



Las autonomías aceleran los recortes en 2013 por la caída de ingresos

Despedirán a más trabajadores y destinarán menos recursos a sanidad y educación

Hacienda olvida las facturas pendientes
Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 3 FEB 2013 - 18:39 CET

Autonomy accelerate cuts in 2013 by falling income

Lay off more workers and fewer resources allocated to health and education

Treasury bills outstanding forgets

Jesus Gonzalez Sérvulo Madrid 3 FEB 2013 - 18:39 CET

Public services in the regions will be less and lower quality in 2013. Regional governments have less money to lend: Current income-tax those receiving state and transfers will be reduced by 6.1% on average, according to the analysis on the Draft Budget of the Autonomous Communities for 2013 released by the Ministry of Finance.
The communities also have less fiscal space. They must reduce the deficit in half (from 1.5% of GDP in 2012 approved 0.7% this year). At the time, they need to finance 48,020 million euros over the year, more than double the provisions of 23 000 million government-in Autonomic Liquidity Fund (FLA) to help territories that can not be financed. And that, with markets parted [require harsh financial conditions] that do not totally rely on communities.

Rise estate and gift tax rates on capital and
The financial constraints, reducing the deficit margin set by the Ministry of Finance and the drop in revenues forced communities to sharpen scissors in 2013. During the last few years and the minimum investment jibarizaron. Are left to put the knife to amputate part of structural spending (the operation) will worsen the budget cuts in health (spending falls 6.8%), education (-8.6%), social services (-13, 3%) and public sector communities, as reflected in regional accounts collected by the Treasury. It's already happening in these first weeks of the year. Emergencies have been closed in some towns, has risen control pharmaceutical expenditure and limited replacement of teachers in schools.
"Budgets are very restrictive in 2013," argue analysts AFI Cesar Cantalapiedra and Carmen Lopez in a paper published last Thursday Funcas (Savings Bank Foundation) on the budget lines of communities. The Ministry of Finance reported earlier this year that communities will reduce their spending by 7.1% and announced that all budgets presented [in the absence of accounts Galicia, Catalonia and the Basque Country by the end of 2012 elections] are set the projected deficit of 0.7% of GDP.

Caen property transfer income
"Having exhausted the path of investment cuts to reduce spending, which after three years of double-digit drops accumulate, 2013 represent only 10.4% of total spending, communities face a process which will be necessary to reduce its functional structure, "added analysts AFI.
The cut of the regions affected in recent years, especially the chapter on investment, have fallen nearly 50% in the last three years. Gone are the great pharaonic projects and even plans to build new schools and health centers were frozen at best. But after years of barely scraping is scope to lower the investment game without affecting the maintenance of infrastructure already built. And in the sixth year of the crisis are still intact the demands of public reckoning.

Personnel costs are reduced by more than 6%
"Budgets have significant cuts in current transfers and personnel costs, mainly based on the reduction of the public sector in regional and attrition of the administration itself," say Cantalapiedra and Lopez in Funcas report. And added: "The year 2013 will be very restrictive expenditure by way of regions with significant destruction of public employment and higher than those of 2012."
The regional executives lay off part of its public employees, agency staff and temporary-to lower its payroll bill by about 6%, which will save more than 2,200 million, according to data compiled by the Treasury of 13 communities.
Many of these workers come from regional public enterprises. One of the great challenges of autonomy for this exercise is the removal of the 477 public entities (companies, foundations and organizations) who are committed to the Treasury to remove.
There will also be reductions in Health, Education and Social Services. Madrid is the community that shrink these items. And that, the big cut in the occult Health Chapter of capital expenditure (for privatization of management in six hospitals). Murcia (-12.8%), Aragon (-12.9%) and Andalusia (10.8%) are the other territories which will lower the money for health. These autonomies with Asturias (-8.7%) are also more reduced in Education resources.
Regarding income, almost all tax increases that made autonomy in 2013, especially rates rise and the estate and gift tax will be wiped away, the decline in transfer tax and stamp duty (ITPAJD) whose revenue decline this year to 5.088 million (not including Galicia, the Basque Country and Catalonia), 12.3% on average less than last year. Regional governments enter this tax a third less than at the beginning of the crisis (10,044,000 in 2008). This tribute is the most identifiable with the community activity. Therefore, this drop reflects the image shrink who are suffering regional structures. To compensate, the autonomous income squeeze the inheritance and gift tax. They hope to raise 1.958 million euros, 23.3% more than in 2012. Regional executives have also created new fees and raised the already have in place to find resources. Enter 12.9% more by taxes and public prices than last year, representing about 400 million more.
"In a scenario marked decrease in revenue, despite efforts to increase revenues, and cut way of investing nearly exhausted, demanding compliance with the deficit target for 2013 will necessarily reduce its current expenditure", Funcas concludes.

Treasury bills outstanding forgets
The autonomous communities accumulated more than 10,000 million euros of debt to suppliers.
The latest available data, October 2012, raised the amount of the unpaid bills of these administrations to 13,730 million euros. Finance offered the figure in the monthly report on budget execution of the regions until October. But in November the following report, the last published two weeks ago, avoided include the total outstanding debt to suppliers. Did include, however, the change in the debt in the first 11 months of the year, 9.627 million less than the same period last year. Much of this reduction is due to outstanding invoices provider payment plan launched by the government early last year, amounting to 17,704,000.
As Treasury data no longer offers commercial debt autonomy must resort to data offered by major industry organizations (Farmaindustria, Fenin and ATA) which raise the outstanding debt of autonomy to 11,529,000 and that's not including to major infrastructure developers.
Some communities claim the government a new plan providers to settle outstanding invoices. Many of them are: excessive deficits from previous years who have not been able to finance because finance permitting.




イエスゴンザレスSérvuloマドリード3 FEB 2013 - 18時39分CET


"二桁の滴の三年間が蓄積した後、2013年には総支出のわずか10.4パーセントを表す支出を削減するための投資減税のパスを使い果たしたので、コミュニティがプロセスに直面その機能的な構造を削減する必要があるだろう、これ "アナリストAFIが追加されました。

"予算は、主に公共部門の減少に基づいて、現在の転送や人件費の大幅な削減を持っていることは、地域や行政自体の摩滅、" FuncasレポートでCantalapiedraとロペス言う。を追加しました: "2013年は重要な公的雇用の破壊と2012年のものよりも高いとの地域を経由して、非常に限定的支出になるでしょう。"
"シナリオでは、必ずしも、現在の支出を削減する収益を増加させると、ほぼ2013年財政赤字目標の遵守を求めて、疲れ果てた投資の方法をカットするための努力にもかかわらず、収益の減少となった" Funcasは結論付けています。

入手可能な最新のデータ、2012年10月には、13730百万ユーロとなり、これらの行政の未払いの額を引き上げた。ファイナンスは10月まで、地域の予算の執行に関する月次レポートの図を提供した。しかし、11月に次のレポート、2週間前に発表された昨年は、仕入先への総債務残高を含んで避けた。しかし、前年同期よりも9627000 1年未満の最初の11ヶ月で借金の変化を含んでいない。ずっとこの削減は17704000に相当する、昨年初めに政府が立ち上げた未払いの請求プロバイダの支払計画によるものである。

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