



La letra pequeña tendrá un mínimo: un milímetro y medio

El Banco de España pone nuevas normas para proteger a los clientes

The fine print will have a minimum: a millimeter and a half

The Bank of Spain sets new rules to protect customers

The Country Madrid 6 JUL 2012 - 12:49 CET
From 2013, the letter of the bank contracts may not have a height less than 1.5 millimeters. In a circular published in the Gazette, the Bank of Spain has set new rules for credit institutions must apply when selling their products. The goal, according to the banking supervisor, is to protect customers.
Measurements are taken after a series of scandals in the industry for marketing products unsuitable for the profile of the investor or the investor who hired them. The case has a greater number of people affected is that of preference shares, especially in the case of nationalized institutions. The circular is the practical application of the ministerial order on the same subject adopted last October 28.
"The letter to use in the information documents that are regulated in this Circular shall have an appropriate size for easier reading, in any case, the letter that is used may have a height not less than one millimeter and a half," says the text.
In any case, the indication is not too accurate. It is unclear whether the letter height of 1.5 mm to respect the rule is the oval or central body or include ridges and feet (the upper and lower protruding from the letters). If the 1.5 mm refer to the central body, the letter would be small, but readable (roughly equivalent to a body 7 of word). If you include the crests and feet, would be tiny (a body 4), which would almost need a magnifying glass. It is reasonable to refer to the first option, although the standard does not make it clear.
The new law toughens requirements when informing those who buy products and banking services, with particular emphasis on the most used by citizens, such as deposits, consumer loans and mortgages. Besides the font size of contracts, the circular requires highlighting all relevant information so that it can not be confused. With this, the Bank of Spain intends to streamline management and increase the transparency of credit institutions.
The circular also takes steps to promote what it calls the banking supervisor "responsible lending", favoring the "prudence" and "attention to the preferences and objectives of their customers." The new standard will progressively entering into force throughout 2013.


カントリーマドリッド6 JUL 2012 - 12時49分CET
いずれにしても、表示があまりにも正確ではありません。それは、ルールを尊重する1.5mmの文字の高さが楕円形や中心体であるか、尾根やフィート(手紙から突出する上部と下部)を含めるかどうかは不明である。 1.5ミリメートルの中心体を参照する場合、文字(言葉の本体7とほぼ同等)が小さいですが、読みやすいだろう。あなたは山と足が含まれている場合、ほとんど虫眼鏡が必要になりますこれ、(体4)小さいであろう。標準ではそれが明確に説明していませんが、それは、最初のオプションを参照するために合理的である。
円形のは、 "慎重"と支持する、それが銀行監督者 "責任ある融資"と呼ぶものを促進するための手順を取ります "お客様の好みや目的に注意を。"新しい標準は、徐々に2013年全体で発効します。

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