



La decisión del Eurogrupo hace caer el bono español a 10 años por debajo del 7%

La clarificación del rescate y el anuncio de medidas hace subir moderadamente las bolsas

El euro vuelve a perder la cota de 1,23 dólares y alcanza su nivel más bajo en dos años

Eurogroup's decision drops the Spanish 10-year bond below 7%

The clarification of the rescue and the announcement of measures raises the stock moderately

The euro again lost the dimension of $ 1.23 and reached its lowest level in two years

The Country Madrid 10 JUL 2012 - 18:01 CET
The decision of the members of the euro zone to give the nod to the first part of the Spanish financial bailout, relieving emergencies on the future of the banking sector has reduced pressure on the debt markets. The interest rate of 10-year Spanish bond, which is the reference market rate when the demand for debt, opened downward, reaching to close at 6.811% and falling from the symbolic step of 7%. The statement of the Eurogroup has also affected the risk premium, the spread between Spanish and German to 10 years. After a slow start, the index has fallen sharply, reaching 549 points, 25 fewer than in the opening. Although the spread has significantly reduced the fall in today was much smaller than the last 29, when the premium fell 69 points after the European Council agreement.
The deal unlocks a part of economic aid to Spanish banks for a total of 30,000 million euros and more flexible the top of deficit to be met by Spain until 2014, raising it to 6.3% of GDP this year. In return, the troika composed of the ECB, the IMF and the European Commission quarterly inspect the conditions of the Spanish economy and impose stringent conditions 32 fiscal, banking and supervision.
European stocks, including Madrid, have ended the session with moderate gains after rising strongly mid-morning. The IBEX 35 has closed up 0.58%, to 6812.20 points. U.S. markets have followed the same trend since its opening: the Dow Jones gained 0.12%. The Asian centers have closed slightly lower.
Part of the excitement of the markets on the continent can be explained by the German Constitutional Court's decision to provisionally allow the country's participation in the financial aid fund, approved in Parliament on June 29. The Federal Court of Justice, although it has declared admissible the constitutional challenges, acknowledged that the rescue mechanism "falls within the discretionary powers of Parliament, that this court should recognize." The decision relieves the market doubts about Germany's participation in the rescue fund. German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said in his appearance before the court "not to approve the mechanism would not be good for the markets."
The euro has lost the dimension of $ 1.23 and has passed its lowest in the last two years. After recovering in early afternoon trading, the euro reached $ 1.2247 on trading. A barrel of Brent crude also fell and is sold at around $ 98.50, nearly a dollar less than the opening.



カントリーマドリード10 JUL 2012 - 午後06時01分CET
マドリードなど欧州株式市場は、午前半ば強く上昇した後に中等度の向上とのセッションを終了している。 IBEX 35は6812.20ポイントに、0.58%をクローズアップしています。米国市場は、オープン以来、同じ傾向が続いている:ダウは0.12%を得た。アジアセンターでは、少し引けています。
大陸の市場の興奮の一部は暫定的に6月29日に議会で承認された財政援助基金、国の参加を可能にするためにドイツの憲法裁判所の決定によって説明することができます。それは憲法上の課題許容宣言したものの、司法省の連邦裁判所は、救済機構は "この法廷が認識すべき、国会の裁量権の範囲内になります。"ことを認めた決定は、救済基金のドイツの参加については、市場の疑念を軽減します。ドイツの財務大臣、ウォルフガングショーブルは、 "メカニズムは市場にとって良いことではありません承認することはありません。"裁判所の前に彼の外観で述べている

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