Los papeles de los tesoreros del PP entre 1990 y 2008
Los papeles de Bárcenas muestran pagos periódicos a la cúpula y otros gastos
La contabilidad refleja entregas de cantidades fijas durante 11 años
Los papeles secretos de Bárcenas
FOTOGALERÍA Consulta las anotaciones de los tesoreros del PP entre 1990 y 2008
Toda la información sobre el 'caso Bárcenas'
#lospapelesdeBarcenas: Sigue la reacción a la noticia en Twitter
El País Madrid 30 ENE 2013 - 22:59 CET
The roles of the treasurers of the PP between 1990 and 2008
Barcenas papers show periodic payments to the dome and other expenses
Accounting reflects deliveries of fixed amounts for 11 years
Barcenas secret papers
Check the log PHOTOGALLERY treasurers of PP between 1990 and 2008
All information about the 'case Barcenas'
# lospapelesdeBarcenas: Follow the reaction to the news on Twitter
The Country Madrid 30 ENE 2013 - 22:59 CET
The handwritten accounts of the treasurers of PP between 1990 and 2008, payments that records the party leadership (general secretaries and undersecretaries, basically) is heterogeneous mixture because contracted services expenditures in the game (legal advice or opinion polls, for example ) with deliveries of cash to leading members of the national leadership. For quarters or semesters, always recorded deliveries of money to party secretary general and three deputy secretaries who had the PP until Rajoy eliminated this structure of power in 2004, when he was elected party president.
Payments to the dome of the PP.The only exception to the rule is Francisco Alvarez-Cascos, appearing as recipient, as long as the alleged accounting handled Luis Barcenas (manager and treasurer for 18 years between 2008 and 2009), after leaving the post of party secretary general.
From 2004 there was no general undersecretaries and records of payments to the national leadership, as the alleged handwritten accounts of the treasurers, were reduced to Mariano Rajoy as president and secretary general, Angel Acebes then, with deliveries the same for both: 12,600 euros per semester.
moreThe cash donations and revenues recorded 7.5 million"These payments have not existed. Declare everything "
Those who did not use pointed payments, over the years which includes the accounting, the same formula to denote those who received the money. So, Mariano Rajoy is for a few years "Mariano", other times it is "M. R. "other" Mariano Rajoy "and some" M. Raj ". It happens the same with Francisco Alvarez-Cascos (Paco, PAC, helmets) or Angel Acebes, Javier Arenas, Rodrigo Rato and Jaime Mayor Oreja.
Help victims of ETA
Together with the endorsements systematic and regular deliveries are sporadic other various positions of the PP (a minister who was not in the party executive, a regional leader for financing election campaigns, a counselor for specific jobs) in different years. In handwritten records including aid to the widow of a councilor killed by ETA.
This special accounting, allegedly prepared by the treasurers Lapuerta and Barcenas, was unrelated to government grants received by the PP for funding, but the money coming in the form of donations from businessmen and supporters of the Conservative party. Therefore the list always makes a final balance in each of the operations.
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