Necesitamos reglas claras
La financiación de los proyectos se realizará en cuatro anualidades en lugar de las tres previstas
Carlos Andradas Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 20:36 CET
We need clear rules
Funding for the projects will be made in four annual payments instead of three scheduled
Carlos Andradas Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 20:36 CET
Last Thursday the government again surprised researchers with the publication in the Official Gazette of the final resolution of the call for research projects published in December 2011. After more than a year of waiting since the announcement and more than six months after the provisional resolution, which originally was to be a good news was becoming immediately stupor and indignation later, uncertainty and distrust: for the first time in history and against specified in the call itself, the project funding will be made in four annual payments instead of three scheduled, the first of 7% of the total amount awarded.
Yes, the project should be continued in the three years, regardless of when resources arrive, even though the fourth annuity, about 20% of the total budget comes one year after project completion. To everyone understands: research projects are selected from over 7,000 applications and gotten calls on researchers to do so by advancing the money ... Where?, Because we all know that public institutions, from universities to research institutes are unable to advance a single euro.
Stupor because in practice, it will also be a year without research and an affront to the researchers who have spent hours and effort to prepare their projects. It is in the first year when, usually, are needed investments in equipment and infrastructure needed to implement the projects. Having the 7% of the budget means postponing any investment and therefore delaying them. Interestingly ministry is especially jealous as to what costs are acceptable in the last year of the project on the grounds that if it was a must for the same should not be for the last year. How now apply this criterion when in the last year of the project will not be sent even 50% of the subsidy?
Especially dramatic is regarding human resources. The cost of any contract of a researcher than 7% for the first year, so that in the first year can not be made under any procurement projects, leaving no chance of joining the hundreds of young researchers who are usually it fits them. Another door that closes our youth.
Outrage as researchers while we ask for a precise time schedule, both scientifically and budget, with distinct milestones along the three years of project implementation, the ministry seems that you can change the rules at will in the middle departure. Not only have less budget but also altered the formulas of their management, putting the entire system in a situation of instability and uncertainty.
Uncertainty, because if this has happened in this call for 2012, what will happen to the 2013 where the National Fund money has decreased by 70 million euros, despite protests from the scientific community? So far the call (usually made in December) has not come out, breaking the usual periodicity of the same and we will announce that in the coming months after approval of the State Plan for Research, Technology and Innovation, and developed the foundations relevant and annual action plan and ... view of the times these calls management (demand is) the fear of a new year without projects is served, which would be a catastrophe for research.
Mistrust because meetings with the Ministry of Research, the formula was never mentioned four annuities, which we learned to blow BOE. Nor had indicated to the researchers, who in many cases after a preliminary determination had already planned and committed expenditure for the first year of project implementation.
Distrust also because the explanations from the Ministry of Economy on ceilings and budgetary limits are not understood. The call went out for more than a year with its corresponding budget implementation (or early enough to provide) and it suffered a significant reduction from the previous. Now we are told that, despite what has been published, it will try to advance the fourth annuity. Hopefully happen, but if you can do, why not solve the call made as stipulated in the same?
No doubt the good will of the people working in the Ministry of Research, but the system of R & D + i need more than good intentions. Need credible and sustained commitments. Clear rules and enforce them. This Government is showing otherwise and our R & D + i suffers. As does the scientific community's confidence in its commitment to research after episodes like this.
Carlos Andradas is president of the Confederation of Spanish Scientific Societies (COSCE).
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