El FROB afirma que las condiciones de despidos en la banca son “más generosas”
El fondo responde a las críticas de los sindicatos sobre los ajustes en las nacionalizadas
Afirma que "no hay prisa ni se van a malvender" las entidades que están bajo control del Estado
EFE Economía Valencia 30 ENE 2013 - 15:01 CET
The FROB says layoffs conditions banks are "more generous"
The fund responds to criticism of unions on the settings in the nationalized
He states that "there is no hurry or they will undersell" entities that are under state control
EFE Economy Valencia 30 ENE 2013 - 15:01 CET
The CEO of the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB), Antonio Carrascosa, said today that the conditions for layoffs and early retirements in the banking sector are "more generous" than those provided labor reform.
Carrascosa, who took part today in a conference on the restructuring of the financial system, organized for five days and Banco Sabadell, has responded to criticism of CC OO FROB accused of putting "restrictions" that prevent managers entities negotiate improved conditions for dismissal.
Plans for restructuring the financial system, in his view, include conditions for layoffs and early retirements that are "more generous" than required by law to reform the labor market.
He stressed that the group of workers over 55 years is the most benefited and has insisted that the FROB "not putting any fault" but is limiting to apply the conditions agreed with the European Commission, "which are somewhat better than laying down the law at least. "
For that reason, has stressed that from the presiding body are being "generous everything" that can be, when it comes to entities that "have injected tens of billions of euros".
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