スペインのCastilla-La Mancha政府は、財政赤字解消のために、公有林を売却予定
Castilla-La Mancha planea vender montes públicos para hacer cotos de caza
La Junta encarga a sus ingenieros informes para preparar la desamortización
Los funcionarios recogen firmas contra la privatización y los ecologistas critican el "daño irreparable"
Rafael Méndez Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 20:18 CET
Castilla-La Mancha plans to sell public forests for hunting
The Board commissioned his engineers to prepare reports Confiscation
Officials collect signatures against privatization and environmentalists criticize the "irreparable harm"
Rafael Mendez Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 20:18 CET
The Castilla-La Mancha plans to sell mountains of public owners select hunting. The government headed by Dolores Cospedal asked its engineers Montes reports on some 50 hills of public interest that would be privatized, according to sources from the Board. Ecologists in Action and SEO / Birdlife confirm that the CEO of Community Forestry them confirmed Thursday that is being studied. The seizure, made in Spain in the nineteenth century with the performance dilapidated state, has run into opposition from officials, who have started to collect signatures to protect nature. So far, the communities had sold agricultural and rural parcels, but mountains of public. The Castilla-La Mancha said last night that has no paper work and other communities are those that have been raised.
About two weeks ago, according to the Board, the provincial Environmental were commissioned to prepare a report on a series of selected forests totaling tens of thousands of hectares. Although mountains of public utility, and its sale has difficult legal reserve, the Board requested that included detailing whether any building which would serve as a chalet or the possibility of installing a fence hunting.
Text officials sign these days states that "the exclusion of mountains mountains catalog of public utility only comes if they had lost the characteristics that were deemed irreversible recovery and out of them, or have disappeared causes its effect on the use or public service motivated his statement [...] None of the mountains which were intended to exclude from the catalog for sale located in any of these cases. "
The College of Forestry alert desafectar legal difficulty Mount
Foresters and forest officials point out that "the effects of past forest confiscations were disastrous for the economy, society and nature Spanish. Thousands of hectares of public forests were deforested sold to individuals suffering erosion and losing its protective role against flooding. " They conclude:
"Hills which is able to save to the confiscation and were included in the catalog of public forests in the nineteenth century have been and continue to be the basis of conservation in this country."
The mountains of public utility are not few. According to the Ministry of Environment, occupy 6.57 million hectares, 13% of the size of Spain. The catalog was created in 1859. By law, public domain forest mountains are "inalienable, indefeasible and are not subject to any tax levied its ownership." Selling them would require a legal change-and now the government is preparing a reform of the Forest Act, or the reversal to be considered to have lost its effectiveness.
The mountains of public account for 13% of the size of Spain
Miguel Angel Hernandez, Head of Conservation Ecologists in Action, said that yesterday he met with the director general of the Forestry and Natural Areas, Javier Gomez: "We confirmed that it is examining the sale of public forests of the Board within Treasury plan to raise funds from the sale of property owned by the Board. " Castilla-La Mancha was the community with more deficit in 2011, by 7.3%. In September, accumulating a debt of 394 million, 1.06% of GDP and the Ministry of Finance has asked all departments selling everything.
According to Hernandez, between the mountains likely go on sale are the three wildlife refuges Castilla-La Mancha deprotected in October to allow hunting in Toledo. This is Don Pedro and Fifth Cardeñosa, Nava and Don Diego's Dehesón Encinar, Tietar Valley, of 714 hectares. Toledo and Ciudad Real are two of the provinces with greater reliance on hunting and huge estates of millionaires, which would be those who could buy.
The Castilla-La Mancha is the owner of 228 mountains occupying 171,228 hectares. According Ecologists in Action, would be liable to be sold between 20% and 30%, so that "between 46 and 68 ofertarían mountains and an area between 34,000 and 51,000 acres of public property." The price is highly variable depending on the area and the use of Mt. Between 1,500 and 6,000 euros per hectare. According to Hernandez, "its sale would be beyond repair destruction of a work that takes decades, if not centuries, to be carried out" as well as "a bad deal". The Rural Homeowners Association for game management and Environmental Conservation (APROCA) ignore the plan said.
Margarita Hernandez, Technical College of Engineers, said that legally it is not easy to sell a mountain of public: "If forests are community property has no major problem. But if they are included in the catalog of public utility there is a record that justifies its inclusion by its ecological interest, protection, wildlife ... In that case, the community should make a record for desafectarlo with technical justification ". In Castilla-La Mancha every mountain community registered as public assets, which sale is legally complicated.
The idea of undertaking a confiscation to combat the budget deficit in 2010 launched Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, former Minister of Agriculture with the UCD, professor and chairman of an association of builders. The government then dismissed it. Lamo said at a conference in December 2011 to sell a third of the public lands "would mean an income of between 1,400 and 4,200 million euros for other communities and municipalities 6000-18000 million." "If the state in previous years has been liquidating its assets, industrial properties (steel mills, marine, energy, aviation ...), financial (banking official), real estate ... What sense does today hold landed property in public hands if they involve costs and returns? "He argued.
The sale of public property has been a common tool to combat the crisis. The Generalitat of Catalonia (CiU) sold in 2012 an estate of 90 hectares of natural park Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (Girona) and the Junta de Andalucía (PSOE) could sale 20,000 hectares of agricultural land that belonged to the former Instituto Andaluz Agrarian Reform (IARA). The mountains of public utility had remained so far apart from the wave of privatization.
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