Pensión confort para los cerdos
Desde el 1 de enero, las granjas deben cumplir nuevas normas de bienestar animal
Vidal Maté 3 FEB 2013 - 00:00 CET
Pension comfort for pigs
From January 1, farms must meet new standards of animal welfare
Vidal Maté 3 FEB 2013 - 00:00 CET
On January 1, 2012, the field of laying poultry fell sharply the number of chickens and farms by the application of the new requirements on animal welfare. The result was a drop in production, a decline in their competitiveness in the markets of third countries, an increase in imports of egg products for industry and an average rise in prices in the internal market in the past year amounted to 40%.
Since last January 1 in force new rules on animal welfare in pig farms. According to initial data handled by the Marketing Anprogapor, the measure has made investments of over 700 million euros and could result in the closure of more than a thousand farms. They already have more than 400, by failing to comply with the conditions imposed by the Spanish and European administrations.
The demands on animal welfare in the EU framework have a long history, although there have been tightening over the past decade to cover the whole process from breeding to slaughter, through transportation.
In the case of pigs, in compliance with the directive on animal welfare 2001, Spain implemented from January 1, 2003 a set of requirements in general for all the livestock sector, but with the exception of driving conditions of the bristles, which was given to a moratorium of 10 years, until January 1, 2013.
An industry leader and competitive
The pig is one of the most important activities in the Spanish agricultural sector, with a turnover in excess of EUR 6,000 million in 2012, representing over 14% of the final agricultural production. This is also one of the few productions that are largely outside of the common agricultural policy in direct aid and the mechanisms of market regulation.
Officially, the pig sector has some 92,000 farms, compared with about 200,000 that existed over a decade ago. However, from the Marketing Anprogapor estimated actual census is only 45,000 to 50,000 farms. Of family farms has been a sector with significant weight of big integrators. This downward trend in the number of farms has resulted in no cuts in the number of animals or volume of production. The pig population has grown to 25 million head, and the number of animals killed annually amounts to about 42 million, representing 14% of all pigs slaughtered in the European Union.
The pig is one of the few livestock sectors has evolved positively since Spain joined the EU. From a slightly above 2 million tons, today is 3.5 million. This is also an area with a good competitive position, as evidenced by the fact that 35% of the production goes to foreign markets in the EU and in third countries.
In accordance with EU requirements, porcine animals must have adequate facilities in the material of the soil to prevent them from being slippery and in the lining of the spaces to prevent self-harm, should not have high noise and have a day of the least eight hours of light, and may be in open ground yards, but whenever sheds have protection from adverse weather or vermin attacks. Animals must eat at least once a day and have the opportunity to do so all at once. A key point is that they have room to move around and lie down without strain. Workers must be trained in its use and to avoid fights between animals. For breeding, the gorrinos will have a minimum of 0.15 square meters when the weight does not reach 10 kilos and a meter when the weight exceeds 110 kilos.
With the new provision should apply new rules on breeding and management of sows that have calved once pregnant and new. Community guidelines require that the management of these animals takes place in groups from 2 to more than 40 animals, rather than individually, from the fourth week of mating and until a week before delivery. In these periods is contemplated having a minimum availability of space per animal from 2 to 2.8 square meters in the case of older sows and 1.4 to 1.8 in the case of pregnant gilts.
On farms that either did not have adequate facilities banning the entry of animals and genetic material from swine, animals leaving if not for the sacrifice or holdings complying with all the rules and practice of artificial insemination or natural service . Farms that comply with the requirements, should be inspected, and suffer the corresponding penalty will be closed if they do not reduce their census nine sows.
These measures, as the data handled by the sector, affecting about 15,000 farms with 2.3 million sows. Not having to shut the nine animals, which does not require changing facilities. The closures have particularly affected farms between 10 and 99 mothers, but not to the holdings of large groups, which represent the bulk of production.
It is unclear how the sector between the set of measures proposed to stay in groups of animals is best for them. The reality is that new requirements result in the need for major changes in farm facilities on floors, coverings and, above all, in changing structures that are found grouped animals. According to the data handled by the Anprogapor sector, the cost of these works may rise to between 300 and 350 euros per animal, representing a total investment of 700 million euros, which have been made without public aid. It is estimated that the new requirements to the farms for the development of its activity may increase production costs by over 10%, which will mean a loss of competitiveness with third countries, to where it leaves most of the pigs exported.
For the execution of these investments, the sector has not had public support at the state and supports only applied by the autonomous communities of Castile and León, Andalusia and Catalonia. The line opened at state funding through the ICO has failed to understand the sector that were more expensive demanded guarantees that the amount of aid.
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