Archivada la denuncia contra Sánchez Gordillo por el asalto a un supermercado
El tribunal entiende la acción del parlamentario como parte del derecho a la huelga
EFE Sevilla 7 FEB 2013 - 14:17 CET
Filed the complaint against Sánchez Gordillo for the assault on a supermarket
The court understands parliamentary action as part of the right to strike
EFE Sevilla 7 FEB 2013 - 14:17 CET
The High Court of Andalusia (TSJA) has filed the complaint against IU parliamentary Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo for the assault on a supermarket in Estepa (Sevilla), because the action was part of the right to strike and to "deface "behavior who does the secundase.
The TSJA, in a car that has had access, says Sánchez Gordillo just tried to Mercadona supermarket workers in Estepa (Sevilla) secundasen general strike on March 29, 2012 "no weapon but the word, noise or physical presence "in order to get closure.
Judge Miguel Pasquau TSJA, who instructed the complaint to be graduated Sánchez Gordillo, validates the video provided by the Civil Guard, which is heard to tell the deputy director of supermarket, if not close, "you throw all there is out there because we throw everything on the floor and you have to put here twenty days working people. I've got it right? ".
According to the judge, this sentence does not constitute a crime, but perhaps to a fault, because the circumstances surrounding it do not give the "necessary strength" to be an establishment Mercadona "with a large volume of business," which in fact , reopened soon after.
This despite the constraints come from a union whose "militancy and operational capacity is marked" says the judge.
The car tells the five actions undertaken by Sánchez Gordillo, first to an office of the Council of Seville, where he urged the manager to close while the picket called "scab" workers, then the clothing store "El Rubio" where the picket warned the employee who "went to buy, but had forgotten the money" and finally in Mercadona.
As for what happened in this supermarket, the car picks the director and a civil guard Sánchez Gordillo heard they would threaten "to buy without money", but that statement does not appear in the recorded conversation in the supermarket, although when the Deputy went to picket at the exit.
Then moved to picket the Employment Office, where Sánchez Gordillo responsible urged to close and it was carried out "without incident" and finally came to the Agrosevilla entity, where the manager told them they were minimal and service Gordillo Sanchez told the picket that "next time we cast anyone who is inside. By hook or by crook."
The TSJA filed the complaint against Deputy UI and only for what happened in Mercadona returns the case to the court of Estepa, competent appreciate in case "at best a lack of threats" and to value what made minutes before by another union picket led by Antonio Pineda, not graduated.
According TSJA, Sánchez Gordillo "did not exceed the limits constitutionally guaranteed" the right to strike and freedom of association, which allows the group presence in establishments where workers not joining the strike. "
"Defacing the behavior of those who do not back the strike and flock to buildings open to the public with no weapon but the word, noise or physical presence" does not constitute a criminal offense, and that happened in the incidents reported in the that "only noticed the existence of talks, accompanied by typical ambient pressure picketing."
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