



Guindos da por hecho que la UE dará más plazo para reducir el déficit público

La UE da margen a España y flexibilizará el objetivo de déficit al 6,3% en 2012

Bruselas advierte de que las nuevas metas no excluyen de tomar más medidas ya este año

El Gobierno tendrá tres meses de plazo para anunciar los ajustes presupuestarios

Guindos assumes that the EU will give more time to reduce the public deficit

The EU leaves room for more flexible Spain and the deficit target to 6.3% in 2012

Brussels warns that new goals are not excluded from further action and this year

The Government will have three months to announce budget adjustments

The Country / Agencies Madrid / Brussels 9 JUL 2012 - 12:49 CET
Finance ministers of the EU will give Spain a year until 2014 to reach its deficit target of 3% of GDP, have advanced on Monday three diplomats of the EU with a view to today's meeting of ministers Economy of the euro and the meeting tomorrow between those responsible for the field of the EU, which will make the decision. "The objectives of fiscal consolidation in Spain will be adjusted to give an extra year", has completed one of the diplomats. As stated in a draft of the summit, this relaxation of deficit targets results in a major boost for Spain. Upon its entry into the meeting, the Spanish minister, Luis de Guindos, has confirmed this new path of fiscal consolidation.
If finally approved the draft in these terms that is, all the Spanish authorities may close this year with a lag of 6.3% of GDP, one percentage point from 5.3% expected, since 8, 9% which closed 2011. By 2013, the new target would be 4.5% instead of 3% included in the Stability Plan while in 2014, would reach the limit imposed by Brussels at 2.8%.
The measure of grace in Brussels, already raised in the review of the Spanish stability program in late May, is however conditional upon a number of recommendations, some of which are already in the disparadero. These include the increase in VAT today confirmed that the finance minister, Cristobal Montoro, as well as increased environmental taxes.
At this point, the European Commission warned that "the Spanish authorities should adopt without delay further steps in 2012 to ensure the implementation of budgetary plans for this year." To this end, Brussels gives three months the Government to take effective action. This period also must submit a report on how it intends to achieve the goals by 2014.

more informationThe Eurogroup will require more funds to banks in exchange for the helpMontoro admits he will raise the VAT and that officials will work more hoursThe Government is ready and the design of hispanobonosSpain increased harassment pending the Eurogroup with the bond above 7%
But there's more. The Government continues the draft, should "be willing to take further measures if they materialize the risks to the budgetary plans and accelerate the deficit reduction in 2013 and 2014 if economic and budgetary conditions turn out better than expected". To ensure this end, quarterly reviews are announced that will parallel the aid to banks and the recapitalization of the financial system. On the credit of up to 100,000 million for troubled institutions, Brussels also warns that the possible need to perform another rescue "poses risks to the budget strategy."
In return for relaxing in the deficit targets, says the draft, Spain must "achieve an improvement in structural balance of 2.7% of GDP in 2012 from 2.5% in 2013 and 1.9% in 2014 , in order to bring the deficit below the reference value of 3% of GDP by 2014. "
The proposal will be discussed first at the meeting of finance ministers from the euro area this afternoon and only if it unanimously approved the proposal to be incorporated into tomorrow's agenda of ECOFIN (Council of Finance Ministers of the EU), which would to approve the proposal by qualified majority.
Under the current program of the EU, Spain has to reduce its budget deficit to 3% of GDP in 2013, which should place it at 5.3% later this year. This cut represents an unprecedented effort equivalent adjustment, as recorded in the books, to 39,300 million euros. For this, the Government included in the 2012 Budget outmoded cuts and tax increases by 27,000 million and a week later, forced communities to take the scissors by 10,000 million in health and education. These cuts, combined with the settings already planned consolidation effort raises its total to 18,000 million.
However, the Commission and the European partners are aware that the recession in Spain will be strong and that more cuts could make it even longer and deeper. In fact, economic decline and is leaving notes in the collection of taxes such as VAT, which is in free fall and is down 10% in the first five months of the year, further complicating the objectives of fiscal consolidation . The result of this drop in income and conditioned by the social security developments and communities, the state has closed May with a gap between your income and expenses of 3.41%, very near the top of 3.5% set for Central Administration for the year. If this 3.5% is added the margin provided so far for communities, local and Social Security was the target to 5.3%.
About the deal that the government will do the new percentage point spread between the different administrations, the minister, Cristobal Montoro, has admitted that discuss this topic if finally comes out later in the meeting of the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy (CPFF) of Thursday. At this appointment, he added, will also analyze the stability law that requires them to impose limits on non-financial expenditure in their budgets, new to the community. The European Commission requires this section to create an independent institution to monitor the budgetary policy, in addition to strictly apply the medium-term budgetary framework.
In markets where the country is under strong pressure, the deficit or the financial sector problems are not the only cause for concern, as investors fear the threat of further economic contraction and a prolonged crisis would eventually aggravate with time.
On the side of the difficulties, the relaxation of the deficit target has exceeded the fears generated by successive upward revisions of the deficit and rein in the problems for accounts of communities. However, in order to avoid as much a bailout of the entire state, once it has already requested its banks, has been with reluctance. From the forecasts contained in the Budget and Stability Plan, the new deficit target of 6.3% of GDP by 2012 would amount to an adjustment of 28,700 million euros, although here too the poor performance of state revenue alter the final figure.

Draghi: "Spain is fully committed to the reforms"
The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, said Monday that the Spanish authorities "have shown they are fully committed to accelerate the structural reform agenda" and fix the situation in the financial sector. "We also are committed to improving external competitiveness and lay the groundwork for a more sustainable prosperity," Draghi held in the European Parliament.
Upon exiting the crisis, the ECB president has insisted it needs "decisive actions of central banks but also other actors such as governments." According to Draghi, is "crucial" that countries persevere in reform, whose depth must depend on the "imbalances" accumulated during the last financial year.
He also had words against countries such as Finland or Holland threaten to derail the recent European Council agreement. "The EU summit is credible only when the actors do not make statements that contradict the conclusions they've adopted," he said.
Draghi, compared to those who demand the intervention of the ECB to ease the situation of countries in distress as does the Spanish Government, has emphasized to MEPs that the central bank, "within the limits of its mandate and without unnecessarily increasing the risk its balance sheet will do whatever it takes "to ensure price stability as its mandate and fixed at the same time, financial stability.




国/機関マドリード/ブリュッセル9 JUL 2012 - 12時49分CET
EUの閣僚に資金をGDPの3%の財政赤字目標を達成するために2014年まで年間スペインを与えるだろう、大臣の今日の会議を視野に入れ、月曜日にEUの3外交を進めてきた意思決定を行いますEUの分野では、責任者の間でユーロや会議の経済は明日。 "スペインの財政再建の目標は余分な年を与えるために調整され、"外交官のいずれかを完了しました。サミットのドラフトで述べたように、赤字のこの緩和は、スペインの主要なブーストの結果を対象としています。会議への参入時には、スペインの大臣、ルイス·デ·Guindosは、財政のこの新しいパスを確認しています。
最後になり、これらの用語でドラフトを承認した場合は、すべてスペイン当局は、8以降、予想5.3%から、GDPの6.3%の遅れで今年1パーセントポイントを閉じることができます2011閉じた9パーセント。 2013年、新たな目標は、2014年には2.8%でブリュッセルによって課された限界に達するだろうが安定計画に含まれている4.5パーセントの代わりに3%になります。
この時点で、欧州委員会は、 "スペイン当局は今年の予算計画の実施を確保するため、2012年に遅延がさらにステップなしで採用すべきである"と警告している。この目的のために、ブリュッセルは3ヶ月の効果的な行動を取るよう政府に提供します。この期間はまた、2014年までに目標を達成しようとする方法に関する報告書を提出しなければならない。

しかし、それだけではありません。政府は草案を続けて、 "彼らは予算計画にリスクを具体化し、経済·財政状況が予想より判明した場合2013年と2014年に赤字削減を加速させる場合は、さらに対策を講じることをいとわない"はずです。このエンドを確保するため、四半期レビューは、銀行や金融システムの資本増強への援助を平行することを発表しています。問題を抱えた機関の100,000百万までのクレジットで、ブリュッセルはまた別の救助を行うことが必要 "と予算戦略にリスクをもたらす"と警告している
赤字目標でリラックスと引き換えに、草案によると、スペインは "2014年に2013年には2.5%、1.9%から2012年にGDPの2.7%の構造的バランスの改善を達成しなければならない、2014年までにGDPの3%の基準値以下に赤字をもたらすために。 "

ドラギ: "スペインが完全に改革に取り組んでいます"
欧州中央銀行(ECB)、マリオ·ドラギ、大統領は、スペイン当局は、金融セクターの状況を修正する "彼らは完全に構造改革アジェンダを促進することにコミットしているが示されている"と発表した。 "我々はまた、対外競争力の向上に努め、より持続可能な繁栄のための基礎を築くています"と、ドラギは、欧州議会で開催された。
危機を終了すると、ECBの大統領は、必要な主張している "などの政府、中央銀行の断固たる行動だけでなく、他の俳優を。"その深さの最後の会計年度中に蓄積された "不均衡"に依存しなければならない改革で国辛抱することドラギによると、 "重要"である。
彼はまた、フィンランドやオランダなどの国に対しての言葉は、最近の欧州理事会の合意を頓挫する恐れがあった。 "EU首脳会議では俳優は、彼らが採用した結論と矛盾する発言をしていない場合にのみ信頼だ"と彼は言った。
苦痛の国の状況を容易にするためにECBの介入を求める人々に比べドラギは、としてスペイン政府は、中央銀行が、 "その任務の範囲内とすることなく、不必要にリスクを増大させることにより、MEPに強調していないそのバランスシートは、それがその任務として物価の安定を確保すると同時に、金融の安定に固定するために "取るものは何でもします。

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