled 382.46 million, 172% more than the same period last year. Falling tax revenues and large financing difficulties have caused tail grows councils and communities to ask for postponements and have pushed their accumulated debt to the public school up to 639 million, according to data from the Social Security Treasury those who have accessed this newspaper.
The return of the recession has caused an increase of extensions granted to companies, which until June totaled 864.4 million. In total, between the private and the public, the amount deferred in 2012 added 1.246 million, 43.7% more. This money accounts for much of the difference between the rights of recognized income and what actually goes into the box the public school until May, some 1,700 million euros, which appears in the monthly reports of budget execution.
The increase granted postponements, always on the part of the fees you must pay the employer-comes at a bad time for Social Security. Unlike what happened in the early years of the crisis, the Treasury body which directs Tom Burgos exudes no liquidity. Secretary of State himself has admitted that the Treasury may face liquidity problems this year when paying pensions. Precisely to address this circumstance, a little over a month, the government changed the regulations to be given access to over 4,600 million of the money left over from the management of mutual accidents.

Deferrals of payments to Social Security. / The Country
In May soared delays
Extensions to pay social contributions to municipalities and autonomous regions grew significantly during the first months of the year. But in May increased bolted: the deferred amount was multiplied by 16.6 times, from 11 million in 2011 to 183.9 in 2012. Much of this increase is about 83 million carried over to the Generalitat Valenciana, confirm sources of social security. In the Ministry of Finance of the Valencian Government say they are "up" on their payments and say "do not owe anything."

Much of the increase is about 83 million carried over to the Valencia
Aware of public school finance suggest that this is equivalent to what the Government pays for a single month quotes. In the Ministry of Employment not listed here, but point out that Valencia will have to start paying back the money in 2013. Until then the debt, as in all deferrals of Social Security, will grow to legal interest that set budgets, 4%. If high time the Government does not meet its payment obligations, the interest will rise to 20%.
But is not the only autonomy Valencia responsible for the great leap of May, and are quick to point from Social Security. Just a simple subtraction to demonstrate this argument. Without the deferral of autonomy Levantine extensions granted would amount to 100 million. In public school, added that there are other communities that also have been given more time to catch up with the payment of contributions, but do not need what they are.
On the trail, 2009
What has happened to the delays in the public sector until June, only stores comparison with what happened in the first six months of 2009, right in the thick of the Great Recession, in which Spain has fallen again. But now, unlike then, when problems were concentrated in some particular months, has not been a single month below the 30 million granted postponements. And in light of the latest news about the financial distress of the regions (Valencia and Murcia have announced their intention to apply for financial aid to rescue mechanism recently established by the central government), it is unlikely that the rate of deferrals subsides.

A Social Security finds it easier to collect debts from communities and municipalities that companies
Despite the worst performing public sector than the private sector this year, should be borne in mind that Social Security finds it easier to collect debts from communities and municipalities that business. Although government can not be garnished, the central government, the end of the ruler of the public school is always the possibility of retaining the transfers have to make the recipient of the moment. In contrast, in the private sector, despite the preference of collecting Social Security, the final recovery rate is around 40%.




マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード23 JUL 2012 - 午後12時01分CET
Generalitatのバレンシアの財政絞殺は、社会保障のケースをへこんしています。月に、公立学校は83万人が貢献して彼を負って支払うために拡張子を付与されました。それはあなたの負債が会費を支払うために時間を得た唯一の政権ではありません。 6月までは、公共部門に付与された新しい繰延は、前年同期に比べ172パーセント以上、382460000とな​​りました。税収の落ち込み、大規模な資金調達の難しさは、テールが議会や延期を求めるコミュニティの成長と社会保障財務省のデータによると、最大6.39億の公立学校への累積債務をプッシュしている原因となっているこの新聞にアクセスした人。

社会保障への支払いの繰り延べ。 /国
自治体や自治への社会貢献を支払うために拡張子は、年の最初の数ヶ月の間に大幅に増加しました。 2012年の繰延額は、16.6倍を乗じて、2011年の11万人から183.9に:しかし、月にボルトで増加した。ずっとこの増加はGeneralitatのバレンシアに引き継がれ約83百万円であり、社会保障のソースを確認してください。バレンシア政府の財務省では、彼らが支払いに "アップ"であると言う言う "何も借りません。"

6月、右のスペインが再び下落しているている大不況のただ中に、2009年上半期に起こったことのみが格納され比較されるまで公共部門の遅れに何が起こっている。しかし、今、その後は異なり、問題はいくつかの特定の月に集中していた時、3000万付与延期下記の単月ではなかった。 ·地域の金融危機(バレンシア、ムルシア、最近、中央政府によって確立されたメカニズムを救うために財政援助を申請する意向を発表している)に関する最新ニュースの光の中では、繰延率が治まることはほとんどありません。


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