



CÁNDIDO MÉNDEZ / Secretario General de UGT

“La reforma laboral es una máquina de destruir empleo”

Méndez advierte de que la destrucción del tejido productivo "tardará décadas en recuperarse"

El líder de UGT considera que la situación es "insostenible" por el empeño en reducir el déficit

La crisis del mercado laboral español en 10 titulares
Toxo: "El alza del paro es consecuencia de políticas injustas”
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 12:36 CET

Colin Campbell / Secretary General of UGT

"The labor reform is a machine to destroy jobs"

Mendez warns that the destruction of the productive "take decades to recover"

UGT leader considers that the situation is "untenable" for their efforts to reduce the deficit

The Spanish labor market crisis in 10 holders
Toxo: "The rise in unemployment is a result of unjust policies"

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 12:36 CET

The secretary general of the UGT, Cándido Méndez, warns that the situation has reached a point where the increase in unemployment "is unsustainable." After knowing the data from the Survey (LFS) in the fourth quarter, Mendez commitment to "focus economic policy objectives in people", which considered indispensible to promote economic activity and thus job creation .
Question: Nearly six million and rising, how long you can hold it?
Answer: The situation is no longer tenable. The data show that the labor reform has not only aggravated the problem. It is a machine to destroy jobs. It is essential to turn to policies and objectives focus on the recovery of economic activity and employment, without undermining the welfare state. The destruction of the productive and social take decades to recover.
Q: When will we see the situation changing, not seasonally?
A: When the return policy priorities to be economic growth and job creation, and not achieving goals deficits through spending cuts, benefits and entitlements.
Q: Have you made, the share of responsibility that touches them, all they could? Could they have done more?

The legislative changes are not creating jobs, but economic activity
A: Since the beginning of the crisis policies have asked economic growth and protection of the unemployed. We have proposed and alternative crop policies. And above all, we have reached agreements such as the Economic and Social and Employment Agreement and Collective Bargaining (NCSA), which seek stability of our pension system, maintenance of employment and wage growth moderation. The last AENC, now in a year, was well received by the Government and subsequently neglected, as it has done with social dialogue, to impose a labor reform that now brings these results.
P: Nor with the latest labor reform has stopped deteriorating employment, why?
A: We've said it before, during and continue to insist: there are legislative changes that create jobs, but economic activity. With employment policies can enhance job creation in certain disadvantaged groups or with greater difficulties entering or re-entering the labor market. But a reform that cuts rights facilitates firing, using new formats is precarious and hiring away the protagonists of collective bargaining, could not be expected to cut job losses and generate new jobs, as it has been.

The most urgent is to focus economic policy objectives in people
Q: What should I do now? What is the most urgent?
The most urgent is to focus the objectives of economic policy in the people, and for that, we must promote economic activity and thus job creation. We must protect those who have been hardest hit by the crisis we are facing long and increasingly face more difficulties in returning to the labor market, we must make policies that favor the maintenance and creation of industrial sectors greater value addition and greater possibilities of lasting and sustained growth, and we must ensure that young people have opportunities, because they are the most valuable future capital we have, and we appreciate the experience and expertise of workers now they have opportunities, because they are the current capital we have so missed.

コリン·キャンベル/ UGTの事務総長



UGTリーダーは状況が赤字を削減するための努力のための "理不尽"であることを考慮

Toxo: "失業率の上昇は、不当な政策の結果である"

マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード24 ENE 2013 - 12時36分CET
UGTの事務局長、カンディド·メンデスは、状況が失業の増加がポイントに達したことを警告している "持続不可能です。"第4四半期の調査(LFS)からのデータを知った後、 "人々に経済政策目標を集中"するメンデスのコミットメント、経済活動を促進するために不可欠と考えられているため、雇用創出



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