La oportunidad, en 2014
La reforma laboral y unos ajustes fiscales menos severos contribuirían a mejorar las expectativas de las familias y a que paulatinamente aumentase el consumo
The opportunity, in 2014
The labor reform and less severe fiscal adjustments help to improve the expectations of families since consumption would increase gradually
Josep Manel Comajuncosa 3 FEB 2013 - 00:01 CET
In all likelihood, the Spanish economy in 2013 will experience its sixth consecutive year of recession or stagnation. Forecasts ESADE Economic Report is that GDP decreases by 1% over the year. With this, unemployment will remain at very high current levels.
Of the four components of demand will only grow exports, and will not be enough to offset the negative trend in consumption and private investment and public spending. The household consumption will be severely hampered by the high rate of taro, the downward trend in disposable income, the credit crunch and ultimately, negative expectations about the future evolution of the economy.
But beyond this bad news for 2013 and 2014 opens a window of opportunity. In the second half of last year some important decisions were taken at the European level that could be the way out of the crisis in the euro zone, to correct some design flaws that have become apparent in the last three years. Overcoming this crisis will help all economies of the south, including the Spanish, to return to the path of growth.
At the European Council of June 2012, the Heads of State and Government recognized explicitly that a monetary union can not survive without some additional conditions. It was decided to create a joint bank and also pursue greater fiscal and political union. The bank union began with a commitment to creating a single supervisor for European banks and will continue to establish some form of group insurance for deposits. Greater fiscal union will involve some form of joint guarantees for all or part of the public debt of each country in the region from all other countries.
We need to generate some growth to change the sign of the automation of the Spanish economy
Also in September, the ECB took a major decision that involves a radical change in the philosophy that has guided from the start of the crisis. Its president announced that he was willing to buy government bonds from those countries having funding problems. That is, of those who were forced to pay an extra high for markets financed. He also noted that it could carry out these purchases with no limit on the amount or time to achieve his goal. Beginning, then, a line similar to that followed, from the beginning of the crisis in 2008, the other major central banks.
Since then, financing conditions have been improving gradually. So far, this has removed the need to ask the second bailout. And it is not ruled out that the strength of the commitment of the ECB is sufficient to maintain this improvement. But not maintained, the Government should be prepared to apply for a grant that would probably take the form of a massive purchase of debt by the ECB. And it must show it is willing to fulfill his promise.
Another condition for realizing this opportunity is the flexibility of the deficit targets public by European authorities. Trying to move from a deficit of over 7% of GDP in 2012 to one of 4.5% this year would cause a slowdown in activity that could even impossible to achieve the target due to falling tax revenues. A scenario much like that of Greece and the European authorities should avoid at all costs. The relaxation of the deficit target would not retract the commitment to arrive in the not too distant to sustainable public accounts. This is just to find a balance between that commitment and the ability to generate growth.
Against this positive backdrop, the Spanish economy should develop in its own stage, an argument so as to create a growth path. The better performance of the export sector and some increase in the flow of credit should allow the creation of jobs. This would make visible the softer side of the labor reform, which has not only serve to facilitate the dismissal and wage moderation (the latter must), but also to encourage the employment of quality when we see an increase in activity. The softer side of labor reform and less severe fiscal adjustments help to improve the expectations of families and that gradually would increase consumption. This would help, in turn, companies whose market basically inside. In short, you need to generate some growth to change the sign of the automation of the Spanish economy, which in recent years have sunk into recession. This is vital the role of the public sector and entrepreneurs (I emphasize this second expression). The first must continue with structural reforms, particularly bring to fruition the financial sector to get credit flowing again, at least to the most prone to growth. The second wage moderation should accompany a containment profit margins, for maximum increase competitiveness.
Although they are many uncertainties and the conditions that must be met, in 2014 there is an opportunity. And the Spanish economy can not afford to miss.
Josep Manel Comajuncosa is Professor of Economics at ESADE.
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