

EL PAIS ( the best quality national newspaper in Spain)

2012年7月11日水曜日16;11、曇り/晴れ 最低気温;21ー23ºC、最高気温;26ー28ºC、BARCELONA県から


El Gobierno recorta un 15% la paga a los cuidadores familiares de la Dependencia

La medida se suma al fin de la cotización social para las personas que cuidan a familiares

La Administración tendrá dos años para tramitar la ayuda sin generar atrasos

The government cut pay 15% of family caregivers of the Unit

The measure is added to the end of the social contribution for family caregivers

The Administration shall have two years to process without generating support arrears

The Government will contribute for the caregivers of the Unit
The Government will ask the family income to pay the wages to the caretaker
Attempt to include new housing to secure the co dependence

Carmen Moran Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 21:43 CET
The pay clerks for a family to look after them at home will be reduced by 15% or more. It is one of the measures that have agreed to the government and the regions on Tuesday. This provision for care in the family for an average around 400 euros a month and it costs 1,900 million administrations per year. Reducing the 15% means a savings of 285 million euros, an amount equivalent to that unit has lost in recent State Budget. Therefore arguably be the families who paid the budget cuts. In addition, family caregivers, mostly women, lost Social Security contributions that the Government paid for them and served them to complete periods of contribution and access to a pension.
But the so-called national unity government that has sold "to the same degree of dependence, similar attention," is not guaranteed because each community will have flexibility and may further reduce this percentage. The Minister of Castile and Leon, one of the best managed communities-law, Milagros Marcos acknowledges that in his region will suffer a cut that pay more, "is less attractive to pay even the family, so that the citizens opt for the services as the best way to create jobs. " The problem is when some pay much recess community and family services continue to be neglected. Tabs 17 may be generated systems.

Is this a job?
Care in the home environment are 427,747 grants of this kind, are attended mostly by women, who now receive less money and also about 180,000 by the Government now traded in Social Security will lose that right. It was not strictly true that employment, and long aid has prevented it to dependents attend professional services such as nursing homes and day centers.
The Government believes that this measure will choose families for professional services rather than the economic benefit, which will result in job creation and liberation for women. But in times of crisis, thousands of families helping their poor economies is paid and no one can say, because there are no studies or surveys for this, that they attend no better or worse than in homes. Furthermore, there was always a personal choice: sometimes this assistance was granted because the Administration did not offer services or nursing home places or day centers. Nor does it seem that given the economic situation, go now to abound the streets if there is no greater investment, so that many families may be without service and with a paid caregiver reduced over 15% set as mandatory.
The question is whether all communities will be a transfer of money from the economic benefits of services, or whether they will accusing the management problems so common recently.
The second major step that has been taken has been the extension to two years the period in which communities have to care for dependents without retroactivity generate economic, rather than the current six months. That is, the Administration may be delayed up to two years to process the file of the user and grant aid. If this is an economic benefit, the employee will not receive arrears for that period. It is a term broad enough that many citizens die waiting for help. It's a collective "very vulnerable" as many times, this Tuesday, said the Minister for Health and Social Services, Ana Mato.
Moderate Dependents not enter the system until 2015, a year late. The rationale is that this can address the large and moderate, but in reality it did not happen, because at present it is not treated for dependence on the moderates, but neither are replacing low in the system, ie not entering the system cause many people as low.
The Government has revised its proposal to take as a citizen co-payment as 75% of the IPREM. He who does not reach 100% of IMPREM, 532 euros, you pay nothing. Thereafter sections were established based on income and on capital (which is included as counting to 5% of assessed value). "The co-pay goes up, yes, under those sections," acknowledged the Minister of Andalusia.
Another major change is the allocation of money, which will be done now weighted according to a timetable. Each year from 2013 will reserve a percentage of the total money distributed by the Government and communities will be shared with other criteria: it will be more generous with those communities to provide more services in respect of which give further support to family caregivers. Each year it will expand that percentage to distribute half the money with this criterion. That would be in five years.




カルメンモランマドリード10 JUL 2012 - 21時43 CET
自宅で世話をする家族のために有料の店員は15%以上削減されます。それが火曜日に政府と地域に合意した措置の一つです。この400ユーロ前後平均の月の家族のケアの提供と、それは年間1,900百万政権がかかります。 15%を削減すること2.85億ユーロの節約に、そのユニットに相当する金額は、最近の国家予算で失われたことを意味します。したがって、間違いなく予算削減を支払った家族である。さらに、家族介護者、ほとんどの女性は、政府が彼らのために支払ったと貢献と年金へのアクセス期間を完了するためにそれらを務めている社会保障への貢献を失った。
しかし、販売している、いわゆる統一政府 "依存性と同程度に、同様の注意は、"各コミュニティは、柔軟性を持ち、さらにこの割合を減少させる可能性があるため、保証されません。ようカスティーリャレオン大臣、最善の管理コミュニティ、法律の一つ、ミラグロス·マルコスは彼の領域でより高いお金を払ってカットを受けることを認める "にも家族を支払うことが少なく魅力的で、市民が雇用を創出するための最良の方法などのサービスを選ぶ。 "問題は、いくつかの有料はるかに凹部コミュニティや家族サービスが無視され続ける場合です。タブ17は、システムが生成されることがあります。

撮影された番目の主要なステップは、2つの年のコミュニティが経済的ではなく、現在の6ヶ月間を生成遡及することなく扶養家族の世話をするために持っている期間に拡張されています。つまり、管理者は、ユーザーと無償資金協力のファイルを処理するために2年まで遅れる可能性があります。これは経済的利益である場合、従業員はその期間の延滞を受け取ることができません。それは多くの市民が助けを待って死ぬという用語広いだけで十分です。それは多くの倍の集団 "非常に弱い"ですが、この火曜日は、保健·社会サービスのための大臣、アナマットは述べています。
政府はIPREMの75%と市民の共同の支払いとして利用するという提案を改訂しました。彼はIMPREMの100%、532ユーロに達していない人、あなたは何を行わなければならない。その後のセクションは、(評価額の5%にカウントに含まれています)の所得に対して資本に基づいて設立されました。 "共同賃金が上がると、はい、それらのセクションの下で、"アンダルシアの大臣が認めている。
もう一つの主要な変更点は、時刻表に従って重み付け行われる金銭の割当てです。 2013年から毎年、政府やコミュニティにより分配される合計金額の割合は他の基準と共有される予約されます:それは、家族介護者にさらなる支援を与えるそのうちの面で多くのサービスを提供するために、これらのコミュニティとのより寛大になります。毎年、この基準で半分のお金を配布するためにその割合を拡大していきます。それは5年であろう。

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